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a/n: This chapter feels rushed and it's not edited so there's gonna be some mistakes,  please bear with it. I'll just edit....later? :D

Watch out for the changes in POV so you won't be confused. ;)


[ Zayn ]

It's been days since the last time I've seen Harry. The last time he called and the last time he texted me.

Two weeks to be exact.

I'm getting really worried about him. The last time I saw him is when he brought Sam here. It's also the last time I received a text from him. I don't know if he manage to talk to Zach.

What happened to him? I tried calling him a lot of times but it all went to his voicemail. He never answered back. Not once. I even called Niall and the others but none of them knows where Harry is.

That fucking idiot!

"Good morning daddy Zen." Sam chirped. He's standing at the doorway of my room, rubbing his eyes and yawning widely. "Is daddy Curly home now?"

This is one of my problems regarding Harry. Sam is starting to look for Harry and I'm running out of alibis to tell. Good thing that he's been staying at the kindergarten during the day so he never thinks of Harry. Night times are the hardest though because that's when he cried for Curly. I would cuddle him just to get him to sleep.

"Hi baby. Do you want your breakfast now?" I asked avoiding his question and to divert his attention too. It works because he nods.

We went to the kitchen where Luke is already munching on some toast. He's been staying here for days now because he's been hiding to this girl from his neighborhood who keeps stalking him.

"Morning guys." he greeted with his mouth full. Pig.

I pick Sam and place him on the chair beside Luke. "What do you want baby? Cereal? Toast? Eggs?"

His cute face scrunch up, his lips pouting a little. He appears to be thinking before he beamed at me. "Cereal daddy."

I chuckle at how cute he is. "Okay. Coming up."

Once I'm done preparing my baby's food and gave it to him, he start munching on it messily. I swear he got that habit from Luke and Niall. "Sam chew your food properly."

I slumped down beside Sam, pulling my phone out to check if Harry finally called.

"Still no call or text?" Luke asked, shooting me a glance. I nods. "Maybe he's having a hard time and needed some more time for himself."

I know that. Zach is probably hurting right now and Harry is taking all the blame. Zach has always been his rock during his rough times but because of me, he had to leave him. I know I don't deserved Harry back in my life but I just can't let him go again. I can't lose him. I want us to start a new life. Me, him and Sam.

I just have to wait for him to come back.

[ Harry ]

"I love you so much Harry. I'll missed you."

Zach's last words to me kept playing and playing in my head. Everytime I close my eyes, all the things he said keeps coming back and it breaks my heart . The pain on his voice is so clear and I hate myself because I'm the one who cause him that. I'm breaking up with him yet all he cares about is my happiness. He's the most selfless guy I've known and I hope he finds true love with the right guy.

That night at the restaurant, when I open my eyes after counting 1 to 10 like what Zach said, he's already gone. All that's left is an empty chair across me. No Zachary.

He choose to left me while I'm not looking so I won't see him hurting. After that night, I tried reaching him but I think he already changed his number. I even went to the bar he's working but his bandmates told me that Zach was not there. I feel like a horrible person this past few days. Guilt is eating me up and I know I can't show myself to Zayn while I'm in this kind of state. Just a little more time and I think i'll be ready. Zach wants me to be happy and I think that's what I should do.


[ Zayn ]

31 days. 4 weeks. 1 month.

One friggin month and still, no Harry. I'm still here, waiting and expecting for him to walks in the door every single day that passed. I know he'll come back to me. To us.

Today is another Saturday without Harry but life must go on. Liam called last night, informing me that there's gonna be a small party today at his house but he didn't tell me the exact occasion. He remind me to bring Sam with me so here I am, dressing up my little boy.

"Daddy where are we going?" Sam asked while I buttoned up his plaid polo.

"We are going to Uncle Liam."  I smile at him. "There's gonna be a party there." His face lit up with excitement at the mention of party. I ran a hand on his curly mops, styling it neatly.

"There will be balloons and hotdogs and cakes and ice creams?" he asked bouncing up and down. I chuckle.

"I don't know baby but I'm sure there's a lot of foods in there." Sam nodded with wide happy eyes. I pinched his cheeks playfully, making him giggle. "Let's go now."


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