~ Adil & Fahia ~

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Fahia, who was 24 years old, and was currently doing her internship in Ayana's hospital, had just finished a long day of work and was looking forward to heading home. The hospital corridors were finally quiet, and the scent of antiseptic still lingered in the air as she made her way towards the exit. She adjusted the strap of her shoulder bag, tired but fulfilled from another day of learning and helping patients.

Her journey into the world of psychology and her internship at this hospital was a dream come true, even if it wasn't exactly what she had initially envisioned. Growing up, Fahia wasn't considered the most studious student. She had a natural curiosity about the human mind and behavior, but her academic performance didn't always reflect her potential. However, she was determined to follow her passion and pursue a career in psychology, a field that had always fascinated her.

When the opportunity to intern at Ayana's hospital came up, Fahia felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. It was a highly competitive placement, and she knew she had to give her best to secure it. She prepared diligently for the interview and poured her heart into the application essay, expressing her unwavering passion for psychology. To Fahia's astonishment and joy, she received the acceptance letter for the internship. It was a moment of validation, proving that dedication and passion could overcome academic setbacks. She was elated and couldn't wait to start learning from the best in the field. Fahia's journey from a less-than-studious student to an intern under the guidance of her role model, Ayana, was a testament to the power of passion and determination.

As she reached the hospital's entrance, she was greeted by one of her fellow interns, Labib. Labib was a friendly and outgoing intern who always had a smile on his face.
"Hey, Fahia! Wait up!"
Calling her, Labib ran behind her.

Fahia turned and smiled as Labib caught up with her.
"Hey, Labib! How was your day?"

"Busy, like always, but I can't complain. How about you?"
Labib asked back.

"It was intense, but I learned a lot. I'm just glad it's over for today."
They walked together towards the hospital's parking lot, the setting sun casting long shadows on the ground.

"I hear there's a new café that opened up nearby. Would you be interested in grabbing a coffee with me?"
He added quickly.
"My treat."

As Fahia considered Labib's invitation for coffee, her thoughts briefly wavered when she spotted Adil standing a bit away from the hospital with his car. She hadn't expected to see him there, and the sight of him brought a smile to her face. Labib noticed her momentary distraction and turned to follow her gaze.
"Is everything okay, Fahia?"

"Oh, yeah, everything's fine. Sorry, I just spotted someone I know. But I'd love to take a rain check on that coffee. Can we do it another time?"
Still smiling at Adil, she spoke.

"Of course, no problem at all! Have a great evening!"
Fahia waved goodbye to Labib and then made her way over to Adil's car.

As Fahia approached Adil's car, a warm smile on her face, she was ready to greet him with a hug, being surprised to see him come to pick her up. However, as she moved in for the embrace, she noticed a subtle but significant movement from Adil. He discreetly shifted away from her, creating a bit of distance between them before opening the passenger door.

It was a subtle act, one that might have gone unnoticed by anyone else, but Fahia, attuned to the nuances of their relationship, picked up on it immediately. Her smile faded momentarily. Without making a fuse, she settled into the passenger seat. She couldn't help but reflect on Adil's preference for minimal physical contact, even in their dating relationship. It was something she had grown accustomed to over time, understanding that Adil had his own unique way of expressing affection and comfort.

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