The wedding.

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Cat looked radiant as she walked down the aisle. She was beaming at the man standing at the dais, hands clasped in front of him nervously, a huge grin plastered on his face. He was her steadfast companion who had loved her since highschool.
As she watched her sister approach the altar, Alex's throat constricted, a complicated knot of emotion. She was happy for them, of course, she loved them both more than anyone else in the world. She had witnessed their relationship deepen with every shy glance, every act of kindness and gentle gesture. Theirs was a true love, a pure love, built on the solid foundations of trust, companionship, humor and a wealth of shared experiences.
But their happiness stung Alex as she knew she could never experience love the way they could.
Unbidden, the humiliating memory of the night, almost 2 and a half years ago, when she discovered she was an Omega sprang to her mind. She was a late bloomer at almost 20 when she experienced her first heat. Her sister and their friends had been there when she collapsed on the sticky dancefloor. She did not understand what was happening as alternating waves of hot and cold flooded her senses and her heart pounded so hard it shook her. Lightning thrilled through her core making her teeth ache and her lips, hips and breasts tingle. Her friends gathered around her with worried expressions, their pleas of concern drowned out by the thumping music.
Alex was aware that several men in the crowd had become still and alert, sniffing the air like wolves scenting blood. Almost as one they turned their faces towards her, their eyes predatory and teeth bared in leering smiles. She felt vulnerable, like a cornered rabbit, with every fiber in her body screaming in alarm. Her friend, Jess, saw too and was the first to realize what was happening. Jess heaved her to her feet, motioning the other girls to form a protective ring around her, they forced their way out of the club and bundled her into the nearest taxi.
In the back seat of the car, between Jess and Cat, she sobbed and surreptitiously tried to squeeze her legs together to quiet the throbbing between them.
Cat had wrapped her arms around her, whispering soothing words, "It's ok, we're nearly home. I won't let anything happen to you,"
She wanted to scream at that touch. It was an innocent gesture of comfort, but the sensation of skin on skin thrilled her, chasing the hairs up on the back of her neck and arms. She felt disgusted at the arousal triggered by her little sister's touch and tried to shrug her away.
At last the taxi stopped at their apartment and she rushed inside scrabbling for her keys in her bag as she climbed the stairs. Her hands shook, made clumsy with haste as she tried to open the door. Finally, it was open and she staggered down the hall to the bathroom. She slammed the door and bolted it, sobbing and sinking to the floor. She pressed her hand between her legs hoping to dull the insistent ache; she longed to be penetrated, stretched, fulfilled, anything to satisfy the gnawing emptiness. She grabbed a hand towel and screamed her frustration and shame into it.
There came a soft knock at the door.
"Alex, it's me." It was Jess. "I've brought something that will help. I'll leave it by the door for you."
She heard her set something down and then leave, her footsteps receding down the hall. When she was certain Jess was gone, she opened the door and saw a glass of water and a packet of medicine - a suppressant?
Only then did she understand what was happening to her. Shaking, she deposited a tiny pink pill into her hand and threw it back into her mouth. She gulped down the glass of water and stood, peeling the clothes off her sweat soaked body. She turned the shower on and curled up in the footwell, letting the warm purifying water wash away her tears.

"I, Catarina Louise Navita take thee, Arthur James Stone, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and cherish from this day forward, till death do us part," Repeated Cat.

Alex blushed as she was brought back to the present by her sister's voice. The minister smiled and nodded at Arthur. Arthur took the delicate gold band and placed it on Cat's finger as he recited "I, Arthur James Stone, take thee, Catarina Louise Navita to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and cherish from this day forward, till death do us part... and hopefully long after that."

The minister smiled and said. "Remember, Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. I now pronounce you man and wife, You may kiss the bride.

Cat laughed as Arthur took her in his arms and kissed her. A cheer rose up from the wedding guests and Jess whooped along with the other bridesmaids. Alex fixed a smile on her face and blinked back her tears at the happy scene.
I must not cry. I must smile and be happy for them, it's their day, this is a happy occasion.
She focused on the sensation of her hands striking one another as she joined in the applause.

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