A stranger arrives.

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Later as they filed into the dining hall she watched from a quiet corner as the happy couple weaved through the crowd sharing hugs and smiles with their loved ones. She felt as though she were standing outside looking through a stranger's window. She craved the warm glow of that scene but felt as though she would be an intrusion, welcome as the cold.
“Alex!” Jess was zipping toward her wearing a bright smile and holding two champagne glasses. Behind her loped, with a willowy kind of grace, her brother, Robert. He also cast a sunny smile at her and waved. She smiled back as they drew in and formed a huddle.
“Well! That’s it! She’s married, folks!” Jess proclaimed as she handed Alex a glass and clinked her own against it,” We can officially stand down! Chin chin!” She toasted, took a large gulp of her champagne and immediately choked, “Bubbles went up my nose!”
Alex laughed as Robert rolled his eyes in amusement at his sister and then winked at her.
“Alright Wendy? Good to see you in the real world. I’ve missed you!,”
“Hi Peter,” she answered with affection, “Missed you too. How’s everything going with your new job?”
“Really well actually, they’ve made me head pastry chef. I’m loving the city, You must come and visit me sometime. I'll show you all my new favorite haunts.”
She smiled ruefully and replied. “Some day…”
He nodded in understanding.
Rob and Alex had become close friends over the last two years at the sanitorium. At first he had simply been a familiar face, but much like two polar ends of a magnet, they had been drawn together. He liked to talk and she would patiently listen. They were as different as two people could be but somehow, they complemented one another; She was shy, quiet, reserved and he was bright, vivacious and desperate to explore new horizons. She tempered his impulsivity and kept him out of trouble and he made life in the bucolic sanatorium a little more fun. Their relationship was not in the least bit romantic; there was an unspoken acknowledgement among the residents that any attempt at an intimate relationship would instantly fall apart in the presence of an alpha, nonetheless their friendship ran deep.
“Comrades in purgatory” he had said one night as they sat in the oak tree, drinking cooking sherry and watching the sunset over the rolling fields. He had also dubbed the sanitorium “Neverland” or in his more surly moods “Nothing-ever-fucking-happens-land.” So he became Peter, and she Wendy. She could understand his desperation to leave as he had been at the sanitorium since he was fifteen, and then stayed on until he finished his education in catering and hospitality where there were “fewer distractions,” as Rob’s parents had put it. What had been a sanctuary for Alex was a cage for Robert and though she missed him dreadfully, she was happy to see him thriving.
“Rob made the cake! It’s a masterpiece wait till you see it!” enthused Jess.
“Wait till you try it, you mean!”
Alex sighed with exaggerated regret, “ You know, I miss that the most about you.”
He raised a hand to his chest as though deeply hurt , “Not my dashing good looks or my razor sharp wit?”
“I love you with all of my stomach.”
He laughed, “Cold Alex!”
She felt herself relax a little knowing she was not the only Omega at the event. Jess and Rob understood, she knew she did not have to worry about what they thought and she took strength from that. She had already seen people glance at her from the corner of their eyes and whisper to each other. She could guess what they were saying, her self esteem had been gradually chipped away over the last two years by comments on every media outlet about how people like her were sluts, no better than animals. That she was obsessed with sex and thought about nothing but breeding. That she could not be trusted around other people’s husbands and her body was designed solely for pleasure. An old man, some associate of the groom, had openly gawked at her imagining who knows what about her body. At that moment she was infinitely grateful to her sister for choosing overly modest bridesmaid gowns. The other’s had bemoaned the puritanical neck and hemlines. Not to say that the dresses were hideous, they were just tailored from stiff peach fabric and hung in a way that left prying eyes wanting. Cat joked that she was bridezilla and wanted all the attention for herself, but Alex knew it wasn’t true. Cat didn’t have a narcissistic bone in her body, it was obvious she made her decision purely in consideration of Alex’s peace of mind.
The dining hall door opened and heads turned in anticipation of dinner. However it was not the waiting staff, but a tall attractive man and an older gentleman entering the hall.
She watched as Arthur beelined toward the newcomers with Cat in tow. He drew the young man into a bear hug and slapped his back, evidently delighted he was here. As he drew back he kept one hand on his friend's shoulder and they shook hands. The newcomer said something with an apologetic look on his face. It was a beautiful face Alex noted. It was inquisitive and sharp-featured. He had deep set blue eyes arched by delicate ash brows. Long silvery blonde hair was gathered in a loose ponytail at the nape of his neck. It trailed interestingly down his lean muscular back. She realized she was staring and looked down at her glass. She glanced up again to see him shake Cat’s hand warmly and gesture to his companion who bowed.
“Well he’s attractive,” purred Jess.“ I wonder where Arthur has been hiding him?”
“He’s an alpha,” observed Rob mildly
“Really? Oh poo! Are you sure?” said Jess in disappointment.
“One for you, I guess” she pouted.
Rob felt Alex stiffen beside him and looked down at her.
“ You ok, Wendy?” he soothed. “Did you take your suppressant? I have some spare in my bag if you need one?”
“It’s ok. I took a double dose earlier,”
He grimaced and chastised her like a concerned parent. “You know that's neither healthy nor necessary.” He had been with her every day for two years and knew her heat coincided with his own give or take, and his had passed just over a week and a half ago,
“I know, I just really don’t want to have an incident at Cat’s wedding.” she admitted.
“Just don’t overdo it… ah looks like it’s time to unveil my creation!”
The door opened and the waiting staff ushered everyone to their seats . They took their places at the head table between the bridesmaids and her mother. As she sat, her mother took her hand and said, "Where were you? There’s someone I’d like you to meet!”
“Just chatting to Rob and Jess. Can it wait till after dinner?” Beyond her mother, she could see the attractive man and his companion take a place at the far end of the head table.
Who is he? She thought. Is he a relative of Arthur’s? A close friend? Or an important business associate? Why wasn’t he at the service? Has Arthur ever mentioned him?
He caught her eye at that moment and she quickly looked away.
As everyone settled into their places, a serving cart was wheeled in carrying a spectacular wedding cake. Chatter turned into delighted oohs of appreciation as  everyone turned their attention to the head table.
“ Wow Rob, you have outdone yourself!” she gasped.
“ Today Mademoiselle, we have a light vanilla sponge with a peach and passionfruit preserve and a delicate white chocolate ganache. It is Hea-ven-ly.” he replied, doing a dreadful job of a french accent. It certainly looked heavenly. The cake was composed of four tiers, adorned artistically with carved apricot, mango and persimmons. The sugared fruits were set amongst wispy leaves of white chocolate dusted in edible gold. The effect was like vines climbing a tower.
“ Have I told you, you’re my favourite person?”
“Yes I know, I’m a delight,” he chuckled and stuck his tongue out at her.
The waiter offered Cat and Arthur a cake knife and together they cut the cake to the cheers of their guests.

Make a wish Cat, and be happy. I only wish I could be as happy as you one day. She thought.

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