Chapter 7: The Headmaster and the Wendigo

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"Professor Ozpin!" Velvet backed off as she was the closest to the two professors. Even with her heightened senses as a rabbit faunus, there was no indication of their presence until the headmaster made his known. They likely arrived during the transformation of the stage, but even in that loud transformation would she have heard them.

"You must be Yelena's father." Ozpin nodded away the four students's surprise as he turned to face the wendigo, "It was truly an unfortunate event that we failed to meet yesterday."

"And you must be Headmaster Ozpin." Patriot replied back, both men nodding at each other's comment, "A victim of circumstance, but here we are right now."

"Well, Mr. Patriot, the rumours I've heard of you are certainly true."

'A lie.' The wendigo quickly deduced. Ozpin was stealing him away from the four students without alerting their suspicion.

"And by what rumours did you hear of me?" He playfully tilted his head, entertaining the Headmaster's words.

"A man of enormous strength and size that could best an entire bandit camp all by himself, wearing a skull mask to ridicule the idea of fearing the Grimm," Ozpin explained, his words weightless to Patriot, but as heavy as mountains to the four students. He was simply retelling the things he had seen in the camera recordings Kandi had sent him.

"Please, those are just rumours. Why don't you just get to the point." Though flattered by the headmaster's on-the-spot complements, Patriot found no reason to keep this charade going.

"Very well then. Team CFVY, while it was unplanned for you to be replacing Professor Port as the Beacon tour guide, I believe you have done an excellent job in guiding our esteem guests and you will all be rewarded handsomely, besides Professor Port's extra credits that is."

A noticeable gleam of satisfaction came from the four as Glynda took a step forward, guiding the four to another exit of the arena, with each one bidding the Wendigo goodbye. And leaving the two men to converse.


After a quick elevator ride towards the top of Beacon's main tower, Patriot found himself in a massive room that span the entire top floor.

Taking a step into the office, the wendigo was immediately greeted by the glass floor below and the ceiling above, with several spinning gears all rotating at varying speeds, it took a second for him to regain his focus and move onto the middle of the room, with Ozpin calmly moving towards the other side behind a simple desk.

"A grand office for the headmaster of such an academy..." Patriot complimented as he eyed the window behind the headmaster, a clear view of the entirety of Beacon Academy, as well as Vale at the far distance.

"Too grand for my liking, but I can't just renovate a room some 600 meters above ground." Ozpin chuckled, interacting with the desk as light projections began to materialize between the both of them.

"I appreciate your generosity for inviting me to a tour of this academy before the meeting. If the full scholarship hadn't already sold me, this would have." Patriot chuckled as well, only to then eye one of the projections, seeing Yelena in a dark room, presumably a recorded video of her meeting last night, "But I presume this meeting isn't just about Yelena's admission..."

"Exactly." Ozpin nodded, with Patriot simply waving his hand, inviting the headmaster.

"Then go ask your question, Headmaster."

"Where did you get your shield?" Ozpin immediately asked, expanding an image of the wendigo carrying his shield.

"What? Why my shield specifically?"

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