Chapter 10 - Ian's Stories

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The study was dimly lit, with heavy drapes drawn over the windows, casting a shadowy atmosphere in the room. Dark wood furniture added to the somber ambience, and bookshelves lined with leather-bound volumes stretched from floor to ceiling, giving the space an air of scholarly authority.

Santiago sat behind a large mahogany desk, his stern expression softened by the warm glow of a desk lamp. His fingertips drummed lightly on a stack of papers before him as he spoke to Alanna, who sat across from him, her fingers fidgeting nervously.

"I hope you're settling well in, Alanna," Santiago began, his voice measured and calm, trying to ease the tension in the room. "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask one of us."

Alanna nodded silently in response, her eyes darting around the room, not quite meeting her brother's gaze.

Santiago leaned forward slightly, resting his forearms on the desk, as he continued the conversation with Alanna. His eyes, still firm but gentle, focused on her as he delved into the important matters he wanted to discuss.

"First, Alanna," he began, "let's talk about your education. I know there are only a few days left before the summer holiday, so we'll enroll you in school once the break is over." Santiago's voice conveyed his confidence in her abilities. "I'm not concerned about your grades, unlike some of your brothers," he added, a hint of a smile touching his lips, "and I'm sure you'll do well."

He paused for a moment, giving Alanna a chance to absorb the information. Santiago wanted her to know that her education was a priority, and he believed in her potential to succeed academically.

Santiago continued with the discussion of the household rules, emphasizing their importance for everyone, including Alanna. He leaned back in his chair, maintaining a serious yet caring demeanour.

"Secondly," he said, "there are some simple rules we all follow here. It's important that you understand and follow them as well." Santiago listed them off one by one, making sure Alanna grasped each point clearly.

"First, your curfew is set at 9 PM for now," Santiago explained, "but as you grow older, we'll adjust it accordingly." He wanted to give her a sense of freedom while ensuring her safety.

"Second, I want you to take care of your health," he continued, concern in his eyes. "If you're ever feeling unwell or need anything, don't hesitate to inform one of your brothers. I noticed you didn't eat much at breakfast; we don't want you skipping meals."

"Third, honesty is crucial," he said sternly. "We don't tolerate lying here. If you're caught lying, there will be consequences."

Santiago took a moment before mentioning the last point, which was more of an expectation than a rule. "Lastly," he added, "I prefer verbal answers to nods. It helps ensure that we're all paying attention and communicating clearly."

He looked at Alanna, waiting for her response to the rules and expectations he had laid out. Santiago wanted to make sure she felt informed and comfortable in her new environment.

As Santiago finished explaining the shopping trip, Alanna's thoughts drifted back to his earlier expectation of verbal answers. She remembered how he had emphasized the importance of speaking rather than nodding.

Taking a deep breath, Alanna spoke up, her voice soft but clear, "Okay, Santiago, I understand."

Santiago nodded in approval, pleased that she was starting to respond verbally. "Good," he said with a reassuring smile. 

Alanna gave a hesitant smile in return, a glimmer of trust beginning to form between her and her older brother. She may have been reserved, but she was slowly adjusting to the idea of her new family and the rules of her new home.

Alanna decided to explore the grand house Santiago had brought her to. She took a leisurely walk through the spacious halls and admired the various artworks and elegant furnishings that adorned the walls and rooms. Everything seemed so different from her previous life with Piero.

As she wandered, Alanna couldn't help but think about her siblings and how they would fit into her life. The rules Santiago had laid out for her were clear, but the dynamics of the household were still a mystery.

After about twenty minutes of exploration, she stumbled upon Ian, who was lounging upside down on a couch, engrossed in a movie playing on a large screen TV.

Alanna couldn't help but giggle at the sight of her brother, Ian, lounging upside down on the couch while watching a movie. His carefree demeanour was infectious, and the tension that had been building inside her seemed to ease in his presence.

However, when she realized she had made a sound, Alanna quickly brought her hands to her mouth, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She didn't want to draw too much attention to herself.

Ian, catching sight of Alanna's reaction, playfully motioned for her to come closer. He didn't change his position but gestured for her to join him in his unique movie-watching style.

At first, Alanna hesitated, unsure if she should indulge in such a whimsical activity. But seeing Ian's easygoing nature, she decided to give it a try. Carefully, she lowered herself onto the couch, letting her head dangle over the edge and her hair spill toward the floor. She glanced at Ian, who grinned at her, and together, they watched the movie from their upside-down perspective, sharing a rare moment of light-heartedness in the midst of all the changes in her life. 

As Alanna and Ian made their way to the kitchen for lunch, she found herself growing closer to her brother faster than she had anticipated. Perhaps it was Ian's carefree and jovial nature that made her feel comfortable around him, and she was genuinely grateful for his presence.

During their short journey, Ian began to share stories with Alanna, letting his chatter flow freely. It began with light-hearted tales of the delicious meals the chefs prepared in their home, and he joked about how irresistible their cooking was.

With a playful sniffling noise, Ian continued, "You know, Alanna, it used to be pretty lonely around here before you came back. Santiago and Valentino are always busy with their work stuff, and the triplets, well, they tend to leave me out whenever they go gallivanting. But now that you're here, things are a lot more fun."

Alanna listened intently, feeling a warmth in her heart. Despite all the unfamiliarity and uncertainty, it was moments like these that reassured her she was among family.

As Alanna and Ian continued to enjoy their lunch in the kitchen, an unexpected guest made an appearance. The person who entered the kitchen was clearly familiar with the house, and it was evident that Ian recognized her immediately.

With a friendly grin, Ian greeted her, "Hey, Aunt Sarah. Want to join us for lunch?"

Sarah, taken aback by the sight of the young girl sitting beside Ian, her head tilted slightly in confusion. She had clearly not expected to see Alanna there. In her surprise, Sarah accidentally dropped her handbag on the floor, the sound echoing through the kitchen as she tried to process the unexpected encounter.

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