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I turn back towards him. "You can look now," I say. Noah turns towards me. He wipes the concealer off my neck. "Why'd you even put that on?" He asks. "So I didn't have to walk around with a bunch of hickeys showing," I shrug in response.

"But then everyone would now you were claimed-," he starts. "Nope," I sigh, "don't start."

"Sorry," he chuckles, his lips grazing my cheek. Noah grabs my hand and leads me too the bed. "You should rest," he smiles and kisses my head. "Can I ask you something first?" I question, pulling him in bed next to me. "Yeah, of course," Noah responds.

"Can we date? No one has to know," I ask. "I don't know-," he answers. "Please?" I beg. He sighs and gives me an unsure look. "I don't know," he responds. I look up at him hopefully.

"Fine, we can date," he hesitantly says, "but no one can find out."

I smile and kiss him. He kisses me back. "I love you," I smile. "I love you too," he responds, as I wrap my arms around him.

"Now rest," Noah demands, placing his hand on the back of my head. He plays with my hair as I fall asleep.

I play with Issac's hair as he falls asleep in my arms. I hold him tightly, and kiss his forehead.

"I love you," I whisper. And it's true, I do love him. I love the feeling I get thinking about us dating. I don't want anyone to find out, or else my reputation is over.

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