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Unfortunately, I've come to a decision this book will end at this very last joke.

But on other good news, due to me making big changes to my account, I've decided to keep this book, just in case anyone needs some good jokes whenever. Just for you guys, after I finish my first, serious book, that will not yet be revealed unless I develop the plot into something more, I will definitely update this book just for anyone who liked this particular book, out of the literal thousands they have on this site. I hope everyone has a happy day, and keeps dreaming, now onto my mediocre jokes.


In heaven, the angels asked God where he would spend his next holiday. God said, "Definitely not on Earth. Last time I went there, I left a girl pregnant and those people haven't stopped talking about it since!"


I will like to apologize for the lame last joke I made. And like I said until further notice, this book is over. But rest assured I will add 50 books to this series, and when I do, I'll make them relatively funny.

Thank you all for 4k reads, I wouldn't have gotten this far without those lovely people to have done this, thank you.

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