Blue eyes blazed

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At her sister's suggestion, Alex parked up at the woodland carpark a short distance away. Because it was a nice day she went for a walk through the woods, then returned to her car where she settled down with a flask of coffee and did a little work until it was safe to go back. Admittedly, she was glad of the escape. The party had just been starting when she left and she already felt overwhelmed; it was nice to be able to skive off for a few hours.
At ten to four her phone buzzed and she glanced down at the screen - I'm heading home now.
She saved her work and shut down her laptop, drained her cup of the remaining coffee and started her car. As she approached the house she looked for somewhere to park in amongst the unfamiliar cars and eventually settled for an awkward spot near the door
Whatever, I'll just move it later. She thought.
She darted up the porch steps into the hall and ran into a cluster of children. They eyed her suspiciously.
"Who are you?" Said a petulant little boy in a spider man costume.
"Hi! I'm Alex, I'm Cat's sister." She greeted them awkwardly. "Nice to meet you. What's your name?" .
"Hi! I'm Mia..." interjected a confident little girl in a mermaid costume, "...and he's my brother Leo. This is Daniel and Katy."
Alex smiled at each of them pleasantly and said, "I like your costumes."
"Where's your costume?" said the mummy known as Daniel shyly.
"It's upstairs...Actually I'm just going to go get changed, but it's nowhere near as cool as yours," she replied and Daniel gave her a sage nod.
"I'll be back in a minute and we can get to know eachother better," she said, bounding up the first floor. As she reached the landing another little girl in a fairy costume darted past her and proudly proclaimed to the other children, "I got plasters!" The children greeted her and insisted she show them her scars.
Alex was approaching her bedroom when the bathroom door suddenly opened and she collided with Noah.
They stared at each other in surprise for a moment before the hated flash of heat and the familiar rushing sensation in her chest overcame her. She covered her mouth as a moan escaped her.
They could hear the children coming up the stairs chatting animatedly about a secret room.
Noah gave her a panicked look and dragged her into the bathroom, locking the door behind them.
She struck at him as he pulled her in, but her arms and legs were trembling too much to cause any harm. Betrayal stung her eyes and she sobbed, "You promised promised you wouldn't. HEL..." her scream was cut off as, in a blur, he pressed his hand over her mouth and pinned her against the door, angling his body out of range of her kicks and scratches. She tried to bite down on his hand but he held her too firmly.
"Do you really think I would want to do this in front of my family? That I would want the little one's to see this?" he hissed angrily.
Her arms fell limply by her sides and she stared up at him with fearful eyes. His face fell and he started back from her, looking appalled at the way he had just handled her.
"Ava is four!" He whispered desperately as he turned to the mirror over the sink and opened the cabinet, frantically looking for something. "She's too young to understand."
She sank against the door as another thrill throbbed through her body and she clasped her hands desperately over her mouth.
Noah cursed and tossed the first aid box into the sink scattering salves, plasters and antiseptic everywhere. He sank down on the toilet and clasped his head in his hands defeatedly. She saw he was trembling as hard as she was.
He paused for a moment, slowing his breathing, then suddenly he bent down and started ripping the laces out of his shoes. He sprang up, stepped into the bath and savagely bound his arm to the shower. After using his teeth to pull the cords into tight knots, he tugged his arm experimentally against the bindings - they held.
Alex pulled herself upright and took his place seated on the toilet, panting heavily.
"Now what?" she whispered, shuddering as another wave of lightning passed through her.
"I don't know," he panted. He looked at the shower dials and muttered, "shock maybe?"
He turned the cold tap as far as it would go and gasped as freezing water struck his body.
Alex looked on as water saturated his clothes and hair. His shirt clung against his body revealing his muscular torso and her stomach fluttered at the sight of him.
Following the line of his hip, she could see the cold water was doing nothing to dampen his arousal. She whimpered again and pressed her hand between her legs as a violent tremor rippled through her abdomen. When she looked up, Noah was transfixed on her with a heated expression. Meeting her gaze, he seemed to come to his senses and snapped his head away, staring at the wall in front of him. He made a desperate noise and struck his fist against the tile.
"Don't look...please..." he panted, " should calm down after orgasm."
With that he undid his jeans and fumbled clumsily to free his erection.
A switch flicked in Alex's head as she watched him. The first time they met he bore down on her with the terrible ease of a tiger; now that same tiger was chained and she could fearlessly observe as it paced back and forth in its cage. There was something fascinating about the sight of him, so desperate as he pleasured himself: the way his body moved, swaying smoothly one moment and jerking the next; the flexing muscles in his arm as he stroked with increasing urgency; his shuddering gasps and the crease that formed between his brows while he chased his climax.
A dark desire to claim him overcame her. Hypnotically, she stood and slipped from her dress.
He glanced at her in surprise as she stepped into the bath beside him.
"Alex... don't. You don't have to..." he pleaded wretchedly.
She took his face in her hands and gently kissed his lips.
"'s just easier to give in," she whispered.
With his free arm he pulled her in close and kissed her deeply. She twisted around in his grasp and pressed her hands against the wall, arching her back and turning her head to look over her shoulder at him. He gave her a lost look as he traced his fingers down her spine and along her hip. She shivered and softly gasped as the delicate touch set off a cascade of sensations through her. With a wild moan, he seized her and urgently penetrated her body. She cried out in surprise but quickly covered her mouth to stifle it. His arm wrapped around her waist and he leaned over her back as he abandoned himself into her. The tide of his hot breath against her neck drove her into a frenzy and instinctively she pushed her hips back to capture him more deeply. He moaned, dragging ecstatic kisses along her shoulder and, sensibility scattered, he tasted the delicate skin at her nape and bore his teeth to bite down as he would on a ripe peach. With the sensation of his teeth resting on her neck, orgasm crashed unexpectedly on Alex and she screamed again. All things ceased to be as euphoria stole her ability to think, leaving only the sensation of her body connected to his. Sensuously, she rolled her hips, luxuriating as she unraveled around him.
A desperate growl from him sent shivers down her spine and he reluctantly drew away from her neck. He pulled back and spun her round to face him. She let him lift her and prop her back to the wall. Obligingly, she wrapped her legs around his waist in her eagerness to accept him again.
She met his gaze and blue eyes blazed with primal fire. He thrust deep to her core, drawing a startled cry which he swallowed with a ravenous kiss. She clung to his neck, as a lost soul clings to a mast in a hurricane.
Noah lowered his head to her chest. She bit back a whimper, enduring the assault of his tongue and lips on her breasts. His mouth felt hot, almost painful, against gooseflesh.
His breath became more labored, his movements more desperate until suddenly, he gasped and moaned wildly into her chest clinging to her like a frightened child. He drove deep inside her, giving every inch of himself.
Strength left his body with a shudder and he let her slide down to rest her feet on the ground but did not let her go. No words passed between them as they rested in each other's embrace, panting and waiting for the spell to dissipate. She raised her head and he unexpectedly kissed her. Unlike the ferocious kisses of earlier, this one was soft and gentle and it lingered long after their lips parted

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