Chapter 28 - The File

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Alanna stood determinedly in the large kitchen of the Ferrari mansion, her gaze fixed on the task at hand. On top of her head rested a chef's hat, a comically serious addition to her regular outfit. She had asked the head chef for assistance in preparing a soothing soup for her sick sister, Jade.

Usually, Alanna was the one assisting Jade in the kitchen, especially when it came to baking or cooking. But today, the roles were reversed. With a genuine desire to do something special for Jade, Alanna decided to cook a simple yet nourishing meal—egg-drop soup. The head chef, a seasoned professional, stood by her side, offering guidance and expertise.

The smell of simmering broth filled the kitchen, and the sound of chopping and stirring was a constant in the atmosphere. With a newfound sense of culinary confidence, Alanna carefully cracked the eggs into a bowl and whisked them. She moved slowly, paying close attention to what the chef was telling her.

Alanna tasted the soup cautiously as it was almost done, her eyes opening wide with surprise and delight. With a nod of approval, the chef finished off the dish to intensify the flavour. Even though Alanna hadn't cooked much before, she couldn't help but be proud of the tasty meal she had made.

The soup was poured into a bowl and set on a tray with the chef's help. With a victorious grin, Alanna carried the tray containing the freshly made soup to Jade's room. Warm water in a glass was served with the steaming bowl.

In Jade's gradually recovering sanctuary, the room was dimly lit, the curtains drawn to allow a soft glow to filter through. A sense of calmness enveloped the space, thanks to the medications and lots of rest that had been aiding Jade's recovery. As Alanna entered, her eyes fell on Jade, who was deeply engrossed in a book placed on the desk.

Approaching with a warm smile, Alanna greeted her sister, and the corners of Jade's lips lifted in response. Alanna carefully carried a tray, adorned with a steaming bowl of homemade egg-drop soup and a glass of warm water, and placed it on the desk next to Jade's book.

Jade's surprise was evident as she looked from the tray to Alanna. "What's all this?" she asked, genuinely curious.

With a proud grin, Alanna explained, "I made some egg-drop soup for you. Well, the chef helped a bit, but I did most of it!" She couldn't contain her excitement at having prepared a meal for Jade, wanting to contribute to her sister's recovery in any way possible.

Jade, touched by Alanna's sweet gesture, expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Alanna. This is really thoughtful of you." She appreciated the effort put into the homemade soup, recognizing the genuine care behind the gesture.

As Jade began savouring the nourishing meal, Alanna, always brimming with energy, found a cosy spot on the floor. Seizing the opportunity, she asked for Jade's phone, an item temporarily entrusted to her care. With playful enthusiasm, Alanna immersed herself in a game while Jade enjoyed her meal.


Santiago opened the mysterious file that Alanna had found accidentally in the attic, in the calm study area furnished with antiques. The smell of old leather booksheep filled the room as Santiago carefully went through the contents of the file labelled "Alexander Ferrari."

Opening the file, Santiago anticipated seeing ordinary paperwork or maybe some old family records he had forgotten. But the stuff that was revealed inside was anything from ordinary.  The file told a story of how their father, Alexander, had become involved in a confusing mystery before his death.

As Alanna had stated, there was a lot of information regarding dead people in the documents. Santiago became even more intrigued by the materials that described the experiments that were carried out on these dead individuals. Their reaction, their biographical information, and the unusual circumstances of their deaths were described in the reports.

Despite the fact that the information was fascinating, Santiago was stuck. Although the file had a lot of information, it was missing certain vital details that would have revealed the experiments' goal. Santiago found himself with more questions than answers when it became clear that there were still more parts missing from the puzzle.

Given the confusing results, Santiago decided to ask Charles and Carlos for assistance. There was a sense of mystery and expectation in the study room as he called them. As Charles and Carlos entered the room, Santiago gestured toward the file, laying it open on the polished wooden desk. Santiago gestured toward the file, "This file has been hidden away in the attic for years until Alanna stumbled upon it. I need you both to dig deeper, find connections, and unravel the mystery within."

Charles and Carlos exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the situation. Santiago continued, "It's not just a mere collection of reports and documents. Our father was delving into something significant, something related to experiments on individuals. There are records of their reactions, personal information, and a sense that he was trying to uncover a mystery before his time ran out."

Charles voiced his thoughts, "Santiago,iI think there might be a link between this file and Alanna's disappearance. The medical details, the experiments—it's too coincidental. I believe there's a connection to the medical field. We'll investigate this further."

Carlos chimed in, "Santiago, we understand the importance of family matters, but your focus on this case is affecting your responsibilities. Your duties are getting neglected. You need to balance your priorities."

Santiago absorbed their words, contemplating the dual responsibilities tugging at him. Charles, peering over the file, added, "I agree with Carlos. We will handle the investigation and keep you updated. You should focus on your work, dude."

Santiago's patience wore thin. Frustration and stress manifested in a sudden outburst. "I know how to handle my responsibilities!" he declared sharply, his voice cutting through the room. Charles and Carlos were taken aback by the rare display of raw emotion.

Santiago abruptly stood up, pushing his chair back with force, and left the study. The door slammed shut, echoing a resonance of the turmoil within.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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