Chapter 7 - The Ferrari Clan

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Alanna sat on a plush couch in the grand living room of Santiago's mansion, her head spinning from the whirlwind of information she had just received. Her mind was like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, and Santiago was patiently helping her put them together.

"How many more siblings do I have?" Alanna blurted out, her voice revealing the curiosity that had been building since she first learned about Christian and Issac.

Santiago chuckled softly, his stern demeanour momentarily softened. "You have seven older brothers in total, including me," he explained. "I'm the oldest, Santiago, and I'm 26 years old. I take care of our family business and everyone in this family is under my care."

Alanna nodded, trying to absorb all this newfound information. "Who's next?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Valentino," Santiago continued. "He's 24, and he's a doctor. If you ever can't reach me, you can go to him for help."

As Santiago mentioned each brother, he shared a little about their personalities and interests. He described the triplets - Christian, Issac, and Ethan, who were 18 years old. Christian had a fiery spirit, Issac was initially distant, and Ethan was the most approachable of the three.

"And last but not least," Santiago smiled, "there's Ian. He's 15 and the youngest one until now. He'll be thrilled to have someone below him in the pecking order."

The weight of all this new knowledge pressed down on Alanna, and she rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on. She still had one lingering question, one last sliver of hope.

"And... our parents?" Alanna hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper.

Santiago's expression darkened as he replied, "Our parents... they passed away a few years ago. It's a long story, and I promise I'll tell you more about it another day."

Alanna's heart sank as the reality of her situation settled in. She was surrounded by strangers, and her family's absence felt keenly. Santiago could see the mixture of emotions in her eyes and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"We're here for you now, Alanna," he said gently. "We'll take it one step at a time, and you'll never have to go through what you did before." 

In the quiet of the night, Santiago led Alanna down a softly lit hallway. He had intended to give her a tour of the house, to make her feel more at ease in this unfamiliar place, but he decided it could wait until tomorrow. Her comfort and rest were paramount now.

As they approached a door, Santiago pushed it open, revealing a room that seemed frozen in time. Alanna's eyes widened as she took in the sight. The room was adorned with pastel colours, delicate curtains framing the window, and a small bed with teddy bears and dolls neatly arranged. It was as if a five-year-old had left it and never returned.

Santiago noticed the surprise on her face and explained, "This was your room, Alanna, before... before you were taken. We decided to keep it just the way it was, in case... you ever came back."

Alanna felt a lump in her throat as she stepped into the room. Memories, fragmented and faint, flickered in her mind. She barely remembered a time when this room was hers, but the familiarity of it tugged at her heart.

"Thank you," she whispered to Santiago, a trace of gratitude in her voice.

Santiago smiled warmly. "You can change it however you like when you're ready. For now, make yourself comfortable. Good night, Alanna."

"Good night, Santiago," she replied softly.

After Santiago left, Alanna slowly sat down on the bed, her small frame nearly swallowed by the child-sized furniture. The pain in her torso had intensified with the day's events and movements. With a sigh, she lifted her T-shirt to inspect her injury, revealing the extent of the damage. It was clear that her condition was deteriorating, and there was nothing she could do but endure it.

Alone in the unfamiliar room, the shadows danced on the walls, and the soft whispers of the night seemed to echo in her ears. Alanna clutched the teddy bear tightly, squeezing it against her chest as if seeking solace in its presence. She closed her eyes, hoping that sleep would grant her respite from the pain and the unsettling surroundings.

Santiago's mind buzzed with the multitude of responsibilities that lay ahead. There were introductions to be made, schools to consider, and an entire life to rebuild for Alanna. He knew the weight of it all rested on his shoulders, and while he was more than capable, it didn't make the task any less daunting.

After checking in on his other siblings, Santiago decided it was time to retire to his own room for some much-needed rest. The day had been filled with emotional highs and lows, and he longed for a moment of respite.

When he entered his room, he found Jade in her comfortable nightdress, her focus on a nightly skincare routine. Her movements were graceful, and the soft lighting in the room gave her an ethereal glow. Santiago watched her for a moment, appreciating the serene beauty she possessed.

As Jade finished her routine, she approached Santiago with a warm smile, intending to wrap him in a loving embrace. However, a playful expression crossed her face as she playfully held her nose, teasing him about the need for a shower.

Santiago chuckled, realizing he must have looked dishevelled after a long day. With a nod, he signalled his agreement and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.

Emerging from the bathroom, Santiago felt rejuvenated, and the scent of clean soap clung to him. He joined Jade on the bed, their eyes locking in a silent understanding. The room was softly lit, casting a warm and intimate ambience around them.

Jade scooted closer, her fingers tracing a gentle path along Santiago's jawline. He leaned in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. Their kiss deepened, and they lost themselves in the soft caress of each other's lips.

Wrapped in each other's arms, they lay together, sharing whispered words of affection and dreams for the future. Santiago caressed Jade's cheek, his eyes filled with love and adoration.

As the night wore on, their conversation turned to lighter topics, and they laughed softly together, savouring the simple pleasure of being in each other's company.

Eventually, their eyelids grew heavy, and the weariness of the day began to take its toll. They nestled closer, Jade's head resting on Santiago's chest, their fingers entwined as they drifted into a peaceful slumber, finding comfort and solace in each other's embrace.

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