Chapter 16 - Cheeks and Chuckles

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The gazebo was a tranquil oasis within the bustling Ferrari estate. It was a warm, sunny day, and Alanna lay on her stomach, her sketchbook spread out in front of her. Her legs swung playfully in the air up and down as she concentrated on her drawing, the gentle breeze ruffling her hip-length hair, which fluttered like a dark curtain in the wind. She wished she could ask Jade to help her braid her hair one day, but for now, it remained untamed.

The gazebo itself was a charming structure, adorned with intricate wooden latticework and ivy climbing its sides. Vines draped over the railings, casting delicate shadows on the wooden floor. Sunlight filtered through the gaps in the leaves, dappling the space with a mosaic of light and shadow.

Alanna's sketchbook was filled with drawings of various scenes from the estate – the tall oak trees that bordered the property, the sprawling garden with its riot of colourful flowers, and the grandeur of the mansion itself. Her sketches were imbued with a childlike innocence and a keen sense of observation. She had a natural talent for capturing the beauty of her surroundings.

As Alanna immersed herself in her sketching, her tongue peeking out in concentration, she suddenly became aware of two new faces that had materialized before her. She slowly raised her head, her large, expressive eyes meeting the gaze of these strangers who had ventured into her serene sanctuary.

The newcomers were striking, both standing at around six feet tall, with chiselled features that hinted at youth and vitality. Their appearances were remarkably handsome, bearing a resemblance to Valentino and Santiago, her older brothers. Their dark hair was tousled by the gentle breeze, and their eyes held a certain warmth that put Alanna at ease, even in the midst of this unexpected encounter.

As one of the men playfully pinched Alanna's cheeks and remarked with a grin, "So, you're the little Ferrari, huh?" her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, turning a rosy shade of red. She felt slightly overwhelmed by the attention and looked around anxiously for the familiar faces of her brothers, hoping for some assistance in this unexpected encounter.

Relief washed over her when she spotted Christian approaching them with determined strides. As he reached the group, he swiftly intervened, shoving away the man who had pinched Alanna's cheek. His voice was laced with a protective edge as he tersely addressed the stranger, saying, "What the hell, man?"

The man who had pinched her cheeks immediately raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, a placating smile on his face. He quickly explained that he had come to meet Santiago and had just happened to encounter Alanna along the way. He assured them that he meant no harm and had only intended to say hello.

With the explanation given, both men decided it was time to continue on their way, leaving the siblings behind. Christian turned to Alanna, his irritation still evident as he asked, "What are you blushing about?"

Alanna, used to her brother's mannerisms, simply smiled and shrugged. His rough exterior didn't bother her; she knew he cared deeply for her. Instead of reacting to his irritation, she took a step closer to where he was standing and asked with wide, innocent eyes, "Who were they?"

Christian raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips as he realized Alanna's curiosity. "The one I pushed off is Carlos," he began, "and the other one is Charles. Why are you suddenly interested in them now? Should I inform Santiago about this?"

Alanna's blush deepened, but she rapidly shook her head, her hair swaying as she denied the need for her oldest brother's intervention.


As Carlos and Charles entered Santiago's study, they exchanged a knowing glance. Santiago was seated behind his desk, engrossed in some paperwork, but he looked up with a faint smile as he recognized his old friends.

"Still being overprotective over little Ferrari, it seems," Carlos remarked with a grin as they settled into chairs across from Santiago's desk.

Santiago chuckled, his eyes reflecting the camaraderie they had shared for years. "Old habits die hard," he replied. "And besides, it's not easy letting go when you've been looking out for someone for so long."

Carlos and Charles both nodded in agreement. They had indeed been part of Santiago's life for as long as they could remember, and their loyalty to him and his family ran deep. They had seen Santiago through thick and thin, and they weren't about to stop now, especially with Alanna's return adding a new layer of complexity to their lives.

Santiago leaned forward, his expression growing even more serious. "Cut the shit and tell me what have you found out," he urged, the urgency in his voice evident.

Charles began to explain the information they had gathered. "We visited Alanna's school in Amador City," he began. "They said Alanna didn't have any visible injuries when she came to school, but they did notice she looked severely malnourished, even back then. No offense, man, but the poor kid still looks like she's recovering."

Santiago nodded, acknowledging the harsh reality of Alanna's past. He felt a pang of guilt for not having found her sooner.

Charles continued, "We tracked down some of Piero's business partners, but they seemed to know nothing about Alanna. Mostly just a bunch of guys involved in various scams for money."

Santiago clenched his jaw at the frustration of hitting dead ends, but then Charles dropped a bombshell that made his heart race. "This was the most important thing, Santiago. Piero was poisoned."

Santiago's eyes widened in shock. "Poisoned?" he repeated, his mind racing with possibilities. "Do you know who might have done it? Could it be connected to Alanna's kidnapping?"

Charles shrugged, and his expression darkened. "It's hard to say at this point, but it's definitely something worth looking into. It could be a lead, Santi."  

Santiago nodded, his mind racing with the new information. "Get me a list of everyone who visited Piero in prison while he was there," he ordered, his voice resolute. "Look into anyone who seems suspicious or out of place. It might be a long shot, but it could lead us somewhere."

Carlos and Charles exchanged determined glances before Carlos spoke up, "Consider it done, Santiago. We'll get started on it right away."

Santiago leaned back in his chair, his thoughts consumed by the looming mysteries surrounding Alanna's past and Piero's death. He knew this was just the beginning of a long and challenging journey, but he was determined to uncover the truth and ensure Alanna's safety.

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