Chapter 8

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[ Zayn ]

"He what?!"

I winced as my ears hurt because of Dana's high pitch voice. We're here at the coffee shop having some snacks and tea. She passed by earlier and decided to stay for a while since she has no photoshoots for today. Some of the costumers recognized her and asked for some autographs and pictures. Dana has established her name in the modelling industry and I'm really happy for her. She told me before that she never got back with Luke eversince they divorce. Well, she didn't deserve a guy like that. He's a dick. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

"Did he really think you're cheating on him? He's stupid. Just like his hair.." Dana kept rambling as she sips on her ice tea. "But I had to admit that he's hot.."

I glared at her but she just stuck her tongue out and I rolled my eyes at her.

"It's my fault anyway. I lied to him. I know he hates secrets. But I never thought he'd burst with rage when he found out.."

"I should knock some sense on his stupid face.." Dana scrunched her nose up. I chuckled. She changed a lot. But in a better way. Inside and out. Her bubbly personality has finally came back unlike before that she always pulled a fake her just to impress Luke. Luckily, that dork is out of the scene now.

Dana's phone started ringing. "Wait up Zaynee. I'll just take this.." I nodded, watching her went outside to take the call. My own phone vibrated from my pocket seconds later. I fished it out to see Harry has texted me.

[ Hi babe. I love you xx ]

I never realized that I'm smiling for that long till my jaw hurts. I'm just happy that we managed to fixed the misunderstanding that we had. I can't afford to lose Harry just because I'm a pathetic liar. I promised him that it won't happen again, ever. And I intend to keep it.

Dana came back shortly with a scowl on her cute face. She slumped on her seat and took a big bite on her cookie.

"What happen?"

"They asked me to go to the studio for an emergency meeting. So annoying.." she groaned.

"So you're leaving now?"

She sighed heavily. Obviously, she's irritated. "Yeah. I guess so.." her face suddenly lit up. "Could you come with me Zaynee?"

My brows furrowed. "Why?"

Dana shrugged casually as she flipped her hair. "For my company. Then after that let's go to the mall. I'll buy something for your baby boy.."



"Where's Michael?" Dana scowl at a fat guy when we arrived at the studio. I texted Harry while we're on the way that i'll just accompany Dana. Since our fight, Harry became more possesive and protective. Then he called back in return and growled at me but still, he agreed when I promised to make it up to him tonight. He's such a pervert.

"Just wait for him at his studio. He's just talking to someone." I heard the guy answered calmly.

"Whatever.." Dana rolled her eyes at him and continue walking. I shot the guy an apologetic smile and he smiled back.

We entered a room full of lights, cameras and some racks of clothes and costumes at the side.

"I can't believe this. I'm supposedly in my day off. Stupid Michael."

"Don't frown. You'll get wrinkles.." I teased and she stuck her tongue out at me in a childish way. It's been 30 minutes since we arrived but that guy Michael hasn't come yet. Dana is starting to get really annoyed. She hates late.

"Where is that guy?! Ugh.." she lifted herself from the couch and went to the racks of costumes. "Hey Zaynee, you know how to use camera right?"

I nodded. I used to take photos of Dana back when we were in college. It's used to be my hobby and passion.

"Good. I'm going to change into this.." she lifted a sexy blue gown while grinning. "Take pictures of me with this. I really want to try this one.."

"Sure go ahead.."

She squealed like a child as she run to the changing room. When she returned, she's wearing the gown and it really look good on her. She's like a goddess. She posed on the stage with a beach background. I took a photo of her, feeling like a professional. I used to dream before that I could travel the world and took pictures of the beautiful sceneries I'd see. What happen to my dream?

"What's happening here?" a deep voice spoke and both our heads whipped at the door. A tall, muscular guy is standing at the doorway, looking at us curiously.

"Atlast Michael! My God! I've been waiting for like an hour. You know I hate late.." Dana took a stepped towards the guy wih her hands on her waist while glaring. I slowly backed away from the camera. I hope the guy doesn't get mad that I touched his things without his permission.

"I'm sorry. I was stucked in a meeting. Anyway, who's that?" Michael nodded towards my direction.

"He's my friend. We were just practicing some poses for the photoshoot since he knows how to operate the camera.." Dana walked back, slumping down on the couch.

The guy, Michael, walks towards the camera and scanned through all the photos that I've taken. I could see his eyes widen, his brows raising and his lips twitching upward into a smile. When he's done, he turned to face me with a genuine smile. "Are you a photographer?"

"N-no sir.." Oopps. I'm stuttering. I was just feeling embarrassed of being caught.

Michael looks surprised. "Really?" I nodded slowly. "You're pictures are really good. It looks like it's taken by a professional."

"Y-you think so?" I felt my heart speeding up with overwhelmed. It feels amazing to be praised by the work you did even if it's not intended.

"Yes." Michael grinned at me. "Wait, do you, by any chance want to be a part of our team? I'm really looking for a new assistant photographer since the last one just vanished. That idiot. Anyway, are you interested? I could train you."

Wow. This time, my lips stretched into a wide grin. Dana mirrored my action and I could feel the excitement bubbling from inside of me. This is something new that maybe I could explore.

"S-Sure! It's a pleasure to be working with you if ever sir."

"Very well. I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded once again.

WOW. Just wow. Could this be the thing that I'm waiting for so long? The opportunity that may change my life? I'm gonna found out soon!

Can't wait to tell Harry about this. He'd be so happy.


A very random chapter. I dont know where did it came from.. lololololol  :)))))))

do you think Harry might like the good news????? ummmmm... O_O

pic of Dana in the blue gown :))))))




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