Chapter 7

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[ Harry ]

I watched Zayn leave the house after pecking a quick kiss on my lips and on Sam's cheek. When he was out of my sight, I hurriedly run upstair, putting on my sweatpants and my black beanie, then I grabbed my car keys from the drawer before I run downstair.

"Niall look for Sam okay? I'll be back soon. Thank youuuuu.." I rushed outside before Niall could even complain and ask questions. I slid inside my car, starting the engine. I'm going to follow Zayn. It's not that I don't have trust on him. I just want to be sure that he's safe while going to the coffee shop. Yeah that's it. 

I was driving really slow, trailing behind Zayn's figure. He was walking on the sidewalk with his hands shoved inside his jacket's pocket. When he reached the said bakery not far from our home, I saw Zayn stop at seems like he's waiting for someone. Who could it be?

It's been 5 minutes of waiting when I noticed a red audi stopped in front of the bakeryand the window rolled down, revealing a blonde head. It's Dana again. She waved at Zayn and Zayn quickly get inside the passenger's seat.

What the hell? He lied to my fucking face again? What's going on? Why is that girl even here anyway? Did she came back for Zayn? Is she going to take him away from me? No! I will never allow that to happen!

My mood starts to darkens with my chest tightening. I'm feeling hurt, angry.....betrayed. He could just tell me about Dana. It's not a big deal. I decided to just go back home. I'm not in the mood to follow them anymore, especially that I'm feeling like this. I want to punch Zayn, over and over again till his face bleed. I want to kill him!

"Where did you go?" Niall asked curiously when I walked in the living room. I slumped down on the couch, beside Sam who's busy watching.

"Just there.."

Niall shrugged casually as he stood up from his seat. "I need to go now Haz. Just call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Yeah, sure.."

When Niall left, we continued to watched Blues Clues. After about 3 episodes, Sam whined about his tummy making weird sounds. I baked him cupcakes, which he finished in just a minute, leaving him with chocolates and icing on his face and shirt.

"Hey buddy, let's clean you up now. Shower time!!"

Sam burst into fits of giggles before he run upstair, to the bathroom. I followed behind him, laughing at his cuteness. He makes me forget about Zayn and Dana.

When I finished my task, which almost last for a good 30 minutes because Sam keeps splashing water and bubbles all over me so in the end, I was soaking wet.

It was 4 in the afternoon when Zayn arrived. Sam is already on his bedroom, having his nap.

"Curly, I'm home!" Zayn chirped in when he enters the living room. I shot him a glance before returning my eyes on the movie I'm watching. He slumped down on my side, his head resting on my shoulder.

"What happen at the shop?" I asked. Zayn sit up straight, clearing his throat.

"I-it's just a s-simple problem. Nothing b-big. It's okay now." he stuttered. His eyes looking everywhere but me.

That's it. I'm done.

"How long are you going to continue this? I had enough of your bullshits Zayn. How many lies are you still going to tell me?" I kept my voice calm, and it's hard to control your feelings especially when all you want to do is burst out.

His eyes widen while his mouth hanged open. "W-what? What do you m-mean?"

"You know what I mean!" this time, my voice came out louder than I expected. "Why are you doing this to me?!" 

I saw him flinched and his face had this pained but guilty look on it. See?! He's guilty of something!


"Don't you dare call me Curly! I saw you with Dana last week at the bar. Then, today you're with her again. So what's up? Are you cheating on me asshole?" I can't control myself anymore. Enough is enough. I'm fucking tired of this shit. 

I stood in front of him, my fist balled into my side as I shot him daggers of glare. "Answer me for fuck's sake Zayn!"

That seem to snapped him out of his trance. He quickly lifted himself up from the couch, and moved towards me. His hand reach for my face, cupping it and forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"No. No Curly. You've got it all wrong. No I'm not cheating on you! I swear to God. No.."

I pushed him away and guilt starts to spread all over me when I saw him stumbled backwards, landing on the couch with a loud thud. His eyes were now glassy because of tears. I didn't mean it. I never meant to hurt him and make him cry. But what he's doing to me is too much.

"Believe me Harry. I never cheat on you.."

"Then why are you lying to me?!"

"It's just that I know you hate Dana so I kept it for the meantime. But I'm planning to tell it to you. Believe me Harry. Please.."

"God Zayn! You think I won't understand you if you told me that yot met Dana? You think I'm that shallow? You could've just told me. I admit I don't like her but I don't hate her! It's been a long time. It's in the past! Past is past.."

Zayn burried his face on his palms as his body starts to shake because of him sobbing. And this part broke my heart into million pieces. I don't want him to be like this. I believe him. I really do. It's just that I felt betrayed because he lied to me. I'm just afraid. Dana is her past love. What if she steal Zayn from me?

I looked down at him once again. I don't want to see him crying. I don't want to be the cause of his pain. And most of all, I really can't stay mad at him for long.

I kneel in front of him, my hands resting on his both legs. His head raised up, his bloodshot eyes meeting mine.

"Please believe me Curly. Dana is just a friend. You know that. I love you. Only you.. I swear.." his voice was hoarse from crying. Once again, I melted in those brown eyes that I love. Zayn cupped my face, his lips brushed gently against mine.  "It won't happen again. From now on, I'll tell you everything. No more secrets Curly. Always remember that I would never ever leave you. Do you trust me?"

My lips stretched in smirk. "You talked too much babe..."

"Shut up Harry. Don't ruin the moment.." Zayn glared at me playfully.

"But on the serious side, I trust you Zayn. I'm sorry that I doubted your love. I just hate lies so please never do that to me. I love you so much.." my lips captured his into a sweet passionate kiss. When we pulled apart, Zayn wiped his tear-stained face with his hands while sniffing loudly.

"God! I hate you Curly. You always makes me feel like a damned girl!"

"Shut up babe and just kiss me again.."

With a large grin on his face, Zayn obliged, leaning down again to my lips.


Ahahaha! This is just the beginning of the end ;'P

Eventhough it's crappy, I'm still excited for the next chapters. Do you know the feeling of fangirling over your own shitty story? That's what I'm feeling :D

Anyways, I just saw another picture of Perrie Edwards. She's so beautiful. I love her so much! Just sharing :D

Thank your reading my stories. Once again, I'm asking you guys to show me some love and support once again!




<3 <3 <3

Keeping You Forever [sequel to Can I Keep You?]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt