Chapter 13

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[ Zayn ]

Where is he? He didn't came home last night and I don't have any idea on where he might be right at this moment. I even called our friends already and they don't know where Harry is either. Niall and Liam told me he's with them last night but he disappeared without informing them. I tried to call him too but his phone is off.

I'm starting to get worried and at the same time, I'm feeling scared. What if he left me already because of what happen to us the last time?

No. I know him. He wouldn't do that to me. He'd tell me if he wants to break up right?

Shit! Where are you Harry?!

I didn't know that he went out last night because I fell asleep while crying. But wait, I think I heard someone calling my name. Could that be Harry? Did he think that I hate him? Oh fuck! What should I do now?

"Zayn could you please sit down? I can't focus on what I'm reading because you keep pacing back and forth in front of me." Dana hissed, scowling at me. I dropped myself down on the chair beside her and rest my forehead on the cool metal table. I sighed heavily.

When I woke up this morning, I quickly check Harry's room and found it empty. The bed is fixed but it's obvious that it's not used last night. After dropping Sam to Louis, that's when I start calling everyone.

Now even here at work, I can't focus. I'm so worried! Hell.

Where did he slept? Who's with him? Has he eaten dinner? Did he get drunk last? What if he hooked up with some----


My back straightened up upon hearing Dana's squeal. "Why? W-what?"

"What is your problem? You keep bumping your head on the table over and over again? Are you insane?"

"Sorry. I'm just thinking of Harry. He didn't came home last night. What if something bad happens to him? What if his on the hos---"

"Shut up." Dana rolled her eyes. "You're over reacting. And incase you've forgotten, Harry is not a child. He's like 24 or what? He can take care of himself."

"But what if---"

"Zayn? Please shut up. Maybe he just want some space and time since his stupid brain is not working properly." she smirks.

I shot her a glare but she ignores me and turn her attention back to the magazine she's reading.

Maybe Dana's right. Maybe Harry wants some time alone. I know him. If he's ready to talk, he'll come to me. Yeah that's how he is.

The door to the studio burst open amd Michael walks in with a tall guy in a hoodie behind him. When Michael saw us, he smile. "Good thing you're here Zayn. I want to talk to you."

"Yeah? What about Sir?" I stood up and face them. Dana stopped reading and looks at us curiously.

"This is Luke." Michael put an arm around the guy's shoulder and lead him in front of us. "He is the newest addition to our models and I want the two of you to be partners since you're both newbies. You could help each other in learning new things."

I studied the guy appearance. I think based on his face, he's only 17 or 18, but his body is fit. He has nose piercing and a lip ring which gave him a bad boy look. And his hair has some blue dyed on the front. His eyes where so blue.

He's good-looking to be exact. Perfect to be a model.

Someone cleared his throat and I blinked. Luke is staring at me with amused eyes and a smirk on his lip. He caught me checking him out!

"I'm Luke Brooks. Nice to meet you Zayn." the boy extend his hand and I shook it.

"Same here mate." I said. His grip was tight, then he gave my hand a squeeze before letting it go. And what amused me is he winked at me.

Oh...kay. Is he gay or what?

"One more thing guys." Michael clapped his hand two times and his voice a little bit loud, enough to catch everyones attention. "We are doing a photoshoot for our next project and it would be on New Zealand. We're going to work with Tyra Banks."

Everyone including all the other photographers, models and staffs cheeres so loudly.

Wow. New Zealand. I've never been there before and it was one of the places that I want to go. And Tyra? The Tyra Banks? Just wow!

"But sadly, I'll just take 3 photographers and 7 of my models there."

Some groaned, some cheered more loudly so Michael had to calm them down first before he continues.

"As I was saying, 7 models. So it would be you Alice, Sofie, Alexandra, Georgia, Carl, Luke and of course Dana."

The girls giggles except Dana who just smiled. She has been on different places so it's not a real big deal for her anymore. But for me, this is something new. Something big. And I want this. I want to travel to places and meet new people. This is also a great opportunity to master my photography skills.

But there's gonna be one problem. Harry. He wouldn't be happy about this for sure. We're still in a fight now so I still have to patch things up with him first. And I'm sure Michael wouldn't choose me too because I'm just new in here.

"......and Zayn."

I blinked. "Huh?"

Dana was grinning at me and I noticed everyone's attention were on me. "W-why?"

Michael chuckled. "I said you'd come with us in New Zealand."


"Yes you."

"Okay Sir." he patted my shoulder while smiling.

"This is a good opportunity for you and it may be considered as your training too."

"How long are we staying there Sir?"

His eyes narrowed and seems to be thinking. "I think we'll be staying for 1 and a half month. Or more maybe. We'll be leaving the day after afternoon."

I felt a lump formed in my throat and it was hard for me to speak so I just nodded.

"That's all for now. You can all go back to work now." Michael waves befor he exited the room with Luke.

I'm going to New Zealand?

What shall I do now?



I need comments and feedbacks O_o


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