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^ Noah; https://pin.it/69zr3Gg

I walk into the room. "Hello, Issac, what brings you in today?" She asks. "Fell," I shrug. "Again?" She sighs. I nod.
I walk out of the office, only to be pulled into the bathroom. Someone pins me against the wall. "Hello love," Noah, says. "Hey," I sigh. He pins my hands above my head. He slams our lips together, quickly turning into a heated make out.

He kisses at my neck, leaving a trail of dark marks. I let out a small moan. He lets my hands go to pull off my shirt. "Not right now, Noah," I sigh. He whines, attaching onto me. "Why?" Noah groans. "Because we're at school," I chuckle.

"Whatever," he rolls his eyes. "We'll talk later," I wink at him and walk away.
I walk into the cafeteria, sitting at the small table in the back. I pull out my sketch book and begin to draw. My pencil glide across the paper, drawing whatever comes to mind.

I stare at my paper, intensely drawing. I hear chatter around me. It's all stupid stuff like, "did you hear about Jessica's new boobs?" Or, "Did you hear Mr.Henderson is sleeping with Samantha?"

"Look at the nerd, all by himself,"  Noah snickers. I look up at him. Another boy, Tom, comes and stands next to him. "He's so pathetic," Tom snickers. I roll my eyes, turning back to my paper.

I flip the page, not really in the mood to listen to them. Tom continues to diss me.

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