Chapter 8 - Alanna's Kitchen Adventure

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The soft glow of dawn began to seep through the curtains, casting a tranquil hue on the room. Santiago Ferrari had always been an early riser, a disciplined habit he'd maintained throughout his life. He stretched his muscular frame beneath the cosy sheets, careful not to disturb Jade, who was still lost in the embrace of slumber beside him.

Santiago's morning routine was a well-practised ritual, designed to invigorate both his body and mind. Silently slipping out of bed, he tiptoed across the room, making his way to the en-suite bathroom. He splashed his face with cold water, the sensation jolting him awake, before moving on to brush his teeth with methodical precision.

Downstairs, the Ferrari family's opulent mansion was cloaked in a tranquil stillness, as most of its occupants slumbered. Santiago, however, was already in motion, having resolved to complete his morning regimen before the sun graced the horizon.

The indoor gym, a part of the sprawling estate, was Santiago's sanctuary. It was equipped with state-of-the-art exercise machines, free weights, and mirrors that lined the walls, reflecting his determined image. Dressed in snug-fitting workout attire, he began with a set of rigorous stretches, each movement fluid and graceful.

Santiago's rigorous workout routine was more than just a commitment to physical fitness; it was a manifestation of his discipline and drive. He knew that maintaining peak physical condition was essential for the demanding responsibilities that came with running the Ferrari family's business empire and overseeing his six younger siblings.

As he moved through his exercises, beads of perspiration began to glisten on his forehead, highlighting the dedication he poured into each repetition. His well-defined muscles flexed and contracted with precision as he completed each set. The rhythmic thud of his heart and the steady rhythm of his breath resonated through the gym.

Finally, with his morning workout complete, Santiago felt invigorated and focused. He headed back upstairs to his room, where Jade was still sleeping peacefully. With great care, he dressed in his running attire, making as little noise as possible so as not to disturb her rest. As he laced up his running shoes, he realized it was crucial to inform Valentino about Alanna's return. Santiago knew that if Alanna woke up and needed assistance while he was out, Valentino would be the one to turn to.

Valentino had just returned home from a gruelling night shift as a doctor, his eyes heavy with fatigue. Santiago greeted him warmly, his voice carrying the weight of news that would change their lives. "Good morning, Val," Santiago began, his tone serious and measured. "There's something I need to tell you."

Valentino, still adjusting to the abrupt shift from work mode to family matters, listened intently as Santiago continued. "A few days ago, Jade and I went to Amador City," Santiago explained. "We went there to bring Alanna back."

Valentino's exhaustion seemed to evaporate in an instant. His eyes widened with surprise and curiosity as he absorbed Santiago's words. "Alanna?" he exclaimed, disbelief etched across his face. "Our sister, after all these years?"

Santiago nodded solemnly. "Yes, Val. She's back, but there's so much to tell you, and I'll fill you in on all the details when you're free. Right now, I need to get my morning run in."

With that, Santiago left the house, Val's thoughts racing behind him. Questions swirled in Valentino's mind: How had Alanna returned? What had happened to her during her absence? 

Valentino moved swiftly through the dimly lit corridor, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. Santiago's revelation about Alanna's return had left him astounded, and he needed to see for himself if this was indeed true. As he approached the door to his sister's room, he took a deep breath to steady himself.

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