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"Shut up," the stranger demands. I disregard his command, crying out loudly. "Let me go!" I shout, still struggling against his grasp.

"Do you know who I am?!" He shouts. "Uh- No! So get off of me!" I respond. "I'm the principals son, I would advise to stop fighting me, or else I'll get you expelled," the boy says with a cocky tone.

I refuse to stay still, I will not let a random guy take control of me.

Suddenly, the boy is pulled off of me. I look up, one of Noah's minions had pulled him off. Noah stood behind him.

He opened his arms, allowing me to hug him. He buttons up my shirt, leaving a small peck on my forehead.

"You guys hurt him everyday! Why are you stopping me?!" The boy shouts. "Look, we hurt him, you sexually assaulted him. There's a bug difference," Noah explains, tightening his grip on me.

He wipes the tears off my face. "UGH!" The strange man shouts, stomping away. "Are you two a thing? I kinda called it-," Noahs friend starts. "No, ew! We are not!" he shouts.

"Yeah- sure-," his friend said, skeptical.
Noah walks me home. He used the excuse that I don't feel well, a classic. He grips my hand tightly.

"Are you going back?" I ask. "No, I'm not," he smiles as I toss him my keys. He unlocks the door, ushering me inside.

I bring him into my room. "It's very Issac-y" he chuckles, his lips grazing my cheek.

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