Chapter 5.5: Gold and Silver

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A yellow motorcycle sped across the dimly lit roads of the outskirts of Vale, on it was a singular woman.

The figure stopped her bike as she reached her destination, turning to face a large neon sign on a building's face: 'Three Bears club'. With a nod, she removes her yellow bike helm, revealing a beautiful girl with long golden blonde hair that reaches her backside. The girl was Yang Xiao Long, 17 years of age, with nothing on her besides a wallet and her scroll on her pockets.

The blonde girl wore a tan jacket that exposed her midriff, with the jacket itself partially unzipped, exposing a yellow crop top that had an emblem marked on it. Below, she wore black shorts wrapped around an incomplete brown skirt, all tucked together by a tight leather belt.

The girl swiftly made her way into the bar, paying the bouncer extra to skip the line, and entering through a set of sliding walls that welcomed her in. The club itself was massive, with holographic trees that mimicked Autumn as intangible leaves drifted onto the floor, settling for a few seconds before reappearing at the top of the bar in a cycle. The patrons themselves wore rich clothes that screamed of their wealth, with some clearly flashing weapons shamelessly. 

Yet she did not care.

The girl moved with grace across the dance floor, nearly interrupting a few of the patrons as she made her way towards the bar counter, producing a stack of cash and pushing it towards the other side of the countertop.

"Here for a drink?" The bartender asks, eyeing the stack of money that was worth more than just one drink.

"And information." Yang smiled.

"What of?"

"Know of this fine woman?" Yang answered back as she held up an image produced out of her scroll, with the bartender taking a second to look at her scroll. 

"Sorry, never seen that face here." The bartender shook his head as he pushed back Yang's stack of money. The image showed a woman in a red dress, seemingly looking like a carbon copy of Yang, albeit with black hair, she wielded a massive greatsword by her waist and struck a pose.

"C'mon, you sure?" Yang smiled once more as she pushed the stack of money back onto the bartender's side, who promptly pushed it back.

"Pretty please?" The girl once again pushes the stack back towards the bartender. This exchange quickly caught the nearby patrons' attention as a large man finally intervened, wearing a black vest over white sleeves, he covered the stack of cash with his gloved hands as Yang turned to meet his gaze with a smile.

"Young girl, aren't 'cha a bit too young to be going out to these places?" The man asked, looking down at her due to his towering height.

"Well, aren't you a bit too big to be called 'Junior'?" The girl simply smiled as she turned her eyes onto the sudden appearance of men surrounding her, all holding various types of weapons with threatening intent.

"Bold of you to be this brazen even when you know me." The man, Junior, simply chuckled, bringing his hand to the countertop.

"'Course I know you, you're the manager of this, esteemed, place." Yang blankly waved her arm to note the entire club, uncaring of the men glaring at her threateningly.

"And I know you also entertain some of Vale's underground figures. Hence why I am here." Yang then turned to face Junior, returning a smile when she suddenly gripped the man by his crotch, with enough force to stun him indefinitely so long as she still had a grip on him.

"Now tell me, where is she?" Her tone suddenly shifts to a low growl, raising her scroll as Junior begins to stutter, trying to balance his pain and speaking.

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