Chapter 12

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[ Harry ]

I arrived at the bar after 15 minutes of driving. The relaxing ambience welcomes me as soon as I enter and it lightens my mood in an instant. I received a text from Niall minutes ago saying they'd be late so I decided to get myself 2 beers then look for a seat while I wait for them. I found one near the stage where a band is playing a love song.

My eyes roamed around. The bar's not pack but it's not empty too. There's some group of teengagers probably chilling out. My gaze landed on the corner of the room where a familiar pair of brown eyes met mine. The guy smile at me and I found myself smiling back. I remember him. He's the same guy I bumped into the last time I was here. So, he still remembers huh.

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I looked up to see Niall. "Hey mate."

"You're late." I scowl at him.

He shrugged casually, slumping on the stool beside me. I saw Liam is coming too with Dani behind him.

"Hey Haz." he nodded while Danielle waved at me.

"I didn't know Dani would come too?"

"Don't you want me here Harry?" she pouts, sticking her bottom lips out.

"Pssh. Of course not. The more, the merrier." I grinned and Danielle chuckled.

"Where's Zayn by the way?" she asked all of a sudden.

I shrugged casually. "At home."

"Oh." is all she answered.

Liam stood up from his sit, tugging Dani along. "We'll just get more drinks."

Those two are inseparable. They should get married soon since they were together now for so long. And they're crazy about each other.

When they were out of our sight, Niall leaned forwards to me. "Are you and Zayn still in a fight?"


"You know it's your fault so you should be the one who must apologise." he flicked my nose so hard that I yelped in pain.

"Ow! That hurts!  And it's not my fault!"

"Yes it is."

I snorts. Eversince I told Niall everything, he kept blaming me, calling me selfish, idiot, jerk, etc. etc.

Is it really my fault?

"You must understand him Haz. He's just going after his dreams. You should be happy and proud with that, idiot."

I put my elbow on the table, my chin rested on my palm. "But he's mad at me now."

"What do you expect?" Niall spat.

"What should I do?" I retorted back.

Niall scrunched his nose up. A habit he does whenever he's thinking of something. I waited for him to speak while chugging on my liquior.

"I have no idea Haz."

"Thank you Niall. You're very helpful." I gave him a flat look and he burst out laughing.

Maybe I really should go apologise to Zayn. I admit I'm not thinking straight these past few days. I'm just really scared and I want to protect him. I want him to be at my side always. Maybe I should really accept the fact that eventually, Zayn would do something that he likes and I must support him. That's what you do for the person you love right? You support him all the way?

I think I now have an idea on how can I make it up to him.


Two hours passed and I think I'm tipsy now. The alcohol is starting to have an effect on me and I really should stop now or else I wouldn't be able to drive myself home. I looked around and realized that I'm now alone at our table. I searched the crowd and I saw Liam and Dani on the dance floor, swaying to the slow music that is playing. Niall on the other hand is at the corner, making out with a brunette chick. Same old Niall. Still a flirt wether it's a boy or a girl.

I shook my head and drink the last drop of my beer before standing up. I felt my surroundings starts to spin. Woah! Did I drink a lot? Even I am is not sure either. I should go now and i'll just text Ni and Li that I'm heading home.

I start taking steps and I could feel that I'm swaying a little. This is not good. Maybe I should rest first in my car.

As I exited the club, I shiver at the cold wind that welcomes me. Closing my eyes, I let the wind hits my skin because it makes me relax. But when I opened my eyes again, my sight turns blur and my stomach suddenly felt bad. I feel sick. I think I'm fainting.

Two strong arms goes around my waist gently to stop me from falling on the ground. I looked at him from my shoulder and saw the same guy earlier. He's looking at me with a concern face. "Are you okay?"

"I feel sick. My stomach.....uggh.." my hands quickly clamped on my mouth. Shit! I'm going to throw up. I could feel it.

The guy leads me on the darker side of the bar. "The toilet is inside and it seems you can't hold it anymore so you could just puke here. Go on. It'll make you feel better."

I nodded in agreement and do what I had to do. He rubs my back gently while I pukes my insides out. I was an embarrassing sight to the guy but I really can't control it now. My stomach hurts, especially my throat as I kept releasing all the drinks I've taken and the sour smell is really unpleasant to my nose.

The guy keeps stroking my back gently till I'm finally done. I straightened up, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Sorry you had to see that."

He shook his head and smile. I notice he has a nice smile and he looks familiar. "How did you drink really?" he asked amuse.

"I don't know. Just a little. I have to go now." I took a step and my mind blacked out for a second once again which cause me to stumble but luckily, the guy is quick to catch me.

"Woah! Here let me help you." his arm snaked around my waist before he guide me to my car. "Where's your key?"


"Which one?"

"I don't know." I groaned. My eyes were so heavy and starting to droop down. I feel so sleepy.

I felt a hand inspecting my pocket and the warmth that it cause makes me shiver. "There. Got it!"

I heard a beeping sound, then my body being pushed gently inside the car. I leaned back, resting my head on the seat. Finally, I can doze off now.

Before everything turns black, I think I heard someone says..

"Hey don't sleep on me!"

Pfft. Whatever.



How are u my beloved readers and followers ;)

sorry it took so long to update but here it is now. Please send me some love and feedbacks. It's much appreciated ;)


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