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After my explanation, the principal started shouting at his son. Eventually, he expelled Jonathan and said I was free to go.

I slowly walk out of the office, still a little shook up. I make my way to the lunch room, noticing the time.

I sit at a small table in the back. Soon after, Noah walks in and shoots me a questioning glance. I look at him and sigh. "Meet me in the bathroom," he mouths. "Which one," I silently respond. "The one right outside, to the left," he mouths back. I nod and leave the lunchroom, making my way towards the bathroom.

I wait inside, waiting for Noah. He walks in. "What happened to you? You never skip class?" Noah asks, wrapping his arms around me. I shrug and huddle into his chest.

"Who gave you these?" He asks, pointing to the Hickeys left by Jonathan. I can practically feel the jealousy dripping off of him.

I look up at him, not wanting to talk about it. "Can you... cover them?" I ask. "Huh?" He says in confusion. "I didn't like them. They made me," I whisper, "can you cover them?"

He tilts his head. "We're talking about this later," he sighs, "how far down do they go?"

I take off my shirt and show him the trail of hickeys. He sighs, placing his lips on my neck. Noah begins to suck and bite on the marks, replacing the hickey. I let out a breathy moan.

He covers them all up, and looks up at me. "I love you," he smiles. "Love you too," I respond. He helps me put my shirt back on.

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