Chapter 17 - Into the Unknown

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The summer break has finally started. The dining hall was cloaked in the soft, pre-dawn light, casting a tranquil atmosphere over the room. A long wooden table was set with plates of breakfast, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Santiago, the patriarch of the family, sat at the head of the table, quietly reading a newspaper as he sipped his coffee. Valentino, looking slightly dishevelled but awake, had already joined him.

Christian and Issac, on the other hand, were far from enthusiastic about the early hour. They shuffled into the room, their faces etched with grogginess and reluctance. With heavy yawns and muttered complaints, they slumped into their chairs, looking like they'd rather be in bed.

In stark contrast, Alanna entered the dining hall with boundless energy. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she chatted animatedly about the day's planned hike.

"Come on, guys! It's going to be so much fun!" Alanna exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectiously spreading through the room, despite the early hour.

Christian and Issac exchanged knowing glances and begrudgingly began to eat their breakfast, slowly waking up as they did. While they might not share Alanna's early-morning zeal, her boundless energy managed to bring a touch of excitement to the start of the day.

After their hearty breakfast, everyone dispersed to their respective rooms to prepare for the hiking trip. Jade and Santiago were in the midst of getting ready when they heard a gentle knock on the door. Alanna's voice floated in through the gap as she asked if Jade could help her with French braids for her hair.

Jade, pleased to assist her youngest sibling, welcomed Alanna into their room. Alanna was bubbling with excitement and gratitude as she sat down for Jade to work her magic on her hair. Jade skillfully wove Alanna's hair into elegant French braids, her fingers moving with expertise.

As Jade finished the braids, Alanna's face lit up with joy. "Thank you so much, Jade! I love it!"

Jade smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Alanna. You look beautiful. Now, go finish getting ready."

After getting ready, the siblings made their way to the hiking spot, travelling in three separate cars. Santiago and Jade occupied one vehicle, Valentino, Ethan, and Alanna rode in another, while Christian, Issac, and Ian shared the third car.

When they arrived at the hiking location, they all took a moment for a quick warm-up session. Santiago, the responsible older brother, gathered everyone's attention and emphasized the importance of sticking together and not venturing off alone, especially in unfamiliar terrain. To ensure their safety, they split into two groups.

Santiago, Jade, Ian, and Issac formed one team, while Valentino took the lead in the other, with Christian, Ethan, and Alanna accompanying him. The excitement was palpable as they began their hike, eager to explore the great outdoors together.

Santiago's team took the lead, moving briskly along the hiking trail, while Valentino's group lagged a bit behind. It was clear that Alanna was not accustomed to strenuous physical activities, and her limited strength slowed their progress. However, her brothers displayed patience and understanding.

Ethan noticed Alanna struggling to keep up, and he kindly offered to give her a piggyback ride until they reached the next checkpoint. Alanna gratefully accepted his offer, feeling relieved as her brothers continued to support her.

At the next checkpoint, the group took a brief rest, sipping water to stay hydrated and catching their breath before resuming their hike.

Alanna's panic surged as she realized the gravity of her situation. She desperately scanned the surroundings, but the only sounds were those of the rustling leaves and distant chirping birds. Her brothers were nowhere in sight, and the dense forest seemed to close in around her.

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