Chapter 15

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[ Zayn ]

Moments like this are the one you wish to never end. Just me and Harry, lying beside each other, holding each other close. It's blissful.

Part of me doesn't want to ruin it because of the news but I had to. He needs to know.

My life is so fucked up seriously.

Harry pulled me closer, his nose nuzzling on my neck as his hand strokes my chest down to my stomach. We're both naked since we've just finished making love to each other and the duvet is the only thing that covers our lower halfs.

"Babe are you hungry?" he asked, his hot breath tickling my skin.

"No. Not yet."

"Okay." he kept pecking small kisses on my neck and shoulder. "So how's work?"

I felt all colours on my face draining and my heart starts to speed up. This is it.

Harry probably heard it because he leaned up with his elbow supporting his weight. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I have something to tell you Curly."

Sitting up, I turned to face him. He lifted a brow and gave me a curious look. "Yeah? What is it?"

How should I start this? Damn it's hard.

I swallowed thickly then clear my throat. "My boss announced earlier that we're doing a project with Tyra Banks. You know her?"

He nodded. "That famous model?"

"Yeah she is."

"Wow. That's one big project if you'd all be working with her. She's a big name in modelling." Harry beamed. He looks so proud. This should be good.

"I know. And my boss said that I'm gonna be a part of the assigned team."

"Really? I'm happy for you babe!" he pull me in a quick hug. "When is it happening?"

Okay. Inhale. Exhale. Breath Zayn.

"Next week."

Harry grinned. It's not the reaction I'm expecting from him but I don't want to push my hopes up. I'll have to wait till he knows all the details.

"I'm proud of you babe although it's sad that I won't be seeing a lot of you starting next week."

"There's more Curly."

My palm starts sweating and the beat of my heart starts to hurt my chest, for real. A lump formed in my throat, making it difficult for me to speak up. I shouldn't falter now. This has to be done. And I really want this opportunity.


"It requires us to go to other place."

I saw his brows knotted. He looks confuse too. "What do you mean?"

"I-it's going...we're going to New Zealand and we're staying there for 1 and a half month."

Harry didn't speak. He just stared at me with a blank expression on his face. I wonder what's on his mind.


"You're not going."

"Excuse me?"

"I said you---"

"I heard what you said!" I snapped at him. "What do you mean I'm not going?"

"You heard it. I won't allow you." he said flatly.

"Well guess what, that's not for you to decide."

I climbed out of the bed and picked up my clothes on the floor, putting them on.

"You're still not going."

I think something snapped at me and my anger now raging up. How dare he!

"You can't control my life!" I glare at him and he glared back.

"You mean you're going with them?! What the fuck? It's so far! You'll leave me and Sam here?!"

"It's just for a month! I'd call every hours if you want!"


I pinched the bridge of my nose and inhaled deeply. He's going to be difficult isn't he?

"I thought you said you're going to support me huh?"

"Yes but not this one."

I gave him a blank look. I don't want to argue with him right now. I'm tired.

I turn my back on him and leave. As much as I want to slam the door, I refrained myself for it'll wake Sam up. I went to my baby's room and lie beside him on the bed.

I'd sleep here than to see Harry's face.

Fucking annoying idiot.


[ Harry ]

I messed up things again haven't I? But can you blame me? New Zealand? I don't even know where the hell is that place. No way he'll go to that place.

What if he met someone there then he decided to leave me? Hell no.

I lie again on my bed when my phone starts ringing.

Where's that thing?

I lifted up the pillow and saw it's not my phone. It's Zayns.

I picked it up and look at the screen. Sir Michael? Maybe he's boss.

I let the phone ring till it finally stop. I stared at it for a while when it lights up because of a new message.

Without second thought, I open it up. It's from that sir Michael again.

[ Zayn, the schedule is changed. We'll all be flying the day after tomorrow so be prepare. ]

The day after tomorrow? That's on Thursday right? This coming Thursday?!

I need to do something.

Pressing the reply button, I quickly type in a long text then send it.

There you go.

With a contented smile, I put the phone back under the pillow but not after deleting the messages.

I hope everything's good by tomorrow.


short and crappy =_=

the next chapter is finally the start of their end :D


Keeping You Forever [sequel to Can I Keep You?]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora