Chapter 14 - Little Explorer's Journey

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In his dimly lit study, Santiago was hunched over his desk, surrounded by stacks of papers and an array of photographs scattered across the surface. His brows were furrowed in deep concentration as he sifted through the information he had gathered.

The room was filled with tension, and the sound of his fingers tapping on the desk was the only noise that broke the silence. Santiago had been tirelessly investigating Piero's background, hoping to find any leads that could shed light on the mystery surrounding Alanna's disappearance.

He muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice, "There has to be something, some connection we're missing."

Santiago had managed to uncover one crucial piece of information – Piero's real last name was Rossi, not Ferrari. It was a deceptive tactic used to conceal his true identity and any potential link to Alanna.

He rubbed his temples, feeling the weight of his responsibility as Alanna's guardian pressing down on him. Despite his best efforts, every lead seemed to turn into a dead end, leaving him with more questions than answers.

Santiago knew he couldn't give up. Alanna's past was shrouded in darkness, and it was his duty to bring her story to light.

Santiago had made up his mind to confront Piero Rossi face-to-face, determined to extract the truth from the man who had kept Alanna hidden for years. He needed answers. What was Piero's motive for kidnapping Alanna? Why had she been kept hidden for all these years? And what had happened to her memory?

The day before Santiago was scheduled to meet with Piero, he received a call that sent shockwaves through his already tumultuous investigation. Piero Rossi was dead, found lifeless in his cell. The police had quickly labelled it as a natural death, but Santiago wasn't so easily convinced.

As he paced back and forth in his study, frustration and anger welled up inside him. He knew that Piero's death had effectively closed one of the few doors that could have led him to the truth. It seemed like someone, somewhere, was working tirelessly to ensure that Alanna's secrets remained buried.

Santiago couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness at the thought that he might never uncover the full story. He knew he had to be patient and resourceful, searching for any cracks in the facade that might lead him to the answers he sought. Piero's death may have been a setback, but Santiago was far from giving up on his quest to uncover the mysteries of Alanna's past.

Santiago decided that he needed a break from the relentless demands of his work. Balancing the responsibilities of the family business with the ongoing quest to uncover the truth about Alanna had taken its toll on him. He decided to take a moment to relax, grabbing a cup of coffee and wandering through the house in search of a quiet spot.

As he meandered through the spacious mansion, Santiago's observant eyes caught sight of Alanna. She was seated alone in a cozy bean bag, facing the large window that overlooked the picturesque surroundings. Her hands were gently folded on her knees, and her head rested on top of them. She seemed lost in her thoughts, and Santiago couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity and concern.

Alanna and Santiago didn't often spend time together one-on-one. Their interactions typically occurred during family gatherings when everyone was present. Seeing her in this quiet, contemplative moment presented an opportunity for a different kind of connection.

Santiago approached Alanna with a gentle smile, careful not to startle her. He took a seat nearby, respecting her space but also letting her know that he was there if she wanted to talk or simply enjoy some company.

Santiago recognized that this quiet moment was a golden opportunity to check in with Alanna. He wanted to gauge how she was settling into her new life and see if she needed anything else to make her feel more at ease.

At that moment Alanna couldn't quite grasp what she was feeling or why she felt that way. It was as if a heavy cloud had settled over her, making it difficult to engage with the world around her. Her usual enthusiasm and energy had waned, and she struggled to express herself.

Santiago sensed that something was amiss. He tried to lift Alanna's spirits with his trademark charm and humour, but it seemed that nothing was working. Her quiet introspection persisted, and Santiago could tell that she needed something more to break through the emotional barrier that had descended upon her.

Santiago had tried various ways to cheer up Alanna, but it seemed that none of them had made a significant impact. It was clear that something deeper was bothering her, and Santiago was determined to help her through it.

When Santiago decided to share memories from her childhood, Santiago saw a glimmer of interest spark in Alanna's eyes. 

Santiago looked at Alanna, who was still sitting in her bean bag chair, her expression slowly becoming more relaxed as she wanted to know about the memories from their childhood. He decided to share a sweet flashback story that always brought a smile to their faces.

"Alanna," Santiago began, "do you remember the days when you were just a little over a year old?" Alanna shook her head slightly, showing her curiosity.

"Well," Santiago continued, "you were learning to walk, and you were determined to explore every nook and cranny of this big house. You waddled around, holding onto furniture, trying to find your balance."

Alanna's eyes lit up with interest as she listened to her brother's tale.

"But here's the thing," Santiago chuckled, "we, your overprotective brothers, always wanted to carry you around to keep you safe. We thought you were too small and fragile to walk on your own. And that, my dear sister, would make you very upset."

Alanna's brows furrowed as she tried to imagine herself in that situation.

"You were so stubborn," Santiago continued, "just like you are now. You'd squirm and fuss, and sometimes you'd start to cry because you wanted to walk on your own. It broke our hearts to see you upset, but we only wanted to protect you."

Santiago paused, letting the memory wash over him before he continued.

"Then, like a guardian angel, Mom would step in. She'd scoop you up and whisper soothing words in your ear. 'Let her walk, boys,' she'd say. 'She needs to explore the world around her.' And, Alanna, you would stop crying as soon as you were back on your own two feet."

Alanna was now fully engaged in the story, her eyes wide with wonder and a hint of amusement on her face.

"Mom believed in your strength, even when you were just a little toddler," Santiago concluded, "just like we believe in your strength now. You've always been a fighter, Alanna, and you'll get through whatever it is that's bothering you."

Alanna's smile had returned, and she felt a deep connection to the past. It was a beautiful memory that had rekindled a sense of warmth and belonging within her. 

As Santiago finished the heartwarming story of Alanna learning to walk, Alanna's thoughts were filled with curiosity, especially about her mother, a person she had never met and knew very little about. She was about to ask Santiago more about their mom when they were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Aunt Sarah.

Sarah's presence in the room was palpable, and her arrival shifted the atmosphere. Santiago turned his attention toward her, and Alanna looked at her with a mix of curiosity and surprise. She remembered Sarah as the woman who had been taken aback when she first saw Alanna in the house. Sarah's expression was now more composed, but there was still a hint of unease in her eyes.

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