Chapter 16

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[ Zayn ]

I woke up from my slumber when I felt light kisses all over my face. I heard a little voice giggling and I'm sure it's my baby. I didn't make any movements so Sam didn't stop with the kissing too.

"Daddy Zen, wake up." he whisper in my ear. I chuckled. "I'm hungry."

It's when I finally decided to open my eyes, meeting Sam's blue ones. "Good morning daddy."

"Morning baby. Do you want your breakfast now?" I asked in a hoarse voice. Sam nodded eagerly. His hair's sticking to every direction and he have some marks from sleeping.

I flung my legs down on the floor, then picked Sam up. We both went downstair.

Upon reaching the kitchen, I saw that the table is set up with plates and utensils. There's even a candle on the middle and on the stove is a pot of cold spaghetti sauce.

So this is Harry's surprise for me last night? He's so sweet.

After checking if the foods can still be eaten, I decided to heat it all then served some of it to Sam.

We were both enjoying our breakfast when Harry walks in the kitchen.

"Good morning Daddy Curly." Sam chirped from beside me. His mouth up to his chin got some red sauce dripping on it. He's really a messy eater, like Niall. I wonder if he got that from him.

"Hey big boy.." Harry smile at him then kissed his temple. His eyes then fell on me. "Good morning babe." he said in a low voice. He even pouts a little.

Why is he so cute eventhough he's so annoying sometimes? How can I stay mad at him if he's giving me those puppy eyes!

No. I shouldn't give in on him so easily. Maybe just a little, yeah?

"Morning Curly." I gave him a small smile. That would do for now.

He beamed at me then attacked my lips in a quick kiss. "I'm sorry about last night. I love you." he murmured when he pulled apart.


I can't help but laughed as Sam scrunched up his nose.

I shook my head then look at Harry again. "So this is your surprise to me last night Mr. Romantico?" I teased, lifting a single brow. Harry blush.

"Yeah but someone ignores it for some "playtime" with me."

This time, it's me who's cheeks are now tainted red. I scowl at him playfully and he smirks cockily. My eyes fell on his neck for some reason and I frown. Something is missing.

"Oi Curly, where's your necklace?"

His hand instantly raised up to touch his neck. Like me, his brows knotted together. "Umm.."

"Don't tell me you lost it?"

It was a silver necklace with an aeroplane pendant on it. I gave it to him on our 2nd anniversary.

"N-no! Of course not. It's on my drawer. I removed it last night."


"Yeah. I'll wear it again later." he said, avoiding my eyes. He continue eating. He better not lose it or I'll rip his head off, I swear. It's my first gift to him so he must take care of it.

After a relaxing shower, I quickly changed and prepare for work.

"Hey babe. You left your phone on my room last night. Here.." Harry handed me the device when we were at his car. I shoved it down on my pocket.

We're now on our way to Liam's where we would drop Sam off. When we reached his house, Harry parked the car outside then starts unbuckling his and Sam's seatbelt. Then he scooped him up on his arms.

"Wait for me here. I'll just bring Sam inside."

"Okay. Bye baby. See you later."

Sam blew me kisses and I pretend to catch it causing him to giggle. "Bye bye daddy!"

When they were gone, Harry's phone beep. I picked it up and saw a new text message.

Should I open it? Of course.

I pressed the button and read the message. It's from Zachary? Who's that? Unfamiliar name. I don't remember Harry having a friend with the name Zachary.

[ Hey sexy, you forgot something here. Guess what? ]


Without second thought, I typed in a reply.

Me: What is it?

Zach: Your necklace. You left it in my room.

Me: Your room? Why would I be in your room?

Zach: You don't remember anything? Hangover much?

Me: I guess so?

Zach: Aww that sucks.

I was typing another reply when I saw Harry coming. I quickly hide the phone on my satchel.

"Let's go?" he asked.



"Why did you change your mind? Why aren't you coming with us?" Michael asked.

My brows knotted in confusion as I stared at him. As soon as I stepped foot on the building, he went to me and called me to his office to talk. And right now, our conversation confuse the hell out of me. I don't understand what he's talking about.

"What? Sorry sir but I have no idea on what you're talking about."

Michael put his elbows on top on the table and clasped his hands together. "I called you last night but you weren't answering so I sent you a message instead. Then you replied to me that you won't be coming with us anymore. So now I'm asking you, why?"

What? What is he talking about? I didn't text him anything because I left my phone on......wait.

"Sir, can I see the text I sent you? Do you still have it?"

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