Character info

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Avery Mckenna

Age: 17
Height: 5'3

Dirty blonde fluffy hair long enough to cover his eyes, pale ivory skin tone, big ocean blue eyes, long lashes, small frail body, plump butt, skinny but not boney, sweet, kind, and friendly


Julius Rivera (Jay)

Age: 17

Black hair usually messy and tousled, Limestone skin color, sharp dark green eyes, fit body, small tattoo on the right arm, ear piercings, popular, and rude


Eden Green/ Avery's best friend

Age: 17
Height: 5'6

Brown medium-length hair often dyed crazy colors, porcelain skin tone, tomboy, likes cosmetology, really nice, popular, cheerleader


Lucas(Luke)\Edens brother\Julius' best friend

Age: 17
Height: 6'1

Dark brown loosely curled hair, Ivory/porcelain skin tone, fit body type, flirty, disrespectful, popular, playboy, troublemaker, right ear pierced


Finn (Avery's dog)

Age: 2
Pomeranian and yorkie mix, does a lot of tricks, obedient, thinks hes a big dog, dramatic


Averys' Parents

Lauryn Mckenna

Age: ???
Height: 5'5

Blonde long wavy hair, porcelain skin tone, blue eyes, your average milf, loves to read, looks younger than her actual age, nurse, loves kids


Anthony Mckenna
Age: ???
Height: 6'6

Short light brown hair, cleanly trimmed beard, sharp features, muscular, hazel eyes, sand skin tone, basically your average dilf, funny, charming, sports fan, chief police officer

(men in uniform am I right)

Avery's Older Brother

Christian James Mckenna (CJ)
Age: 19
Height: 6'4

Medium length brown hair, hazel eyes, in college, works in a gym, sand skin tone, man hoe/ cheater/ player, hears what people says but doesn't listen, likes music, video games/ gta

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