Chapter 26

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The air hung heavy with tension as Alanna stuttered, trying to piece together a coherent explanation for her impulsive actions. "I... I don't know. I just... wanted to explore," she mumbled, her voice trailing off, lost in the echo of her own confusion.

Sarah's eyes, sharp and discerning, bore into Alanna's, searching for a truth that even Alanna herself couldn't quite grasp. Sensing Alanna's bewilderment, Sarah's stern expression softened slightly, though her resolve remained unyielding. "Alanna, you're still a kid. Some rooms in this house are off-limits for you. Curiosity is natural, but some places are not meant for exploration."

Alanna's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and regret. She hadn't meant to overstep the boundaries, but her curiosity had gotten the best of her. "I'm sorry," she stammered, her voice barely audible. The weight of her mistake settled heavily upon her shoulders, a reminder of her impulsive nature and the consequences that followed.

The early evening sun cast a warm, golden glow across Sarah's sprawling property. Vibrant flowers adorned the garden, their colors seemingly brighter under the fading sunlight. Alanna and Sarah, armed with gardening tools, were knee-deep in soil, tending to the blooming array of flora. The scent of earth and flowers mingled in the air, creating a serene atmosphere.

Amid the tranquility, the distant sound of the gate opening reached their ears. Three men, impeccably dressed in suits, entered the property, their purpose evident in their purposeful stride. The guard, recognizing their authority, allowed them entry. The trio made their way toward Sarah, their movements confident yet respectful. Alanna observed how they subtly bowed, a gesture that spoke volumes about Sarah's influence and the respect she commanded.

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Sarah excused herself from Alanna, her expression shifting to one of composed seriousness. Alanna, although curious, remained seated on the grass. She strained her ears, trying to catch snippets of their conversation, but their voices were carried away by the gentle evening breeze.

The atmosphere turned palpably serious as the trio of men approached Sarah. In their hands, they carried folders, papers, and files, the weight of which seemed to mirror the gravity of their discussion. The crisp sound of paper being shuffled and the occasional murmur of voices lent an air of intensity to the situation.

As Sarah received the documents, her brows furrowed in concentration. Alanna observed the subtle tension in her aunt's shoulders, the way her eyes scanned the papers with meticulous scrutiny. The men stood with a respectful yet expectant air, indicating the importance of the information they had brought.

There were moments of silence punctuated only by the rustling of papers and the occasional exchange of hushed words. Sarah's expression, usually serene, bore the weight of responsibility and decision-making. Her occasional nods, coupled with the men's attentive posture, underscored the significance of the conversation. Alanna, even at a distance, could feel the seriousness that hung in the air.

As the men departed, their departure marked by the closing gate, Sarah returned to Alanna's side. The tension that had briefly clouded her eyes now lifted, replaced by the familiar warmth that Alanna had come to associate with her. Without a word, they resumed their gardening,

In the quietude of the night, long after Alanna had succumbed to sleep, Santiago picked up his phone and dialed Sarah's number. It was a routine check, Santiago's concern for Alanna's well-being. Sarah answered with a gentle tone, assuring Santiago that Alanna was in good spirits and sound asleep. She explained that the day's activities, particularly the gardening, had left Alanna pleasantly exhausted. Santiago, appreciative of Sarah's care, thanked her before ending the call, his worry now eased by her reassurances.

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