Chapter 17

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[ Harry ]

"Love is not enough Harry. It's not enough."

I think I was just shot, straight into my heart. The pains unexplainable and too much that right now, I can't feel anything. I open my mouth but no words comes out.

What does he mean by that? Is he really leaving me for real?

"Goodbye Harry." Zayn's voice is cold as an ice. He shot me a blank look before making his way towards the door, his shoulder bumping on mine.

Goodbye? What the hell does that mean?

I want to run after him but I can't feel my own body. But what startled me the most is the next word that came out of his mouth.

"I'm taking Sam with me."

This is the time that every parts of me died. Even my heart stops beating. Everything crashed down. Zayn's gone. Sam is next.

How am I supposed to live without them now? I can't. I'll die.

No. I won't allow this. He's not taking my son with him.

Finally, with all the strength left to me, I managed to move my feet and run after Zayn. I even stumbled forward and fell on my knees but that didn't stop me to run. Unfortunately, Zayn's nowhere in sight but I could still see the taxi he's in. It's now driving far from me.

He's going to Liam. I had to stop him.


"Zayn what's going on?"

It's Liam's voice. It's the first thing that I heard as soon as I stepped inside their house. Zayn was there, picking Sam's toys that's on the floor.

"I'm leaving Harry and i'll bring Sam with me." Zayn said bluntly. When he's done, he took Sam from Liam's arms.

"What? Are you crazy?!" Danielle shrieked. Zayn shot her a flat look.

"No. Actually, my sanity is back that's why I'm leaving him."

"But why?"

"I can't take it anymore. I done with all his bullshits."

That hurt more than anything. Hearing it from your love's own mouth. After all those years, he's willing to throw everything just because I made one mistake. This is absurd.

"But Z---"

"Fine." I finally speak, cutting Dani off. I moved towards them, facing Zayn. His hold on Sam's body tighten. "You want to leave me? Us? Fine. Go. But don't you dare bring Sam with you!"

"He's also my son!" Zayn shouted back.

"I don't give a fuck! He's mine!"

I saw Liam and Dani flinched at my loud voice that even me doesn't recognize it all. It's full of angst, hurt, pain and pleading?

I understand that he hates me now. I hurt him accidentally but why is he doing this to me? Leaving me then taking Sam with him? He doesn't want me to suffer. He wants me to die.

Sam starts crying, maybe scared because of my sudden outburst. His mouth is pout and he's looking at me then back to Zayn. He's probably confused.

"Sam, you're coming with daddy right? We are going to a far away place."

Sam looks at Zayn curiously, his chubby cheeks wet with tears. "Okay daddy." Sam nodded and my heart clenched. He's choosing Zayn over me.

"Do you hear that Daddy Curly? Come let's pack our things." he say, giving me a boyish smile.

"No Sam. It's only the two of us. Daddy Harry is not coming. We'll leave him here."

"No!" he squealed. He wriggle from Zayn's arm so he had to put him down on the floor before he totally slip from his hold. He quickly run to me, clinging on my legs tight. I peer down at him but he's looking at Zayn. "I don't want to leave daddy. No."

My chest hurts and my eyes sting because of all the tears I'm holding up. Atleast my baby wants me on his life.

Zayn was taken aback. I could clearly see the shock and hurt on his face as he look at me and Sam. Both of his fist were balled to his side. I want to run to him so badly and kiss him but I know he'd push me away if I do so.

"Babe we could fix this. Sam don't have to choose. Let's just talk Zayn. Ple---"

"No." his hard tone cut me off. "I'll leave."

Once again, I'm frozen on spot. He doesn't want to talk this over and make up. He's really determine to leave me.

He shot us one last pained look before walking out with heavy strides. I want to run after him but I can't move.

Why is this happening to us? To my family? What have I done to deserve all of this pain? How am I supposed to live without him now? He's my better half. He's my life. My oxygen. He's my everything. My life is incomplete without him.

"Haz, are you okay?" Liam snapped me out of my trance. He's gripping my shoulders then pull me in a tight comforting hug. Instantly, I melted in his arms. My legs becomes jelly. I saw Danielle scooping Sam in her arms and they went upstair. "Haz breath properly." Liam's hand stroked my back soothingly. I held to him tighter.

"Li he's gone. He left me Li." tears never stop falling from my eyes but I didn't care. The pains too much. It's eating me up and I don't know if i'll ever survive.



just kidding :D

this chapter is not my best but I tried. I'm sorry. =_=




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