I've done something really stupid.

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“What's the problem?” Arthur asked as he entered the cottage, unraveling his scarf and hanging it on a coat hook.
“Come through. We need to talk, and please just hear me out until the end.”
“Ok?” Said Arthur uncertainly, kicking off his boots. He followed Noah to the living room and sat down.
“Do you want a drink?”
“I shouldn't, but go on then.”
“Good, because I'd rather not drink alone.”
Noah poured whiskey into two glasses and handed one to his cousin. Arthur gave him an anxious look as he accepted the glass, “What's this all about?”
Noah sat down in his armchair and took a sip from his glass.
“I've done something really stupid.”
“Do you remember the drug bust back in  October?”
“Of course,” said Arthur cautiously.
“And you remember it was connected to an assault behind Siren's?”
“Well, it was me.”
Arthur's mouth fell open and he regarded his cousin with shock. Noah downed his drink and poured another.
“I don't understand…” gaped Arthur, “...how are you involved?”
“I got jumped on my way to the shore and I assaulted someone. Then I got stabbed and I don't know what happened next, but apparently the man who stabbed me was found dead with a boatload of drugs.”
Arthur shook his head trying to make sense of what Noah was saying.
“Wait a minute when were you stabbed? I haven't seen you take any time off?”
“I worked from home that week.”
“Where? Where were you stabbed? Why didn't you tell anyone?” he cried.
Noah looked away from Arthur, uncomfortable with the distress he was causing him.
“I couldn't talk about it, I still don't know what happened.” He lied, feeling keenly the betrayal of his friend's confidence.
I'm sorry Arthur. I wish I could tell you everything.
He took a deep breath and continued, “I was stabbed in the shoulder, and I was out of my mind at the time. I know I beat the man who jumped me to a pulp, but I don't remember the other one. Anything could have happened.”
“So you think you killed that man? That's ridiculous!”
“We both know I'm capable of it.”
“Don't be stupid, I've only seen you lose it once in all the time I've known you and you were a kid!”
“Even so. I'm an alpha, aggression is second nature to me, especially when other alphas are around.”
“But I thought he drowned, didn't he?”
“I don't know, there's all kinds of rumors making the rounds. But whatever happened, it’s connected to me.”
Arthur shook his head, “I just can't see it, Noah. I can't see you harming anyone, even in self defense. It's just not you! Did you go to the police?”
“Yes, after I'd recovered. I confessed everything but they let me go.”
“Don't ask me, I thought that would be enough, but apparently they didn't have enough evidence to support my confession.”
“No, I mean you went to the police without talking to me. A heads up at least would have been nice.”
“Ugh Christ, Noah! We could have helped you!”
“I didn't want to drag you into it.”
“As if I wouldn't be dragged into it! If you were a suspect in a murder case, I'd have been putting out fires everywhere. You're the key shareholder of C&S, it would have been a shit show.”
“I know, that's why I turned myself in. I was hoping if I cooperated, it would be the end of it and I could persuade them to keep it out of the media.”
“Oh god! Look, no more secrets ok? Are you telling me everything?”
“There is more.”
Arthur downed his drink and poured another one, “Out with it then!”
“They aren't just investigating me. They've been watching the company.”
“What? Why?”
“From what I can gather they think we’re manufacturing formula 52.”
“What's that?”
“Do you remember that my grandmother and a host of other omega researchers died from cancer in the sixties.”
“I knew your grandmother died of cancer. I didn't know about the rest.”
“Well, while they were developing a suppressant for omegas they also developed a drug called formula 52 to induce heat. They were trying to speed up their research rather than wait a month at a time to test the suppressant. Unfortunately, many of them developed cancer and formula 52 was scrapped.”
“But we don't produce anything like that! Why would they be interested in us?”
“I have a hunch, and you’re not going to like it.”
“Oh good!” groaned Arthur, taking another sip from his glass and looking anxiously at Noah.
“Do you remember what was reported in the news, about what they found on the boat?”
“Something ridiculous like four million pounds worth of cocaine…”
“And an unknown substance.”
Silence fell between the two men and only the crackle of the fire could be heard.
“You think the unknown substance is formula 52?” Arthur said dully.
“Ok, but how does that tie back to us? Someone could have duped it.”
Noah shook his head seriously, “No, it was never commercialized. It was only ever used in our research labs. We had to register the chemical profile, but we never released how to manufacture it. As far as I'm aware, Noelle deliberately destroyed everything related to making it.”
“So it has to be someone connected to us? What for though?”
Noah's face darkened and his voice had an edge, sharp with barely contained anger, “Think about it. Cocaine and a drug that induces heat in omegas? What kind of industry would profit from that?”
“Fuck!” gasped Arthur.
Arthur sat back, stunned by Noah's revelation. He sipped thoughtfully on his drink and stared into the fire. With quiet resolve he murmured, “We have to cooperate with the police. You should talk to Graeme, he's probably the only one left who remembers it.”
“They'll need access to our records.” muttered Noah, taking another drink.
Arthur grimaced, looking dismayed, “Good luck to them, everything before the 90s is still hard copy. We never got round to digitizing it.”
“I'd also like to investigate. If someone has been using my lab to make poison, they’ll have to contend with me.”
Arthur scoffed at Noah's declaration, “When are you going to do that? You're already drowning in admin.”
Noah knew he was right, he was already burning the candle at both ends and there still weren‘t enough hours in the day.
“I might ask Alex, she's good with data and we can trust her.” mused Arthur.
Noah's stomach plummeted at the mention of Alex, this was the last thing he expected.
“I don't think we should drag her into it. Her health seemed quite fragile.”
“That's partly why I'd like to hire her. She’s been very quiet since she went back to the sanitorium and she was so ill when I last saw her. I think Cat would rather have her somewhere she can keep an eye on her. We were going to invite her for Christmas and New year anyway.”
Trying to keep the alarm from his voice, Noah suggested, “She should work from your place then, so she doesn't need to come into the office. I know she’s uncomfortable with alphas and I think it would be best if I kept my distance to avoid causing her additional stress. I can discuss the process with her through a video link.”
“I think you're being overly cautious, she'll be fine.”
“Even so.”
“Oh god… who's going to tell Gillian? Who's going to tell your father?  This couldn't come at a worse possible time.”
“I think we should keep them in the dark about formula 52.”
“You don't think it was either of them, surely?”
“I would hope not, but there aren't many people who remember it and I'd like to avoid tipping off whoever is responsible. Let's keep this between us for now.”
“Alright.” agreed Arthur downing the last of his whiskey, “we’ll do it your way for now."

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