Chapter 21

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[ Zachary ]

The bars quiet packed tonight since it's Friday. Most of the groups were teenagers and young couples chilling for the night. My band were busy setting up our instruments on the stage while I sat here on the corner with a beer on my hand. I scan the room once again and my eyes quickly caught a familiar head. He looks like a total mess. His eyes were red and puffy. His clothes were crumpled and his hair is tousled in a crazy way. He kinda resembles a cave man right now. But what intrigues me the most is the sad look on his face, like he's about to burst out crying any moment. He slumped down on the chair near the stage and he's staring at nowhere in particular. His face is blank of emotion and I want to approach him and ask his problem but I think that's a bad idea. He wants to be alone, I knew it.

It's been two months since the last time I saw him and I really missed him. I don't know but there's something interesting about him, aside from his good looks of course. There's no denying that he's good looking. He's tall, six feet maybe, I'm not sure. His body is fit and lean and I had to admit, I almost drooled when I saw his abs and v-line when I took his clothes off when he fell asleep on my room. He looks adorable while sleeping that time and I had this huge urge to kiss him but I stop myself. I don't want him to be awkward with me. That night, I didn't get enough sleep cause I was just at his side, watching him sleep. I know it's creepy but can you blame me? He's an angel.

I waited for him to call me after that night but he never did. Oh yeah he texted me and told me he doesn't remember anything and after that, I lost contact with him. I tried calling him but he I can't reach him anymore. I guess he had changed his numbers. There were nights that I waited for him here in the bar but he never came. Not even once.

I do know he has a boyfriend. I saw it on his wallet before. I didn't mean to touched his things but when his wallet fell on the floor, I picked it up and curiousity hit me so I opened it and there I saw a picture of him with a handsome guy and a little boy. On the back of it is a handwriting, saying, "babe and Sam" so I conclude that it's his family. I don't know.

A tapped on my shoulder snapped me out of my trance. "Zach, man" I looked up and saw Ashton, our band's drummer, standing at my side, peering down at me. "C'mon. We'll be on in 2 minutes."


I stood up and chugged my beer one last time before I followed Ash on the stage. I positioned myself in the middle with the microphone in front of me. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Good evening everyone. Hope your enjoying the night so far. So we are The Ink and we'll be playing for all of you tonight so sit back and relax."

People cheered loud but when the band starts strumming their instrument, everything went silent. My eyes stayed on Harry who's head is buried on his two palms and his shoulder's quiet shaking. He's crying.

"Our first song, Stigmatized by The Calling."

*insert music here* :D

The whole time I'm singing, my eyes is glued on Harry. He never once raised his head up. He's just staring at the bottle of beer in front of him. Sometimes, I'd caught a glimpse of him wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. I want so badly to run to him and pull him in a comforting hug but I still have 2 songs to finish. I hope he's okay.


"Great gig tonight guys. See you again tomorrow 'kay?"

I nodded at my bandmates before picking up my bag and slung it on my shoulder. I went out of our changing room and head outside. The bar is almost empty but Harry is still on the same spot, drinking. I decided to approach him.

Keeping You Forever [sequel to Can I Keep You?]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora