Chapter 20

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[ Harry ]

Oh God he's here. It's Zayn right? It's really him. If I just know that he'd be here, I would've dressed nicely and didn't have some drinks at home. I bet I stink of alcohol right now.

Words were trapped on my throat and I don't know what to say to him. Luckily, my friends saved me from the awkwardness.

"Haz how are you man?"

"Harry where the fuck have you been?!"

"You idiot, we missed you!"

Those were some of the words they shouted before each of them enveloped me in a tight hug.

"Geez boys calm down. I'm still alive you know." I joke, flashing them a grin. They smacked my head before they all went back on their seats. I turn to Liam and greet him. "Happy birthday Li!"

He smile and nodded. "Glad that you came Haz."

Niall tugged on my arm and pulled me down to the chair beside him. "I thought you weren't coming?" he hissed near my ear.

I shrugged. "It's Liam's birthday. I wouldn't dare miss it." I hissed back and he glared at me. I scowl at him. "What?"

"Look at you. You look like a mess and you even stink."

"I didn't know Zayn was here. If I did, I would've dress presentable."

"No need. He doesn't even care you know."

I glanced at Zayn's direction and Niall is right. He really doesn't seem to care about my presence. There he was, sitting between Dana and a guy I didn't know and he didn't look familiar either, and they were laughing at something that Dana is saying.

I still can't believe it. He's really here. Right in front of me. He even looks so good now. More handsome than ever and that familiar smile he had right now makes my knees so weak. I'm glad that I'm already sitting or else I'll be a jelly on the floor.

Those two months that he's gone, I almost die. His memory kills me everytime especially at night when I lie on my bed with an empty space beside me where he used to occupied. I missed his body that gave me warmth when I'm feeling cold. His eyes, his face, his laugh, his voice, his touch and his kisses. I miss everything about him. I miss my Zayn.

Zayn turn his head and our eyes met. Green to Brown.

He's still perfect as always.

I gave him a small smile but he didn't return it. His face is blank and his eyes held no emotions at all. Obviously, he's not happy to see me. Did he really throw away everything about us? About me?

"Let's eat!" Danielle announced and Zayn tore his gaze away from me. I saw Liam shot me a sad smile.

Dinner was going fine. Everyone's talking with each other while I just stared at Zayn most of the time. He may caught me looking but he'd just looked away which honestly hurts me so much. It feels like he doesn't know me anymore.

"Hey Josh, could you pass me the pasta?" Zayn called to Josh who's sitting beside me. Before Josh could even reach the bowl, I'm quick to move and picked it up. I got up from my seat and went to stood beside Zayn. I put pasta on his plate, making sure to put a lot of cheese on top after because I know he loves it. I even refill his glass with lemonade. I was about to pick up the garlic bread when Zayn grabbed my wrist. I glance down at him and he shook he's head. "Stop. I can do it on my own." he said in a flat tone. I nodded and went back to my seat, my chest tightening. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. The room stay quiet and it's really uncomfortable to be honest.

Keeping You Forever [sequel to Can I Keep You?]Where stories live. Discover now