Chapter 18: Fangs

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"During the final years of the great war, the treatment of the Faunus continued to fall. There was so much hatred that they were seen as nothing more than discardable labour, dehumanized into nothing more than animals in a slaughterhouse.

The hatred was ever-growing. It was so evident that even in the heroic tales of team ORGN, the four heroes came across the mistreatment in multiple instances. But this treatment would soon change as the hero of the Faunus appeared from nowhere.

Our hero came at the most chaotic period just after the Great War. With the hatred of the faunus at its peak, humanity sought to contain all the Faunus in the very corner of Remnant, the small island of Menagerie. This instigated a new war, the Faunus Rebellion. 

While the war itself was shorter compared to the Great War, it was just as damaging to the world as the Faunus all around the world fought for their freedom. The fighting was mostly done on separate occasions, mostly with the humans being the victor over the Faunus's less organized masses. 

But that changed in the famous battle of Fort Castle, where the Faunus Hero, the White Skull, commanded his troops into battle. Front and centre in the fight, he was not like the much less experienced general of the human side, General Lagune, who merely sat within his commanding post way off in the distance.

Reports said he was as tall as a tree as he was as large as a small house, his head masked with a deer's skull, with horns that looked like branches growing outward. Wielding a great hammer far too heavy for anyone else to wield in battle, each strike was enough to break through multiple ranks, with his accompanying roar alone drowning the blaring war trumpets of the human battalions. Yet the most striking thing about the hero was the ruby-red gemstones that were his eyes. With only a single gaze, it was said that a hundred men were frozen in place and surrendered on the spot.

But while his physique was something out of a fairytale, it was his commanding strength that finally led the Faunus to organize and fight back. The White Skull was almost seen as the second coming of King Ozymandias in terms of his tactic, utilizing the many unique traits that made each Faunus who they were, he slowly began to gain more ground, and followers, into the masses, and soon enough... The White Fang was formed.

Yet another surprise awaited the world as the Faunus arrived at its conclusion, with the White Skull personally speaking to the leaders of each kingdom. From the still-ravaged wastelands of Vacuo, the developing country of Mantle, Vale, and the greatest offender of the Faunus-kind, Mistral. 

The hero spoke to each representative of each kingdom seeking a truce. Discarding his weapon, his armour, and even his soldiers, he walked into an enemy city to state his case. And even as he was surrounded by the darkness of humanity, even as the whole world watched as the man spoke, he was calm. If they dared attack him he could easily level the city, but he did not want more blood to be spilled.

And soon after, he emerged victorious. The Faunus will go on to live with the human race just as they did before. But there are still some that harbour hatred for the Faunus, and that is why the White Fang still fight till this day." A girl with white hair and bear ears closed the storybook on her lap, turning her attention to the entranced group of children sitting cross-legged, each one a faunus like her.

"Now then, that's all for today's session children! Did you have fun?" The girl spoke in a calmly manner as she waited for the children's reaction, putting away the book she held onto a nearby push-cart in the process. It took a moment for the children to collect themselves as they looked at each other, but before long-

"Yes! Binibini Misha!" The children exploded in excitement as they brought themselves closer to the Ursine girl, eliciting another chuckle from her, "The White Skull sounds so cool!"

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