Chapter 18 - Mysterious Encounter

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Alanna stirred in her hospital bed, her senses slowly returning to her. It had been hours since the accident during the hiking trip, and the pain in her head made her wish she could just go back to sleep. She groggily blinked her eyes, trying to adjust to the harsh hospital lighting.

As she gradually became more aware of her surroundings, she noticed Santiago sitting in a chair beside her bed, deep in conversation with the doctor. Their hushed tones didn't escape her ears, but her focus was still too fragmented to make sense of their words.

Santiago's voice became clearer as he leaned closer to her, concern etched across his face. "Hey, how you feeling, sweetheart?" he asked gently, his eyes searching hers for a response.

Alanna tried to form words, but her mouth felt heavy, and her thoughts were still muddled from the pain medication coursing through her system. She managed a weak gaze, meeting Santiago's eyes with a mixture of confusion and discomfort. Her head throbbed, and it was as if her thoughts were moving through thick fog.

Santiago reached out to brush a strand of hair from her forehead, his touch soothing. He could see her struggle to communicate, and he leaned in closer, offering her a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Alanna," he whispered. "You don't have to talk right now. Just rest and recover. We're here with you." Alanna's eyelids grew heavy again, and she allowed herself to drift back into the comforting embrace of sleep.

As Alanna lay there, drifting between consciousness and sleep, Santiago continued his conversation with the doctor, his worry etched on his face. After a few moments, the doctor turned towards Santiago, his expression a mix of concern and professional detachment.

"I've examined Alanna thoroughly," the doctor began, his tone measured. "She took quite a fall during the hiking incident. She has a head injury, a concussion, which has caused some temporary disorientation. We'll need to monitor her closely to ensure there's no further damage."

Santiago nodded, absorbing the information. He knew that concussions could be serious, and he wanted the best care for his sister. "Is there anything else we should be aware of?" he asked, his voice steady despite the worry that gnawed at him.

The doctor continued, "Aside from the concussion, Alanna has some minor cuts and bruises, but the most concerning issue is her concussion. We'll keep her here for observation and conduct regular neurological checks. With rest and time, she should recover, but we need to ensure there are no complications."

Santiago sighed in relief, thankful that the doctor didn't mention any severe injuries. He turned his gaze back to Alanna, who had closed her eyes once more, her face still showing signs of discomfort. "Thank you for your care, Doctor," Santiago said, gratitude in his voice. "Please, do everything you can to help her recover."

The doctor nodded, understanding the importance of family in times like these. "Of course, Santiago. We'll keep a close eye on her. She's in good hands."

Santiago couldn't help but feel relieved, but he was also eager to take Alanna home once she was well enough. He looked back at the doctor and asked, "When do you think she might be discharged?"

The doctor paused for a moment, considering Alanna's condition. "I can't give an exact timeline," he replied, "but I'd say we'll need to monitor her for at least a few more days. If her condition remains stable and there are no complications, we can discuss discharge then."

Santiago nodded, understanding the need for caution. He knew that Alanna's well-being was paramount, and he would do whatever it took to ensure her full recovery. "Thank you, Doctor," he said again, his gratitude genuine.

Alanna's gradual awakening marked the beginning of her swift recovery journey. Santiago had assembled a team of top-notch medical professionals to oversee her care. Although Valentino, a doctor himself, was deeply concerned, he refrained from participating in her case due to his emotional involvement.

As the days passed, Alanna's hospital room transformed into a cocoon of constant care and unwavering support. Her siblings and Jade took turns by her side, ensuring she felt safe and loved. Santiago, in particular, rarely left her room, his deep concern and love for Alanna evident in every gesture.

The medical reports were mostly reassuring, with one exception. Alanna's concussion had healed remarkably fast. She was discharged from the hospital within a week, no longer requiring its strict confines for her recovery.

However, her physical health was another matter. The doctors noted that Alanna's weight and height were below average for her age, a result of the neglect she had endured for years. Recognizing that recovery in these areas would take time, the medical team suggested a carefully monitored diet at home.

The family had been eagerly awaiting Alanna's arrival, and upon her return, they were overjoyed to have her back safe and sound. However, their initial excitement soon gave way to overwhelming protectiveness.

For the first few days, it felt like Alanna couldn't take a step without someone watching over her. Her brothers and Jade were constantly by her side, ensuring her comfort and safety. While Alanna appreciated their concern, the constant surveillance began to chafe at her independence.

As the weeks passed, Alanna's discomfort with being smothered by their attention grew. One evening, Alanna decided to take matters into her own hands. She sought out Santiago to have a candid conversation. Alanna had grown comfortable with her brothers and had started to adopt some of their traits – their strength, their determination, and their penchant for independence.

As Alanna pushed through the door to Santiago's study, she knew she had to address her brothers' overprotectiveness. Santiago, engrossed in his work, tsked at her for not knocking before entering, just like her brothers often did. Alanna sheepishly smiled and took a seat in front of him, leaning across the table to make sure she had his full attention.

"Santi, it's ridiculous," Alanna began, her tone earnest. "The boys won't leave me alone. Tell them I'm good enough on my own."

Santiago regarded her with a knowing look. "It didn't seem like you could take care of yourself when we went hiking," he gently chided. "I told you not to go alone, and you still did."

As Alanna began to defend herself, her voice trembled with frustration. "That's not true, Santi. I was only trying to help the girl. She said her friends were injured, and she needed help, but I don't know what happened after that." She frowned, her memory of the incident feeling so vivid and real.

Santiago, however, maintained a stern expression. "There was no one else up there on the hill, Alanna. I made sure of it. Now, enough of your stories. Go do something else, something useful. I'll talk to your brothers and make sure they stop bothering you."

Alanna felt a wave of confusion wash over her. She was certain she had seen a girl in distress, but Santiago's conviction made her doubt her own memory. Could she have imagined the entire encounter? Alanna desperately wanted to tell Santiago about the girl she had seen, but she feared he might think she was going crazy or making things up.

With a sigh, she nodded and reluctantly left Santiago's study. As she walked away, Alanna couldn't shake the feeling that something strange had occurred on that hill, something she couldn't explain.

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