Chapter 13 - Basketball Banter

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Alanna had been doing her best to adapt to her newfound life with her brothers and Jade. Over the past week, she had gradually transformed her bedroom into a more mature space, letting go of the remnants of her childhood captivity. The walls were now adorned with posters and decorations that reflected her tastes and personality, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Her walk-in closet, once a barren space, was now filled with a variety of stylish clothes that her brothers and Jade had helped her pick out. She felt a sense of pride in choosing her own outfits and no longer had to rely on donated or hand-me-down clothes. It was a small but significant step towards reclaiming her identity.

Alanna spent her days discovering the mansion's many rooms and secret corners. She marvelled at the grandeur of the place and felt grateful for the warmth and acceptance she found within its walls. Her brothers had welcomed her into their world with open arms, and even Christian and Issac, initially reserved, had softened in her presence.

As for her physical healing, the bruise on her rib cage was gradually fading away, leaving behind only a faint discolouration. It was a testament to her resilience and the care she received from her brothers and Jade. The pain had subsided significantly, and Alanna was feeling much better.

She tried to fit into her new lifestyle by engaging in family activities, whether it was playing video games with Ian, watching movies with the triplets, or simply sitting with Santiago and Valentino during their busy work hours. She was a quick learner and adapted well to their routines, grateful for the sense of normalcy and belonging she had found.

It was a typical weekend in the Ferrari household, each family member engaged in their own activities. Ethan was huddled over his bike, tools in hand, working on some modifications. Ian, always eager to help his older brother, stood by, handing him tools when needed.

Valentino and Santiago, in the midst of a serious discussion, were in Santiago's study, their voices hushed and filled with the weight of responsibility. Christian and Issac were outside, their competitive spirits on full display as they played a spirited game of basketball on the court.

Alanna, feeling a sense of belonging and wanting to be a part of the family activities, watched her brothers' game from the front porch of the house. Her gaze shifted between the intense match and the netting that covered the court. It had a rhythmic sway to it as the wind gently played with the mesh.

After a while, Alanna decided it was time to join in the fun. She carefully walked toward the court, her presence going unnoticed as her brothers were absorbed in the game. She stood just outside the court, leaning against the fence and gently running her fingers over the netting, fascinated by the texture.

As Christian noticed Alanna standing by the fence, he dribbled the basketball to a halt and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. His tone was playful but slightly teasing as he asked her what she was doing out there and suggested she head back inside.

Alanna's expressive face immediately showed her disappointment, her lips forming a cute pout as she looked at her older brother. "Can't I join you guys?" she asked, a hint of eagerness in her voice.

Christian exchanged a glance with Issac, sharing a silent agreement. They knew Alanna had shown an interest in basketball, always watching them play from the front porch or the gazebo. Today, they decided to have a little fun and see if she was up for the challenge.

With a sly grin, Christian replied, "Well, if you think you can keep up, you can give it a try. But we won't go easy on you!"

Issac nodded in agreement, and they both returned to the court. Alanna's eyes sparkled with determination as she made her way onto the court, ready to take on the challenge her brothers had laid out for her.

As the game continued, Christian and Issac quickly realized that Alanna had some basketball skills up her sleeve. She moved gracefully on the court, her dribbling skills surprisingly good for someone who hadn't played in a while. However, they were no match for the strength and skill of her older brothers.

Time and again, Alanna attempted to shoot the ball, but Christian and Issac expertly blocked her attempts, displaying their years of experience on the court. They managed to keep her from scoring, their defence strong and effective.

After about half an hour of intense play, Alanna finally released a frustrated breath. She couldn't help but feel outnumbered and outmatched by her two older brothers. With a playful yet exasperated sigh, she plopped down onto the ground, her cheeks flushed from the exertion.

"It's not fair," she declared, pouting once more, "two against one. No wonder I can't win!"

Christian and Issac couldn't help but laugh at her comment. They'd been having fun, but they also recognized that it was a bit unbalanced. Issac reached over and ruffled Alanna's hair playfully, earning an indignant swat from her.

"Alright, alright," Christian said, reaching out a hand to help Alanna up from the ground. "We'll give you a break this time. But next time, we expect a real challenge, okay?"

She knew she was exaggerating but wanted to tease them a bit. With a playful sigh, she exclaimed, "I'm too tired to walk! You guys should carry me." Alanna, with her dramatic flair, extended both of her hands toward her brothers, grinning mischievously as she requested, "Give me a piggyback ride!"

Christian and Issac exchanged amused glances before simultaneously shaking their heads, their faces contorted in exaggerated disgust. "No way, Alanna," Christian said, feigning horror. "You're too heavy!"

Issac chimed in, "Yeah, we can't carry you. You'll just have to walk."

Alanna let out a mock disappointed sigh. "Fine, leave me here then. I'll just sit in the middle of the court forever."

As her brothers turned to leave, Alanna couldn't resist a final playful jab. "Hey, wait for me!" she called out with a grin and jumped to her feet, racing after them. The three siblings laughed together, enjoying their playful bond as they headed back toward the house.

Alanna's steps grew hesitant, and her expression shifted. Unbeknownst to her, she was experiencing something strange, and she wasn't sure how to explain it.

"Hey, did you guys hear that?" Alanna suddenly stopped and looked around, her eyes narrowing as if she were trying to focus on something only she could perceive.

Christian and Issac exchanged puzzled glances. "Hear what?" Christian asked, glancing around but hearing nothing unusual.

Alanna giggled nervously and waved her hand dismissively, her gaze still darting around. "Never mind, I must be imagining things. Let's keep going."

Christian and Issac shrugged it off, thinking Alanna was just being playful or maybe had heard something they hadn't. They continued walking, completely unaware of Alanna's internal confusion and her unexplained experiences.

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