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Amelié's POV

"Meina's pregnant." Ollie said, stoned to the ground without moving a muscle.

My jaw falls open and hands go up to close it.

"And she doesn't want to keep it." he continues.

My haw falls down again. I can't close it this time.

"What?" I finally get out after about two minutes of staring in front of me, not catching up what actually happened.

"I- you talk to her. I can't deal this right now." he held his hands up in surrender and practically ran out of the room.


I texted Meina and she accepted my offer to go on a walk with me.

On a walk to talk.

I grabbed my hoodie and pulled it over my head. It wasn't cold outside, but I love jumpers, so i'm gonna wear a jumper.
(me fr)

Arthur will have to wait a little bit. I waited for him long enough, plus Meina and her baby are way more important than him right now.


"Hey, babes!" I greet and hug Meina when I see her.

She's pale, way more than usual which is weird, because she is pale as fuck.

The bags under her eyes are more purple than I ever saw them. I can see that her makeup is on her face for more than just one day, and her hair is a total mess.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, already knowing the answer to that.
"Yes." she bluntly responds and step away from our hug.

"Meina, you can maybe bullshit Oliver or your other friends, but you most definitely cannot bullshit me." I stated and shook her shoulders.
"Yeh." she looks anywhere but me.

"I'm going to take you somewhere special." I grab her hand and lead her to Ollie's car.

Don't ask me why I have his keys, because I don't know either.

"Get in." I order her after opening the passenger door for here. She's definitely feeling like a queen. I treat her better than Ollie, for sure!

We drove for about twenty minutes in complete silence between, neither of us not feeling the need to say anything.

Adele was playing on the radio quietly and we said thousands of words throughout the silence than we could ever with sentences.

"Cmon, darling. We're here." I nudge but she doesn't move.
"I know this place." she whispers.
"Yes, you do. Now, please come out of the car."

She finally gets out of the engine and take my hand as I was holding it put for her.

"This is the place we met at!" she stares at the beautiful nature around us.

We were at some sea cliff, seeing everything in golden colour as we came just at the right time for the golden hour.

"I love you." Meina turns to me and smiles.
"I love you too. Can you tell me what actually happened, please?"

"I'm not ready to have this baby, Lié.... i'm too young and Ollie is even younger. I can't do that to him, even if I would want to keep it." she sighed and I tapped her shoulder.

"Did you talk to Ollie about it? Because I think he would be thrilled to be a dad. He always dreamed of that." I sadly smile, remembering all the talks we had as younger children.

"From what I saw, he was devastated after your call. Of course it's your choice to make, it's your body and nobody can tell you what to do with the baby." I quickly add.

"I don't want to kill it... but I also can't raise him. If I get pregnant, I will lose my job and if I lose my job, we'll both starve!" she exclaimed as her eyes started turning from blue to green.

That's the thing about Meina; I know exactly when she's about to cry, and she has no idea how. Her eyes changes colour.

From navy blue, to emerald green.
Two of her favourite colours.

"Darling, don't cry. It's going to be okay! Do you really think I would let you starve?! Do you think Ollie would allow that?! He would go to God himself and beat his ass!" I tell her, and I hear her chuckle a little.

"I love you." she puts her head on my shoulder.
"I love you too." I say and softly caress her cheek. 


I knock on the door, with number 703 on it. Arthur's room. I take all the courage I have in my body, and step in.

There was Arthur sitting on the bed, looking directly at me, making me nervous.

"Hey." he softly greeted.
"Hi." I said back, trying to act mad.

"What do you want?" I ask.
"I want to tell you, that I want you. Even though I don't really remember anything, I believe we enjoyed ourselves. All of the photos in the album; we look so happy." he smiles and my heart started racing.

He wants me again? Is this a dream? What?!

"You really want me back?" I speak up, holding my giggling back.

I take a step closer and sit at the edge of his bed.

"I really do." he admits and his eyes finds the floor.

I lift his head up and kiss his forehead. It was a soft, warm kiss. A lovely one.

"I think I love you, Arthur."


if you saw any mistakes, no you didn't cause i slept five hours today mwa mwa


i love ya'll xxxxx

sending love🫶🏼

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