Chapter 27 - Tangled Webs

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Alanna dove into her newfound responsibility with determination. The laundry duty, at first glance, seemed manageable. However, she soon realized the extent of it, considering the large family she was a part of. Eight people, including herself, meant a substantial amount of clothes to wash, especially in the warm summer months when everyone was changing outfits frequently.

The boys, being boys, were particularly active and carefree during the summer. They shed clothes like leaves falling off trees in autumn. Thankfully, they had an informal agreement about not wearing shirts at home, at least during the scorching heat. This rule excluded Santiago who seemed to prefer the comfort of a T-shirt.

Seeing her brothers shirtless had become a common sight in the house. At first, it had felt strange, but now, it was a mundane part of her daily life. Navigating the laundry duties became a routine for Alanna. Sorting through clothes, managing the washing machine, and hanging them out to dry became familiar tasks.

Alanna was determined to make things right with Christian. The incident with his phone weighed heavily on her, despite her brothers' reassurances. She believed that if she could fix his phone, it might mend the crack that had formed between them. However, every time Christian approached her, she found herself evading him, making up excuses to avoid a confrontation.

Her brothers noticed her avoidance tactics. Ethan, in particular, tried to reason with her. "Alanna, you don't have to avoid Christian. He understands what happened was an accident," he said one evening, catching her in the hallway.

But Alanna, her gaze fixed on the floor, shook her head. "I know, but I need to fix this. I need to make it right."

Days turned into a week, and Alanna continued her silent determination to earn the money she needed. She threw herself into the laundry chores with a fervor, hoping that somehow her effort would translate into a solution for her and Christian's strained relationship.

The week of laundry chores had finally come to an end, and Alanna was more than happy to be relieved of the task. The weight of the laundry baskets seemed to lift from her shoulders as she contemplated the freedom from the relentless routine.

In the warm afternoon light, Alanna set off to find Santiago to inquire about her wages. As she made her way through the house, she found Santiago in his bedroom. However, the atmosphere in the room was not as usual. Alanna noticed the usually vibrant and energetic Jade lying down on the bed, looking unusually pale and weak. Santiago, her elder brother, was speaking to Jade in hushed tones, his fingers gently moving strands of hair from her face as they conversed.

Concern etched Alanna's features as she approached them cautiously. "Santiago," she began, her voice soft yet filled with worry, "Is Jade alright? She doesn't look well."

Santiago glanced up, his eyes reflecting the same concern Alanna felt. "She's not feeling well," he replied, his tone gentle yet troubled.

Alanna's worry for Jade dissolved into relief as Jade assured her it was nothing serious. Still, she couldn't help but stay by Jade's side for a little while longer, making sure she was comfortable. Jade smiled weakly, appreciating Alanna's concern, and reassured her that she just needed a bit of rest.

As Alanna was about to leave, Santiago, sensing her excitement, inquired about the reason for her visit. Alanna's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, her momentary concern for Jade replaced by her eagerness to receive her first salary. Santiago reached into a cupboard in his room and handed her around 3,000 dollars, her hard-earned wages. Alanna's eyes widened with amazement at the substantial amount of money in her hands.

"Thank you, Santiago!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with gratitude. Santiago reminded her to spend the money wisely. Alanna, her excitement barely containable, playfully saluted Santiago. "Sure, Captain!" she exclaimed before dashing out of the room, her heart brimming with excitement.

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