Chapter 6 - Bridging the Gap

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The private jet descended gracefully onto the bustling tarmac of New York City, marking the end of their journey through the skies. Waiting not too far away, a group of unfamiliar faces had gathered, eager to welcome Alanna into their lives.

Hours had passed since they had taken off, and the exhaustion from the eventful day had finally caught up with Alanna. As the wheels of the jet touched the ground, she had peacefully drifted into a deep slumber in her seat, clutching her teddy bear tightly.

Santiago, seeing his young sister in such a tranquil state, couldn't bring himself to wake her. With utmost care, he lifted the sleeping girl into his arms, cradling her gently. She stirred slightly but didn't wake, seeking the warmth and safety of her older brother's embrace.

Alanna was nestled between Santiago and Jade in the car, her small form leaning against Santiago's side. The long-lost sibling had unknowingly sought comfort from him, her trust in her newfound family still fragile. Santiago understood the significance of this small gesture of trust and held her close, savouring the moment.

As they approached their grand estate, Alanna began to rouse from her slumber. Her eyes fluttered open, and she rubbed them sleepily, momentarily disoriented. Santiago gently guided her hand away from her eyes and quietly admonished her not to do it again for her own safety.

Startled by the unfamiliar surroundings and the realization that she was sitting next to Santiago, Alanna stiffened for a moment. Her wide, uncertain eyes darted around the interior of the car, trying to make sense of her surroundings. But as her gaze fell upon the approaching estate, a sense of awe and wonder overtook her initial apprehension.

The private car glided through the imposing main gate of the estate, its grandeur accentuated by the spotlights that bathed the property in an ethereal glow, despite the late hour. Alanna's wide eyes eagerly scanned the surroundings, taking in the opulence that unfolded before her.

In the sprawling estate, two meticulously designed gazebos stood like elegant sentinels, inviting quiet contemplation. A well-maintained basketball court with gleaming white lines stretched invitingly beside them, ready for hours of play. Alanna couldn't help but be drawn to the sight of the large, ornate outdoor pool, its waters shimmering in the moonlight, and a magnificent fountain at the heart of the estate that gushed with regal splendour.

Santiago, observing Alanna's unbridled enthusiasm, couldn't help but wonder why she was reacting as if she was seeing everything for the first time. It was unknown to everyone else that Alanna had no memories of her life before the age of five. This extravagant estate, with its lavish amenities and grandeur, was truly like a new world to her, and she was experiencing it with fresh eyes.

The grand mansion, which loomed before them, looked even more luxurious. Its architecture was a blend of classic and modern, a testament to the family's timeless sophistication. Alanna marvelled at the enormity of it all, her eyes aglow with childlike wonder.

As the car came to a stop in front of the mansion, Santiago exited first, leaving ample space for Alanna to follow suit. She didn't have much to retrieve from the car except for the old backpack hanging off her shoulder and the beloved teddy bear she clutched loosely in one hand. With a mixture of awe and anticipation, she took her first steps onto the grand mansion, her heart filled with both wonder and trepidation about the new life that lay ahead.

As they stepped into the grand mansion, their entrance was met with the lively echoes of a heated argument. It appeared to be a passionate dispute over a video game, the sounds of frustration and competition filling the air.

Alanna's heart raced as her ears picked up the raised voices, and she instinctively sought refuge behind Jade, using her as a shield against the unfamiliar tumult. The memories of living with Piero had left her perpetually on edge, making her flinch and grow jumpy at the slightest hint of loud noises.

In the midst of this cacophony, two of her brothers—Christian and Issac—were locked in a spirited debate about a car racing video game. The two young men were fervently defending their respective strategies and achievements in the virtual world, their voices filled with enthusiasm and rivalry.

Christian, with a mischievous grin, proclaimed, "Issac, you may have speed, but my precision and finesse on the track are unmatched."

Issac, not one to back down, retorted, "Precision doesn't count for much when you're eating my dust on every lap, Christian."

Their argument was punctuated by the sounds of virtual engines revving and tires screeching as they raced against each other in the game. It was a passionate exchange, typical of siblings engaged in a friendly competition.

In the expansive dining room of the luxurious Ferrari mansion, Santiago was on a mission to locate the two brothers whose enthusiastic argument over a video game had disrupted the tranquillity of the evening. As he made his way toward the source of the commotion, he couldn't help but shake his head in exasperation. Those two, Christian and Issac, were always finding new ways to engage in friendly rivalry.

Meanwhile, Jade, who had offered to heat up some leftovers for dinner, turned her attention to Alanna. She noticed that the young girl appeared hesitant, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Alanna, dear," Jade began gently, "would you like to join Santiago and me for dinner? We have some delicious leftovers, and it's important to keep your strength up."

Alanna, however, hesitated. Her past experiences had left her accustomed to going without food for extended periods, and the offer of dinner felt unfamiliar and almost overwhelming. In a soft-spoken voice, she declined Jade's offer with a polite, "No, thank you, Miss Jade. I'm not hungry."

Just as Jade was about to respect Alanna's wishes and proceed with her dinner preparations, Santiago returned from his mission to quiet the video game dispute. He joined Jade at the table, letting out a sigh of relief as the noise from his brothers finally subsided.

"Those two, Christian and Issac," Santiago remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice, "are going to make me age faster than I should."

As Santiago and Jade engaged in conversation, Alanna, her curiosity piqued by their discussion, timidly ventured a question. She asked, "Who are Christian and Issac? Why are they staying here?"

Santiago and Jade exchanged a glance, their expressions a mix of surprise and realization. They had assumed that Alanna would remember the siblings she had spent her first five years with. But her innocent question shattered that assumption and unveiled a painful truth—they had found Alanna, but her memories of her family had been erased, manipulated into believing that Piero was her only family.

Santiago cleared his throat, his tone gentle as he replied, "Alanna, Christian and Issac are your brothers. They're part of our family, just like you are." The weight of this revelation hung heavily in the air, and Santiago couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious circumstances that had led to Alanna's abduction and the erasure of her early memories.

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