Chapter 5

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[ Zayn ]

"Thanks for tonight Dana. It's been nice seeing you again after some years.."

Dana stopped the car in front of our house then faced me with a smile. "Same here Zayn. Thanks for the company.."

I unbuckle my seatbelt and kissed Dana's cheek before sliding out of her car. She insist on driving me home since she was the one who asked me out. I waved at her till her car was now out of my sight.

I turned on my feet and headed inside the house. The door was not lock so probably Harry's still awake and waiting for me. The inside was now dark and the only source of light is coming from the kitchen. I went upstair to check on Sam first. He was already sound asleep while cuddling with his giraffe stuffed toy. I brushed some of his curls away from his face before I leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight baby.."

I glanced at the digital clock on the bedside drawer. It says it's already 10:30 in the evening. Curly, for sure, is pissed by now. I was so into the conversation that Dana and I have that the time totally slipped of my mind. And most of all, I'm feeling so guilty for lying to him but I can't just tell him that I'm with Dana right? He would totally freaked out. He doesn't like Dana and of course, I understand him. But I can't just ignore her because I still consider her as a friend. She's special to me. But not in a romantic way.

I'll just tell Harry about this some other time but not now.

When I reached our room, I saw his figure on the bed, his back facing me. Silently, I stripped down on my clothes, leaving me with only in my boxer. I carefully climbed on the bed and slid under the duvet, not wanting to wake him up from his slumber. He's tired from work. He needs rest.

I moved closer to him, wrapping my arm on his waist as I buried my face on his back. I felt him move but didn't change his position.

"Curly, you awake? Sorry I was late.." I gave his bare shoulder light kisses and goosebumps rose from his skin.

"It's okay. Go to sleep now.." his voice was raspy but cold. My brows furrowed whe his hand removed my arms from his waist before he pulled the duvet to cover his shoulder.

"Curly are you mad at me?" it almost came out as a whisper. I tapped on his shoulder but he just shrugged it off. "What's wrong? Look at me.."

I could feel my heart speeding up. Why is he acting like this? What did I do? Did he knows about Dana? No, it's impossible. But what have I done now?


"Just shut up Zayn. Let me sleep okay? I'm tired.." he said, irritated.

"Why are you angry at me? What did I do?" my voice cracked. There's something wrong. I could feel it.

This time, Harry sat up, facing me with his face blank, no signs of emotions. "What's the reason of why you're late?"

He's angry because I'm late? That's it? I don't know if it's bad or good but I was relieved. Thank God. I thought it was something big already. I cleared my throat as I prepared the speech I was memorizing earlier. I felt bad for doing this but I have to.

"I'm sorry Curly. I really am. I forgot to inform you earlier that me and my friends would have some few drinks after our dinner. I was really going to tell you but it slipped of my mind. Sorry.."

His eyes pierced into mine that I had to stop myself from fidgeting. I could feel my palm sweating as I felt really nervous right now.

"Did you have fun? Who's with you?" he asked. His eyes never leaving mine.

"We just had a few drinks. I'm with M-Mark and Paul.."

"Just the 3 of you?"

"Y-yeah. Just us."

"Okay..." Harry went back to lying down as if nothing happens, his back on me again. He's still mad I know, and whenever he's like that, I better leave him alone or he'd burst with rage.

"Goodnight Curly.."


Heavy sighed escaped my lips. It hurts when he's like this to me. Ignoring me. Well, it's my fault, I know. I must endure the pain and hopes everything turns out okay by tomorrow.

"I love you Curly.." I whispered softly.

He didn't answer though. Wether he didn't heard it because he's already asleep or he just wants to ignore me, I felt my chest tightening. I should make it up to him early in the morning.


another crappy chapter ;'P

Have you guys watched the Adventurous Adventure of One Direction part 2?? Best thing ever ^___^


anyways, thank you reading and commenting and voting and following me! Loveeeee youuuu all ;')







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