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Julia never got an answer. All three of them were silent. She knew they all knew but they wouldn't share. Saraya quickly made up an excuse of needed to get Kyle back to his room while Anna just stayed silent. Julia avoided the brunettes touch as they walked back to their room.

Julia's curiosity was peaked when she saw Kyle leaning against the doorway of Toni's room. Everyone knew Toni was the best at taking away pain. His head was hung low as the door opened. Julia was dragged into her room before she could see what else had gone on between the two.

"Why won't any of you tell me what the fuck that was about?" Julia blew up and the lights in their room instantly cut.

"Julia calm down." Anna tried to reach for the blonde but Julia immediately pulled away.

"I'm not going to calm down until one of you fucking explain it to me straight." Anna sucked in a breath. Just as she did they both heard a knock come through their door. Julia didn't even hesitate she turned around on her heels and walked towards it. The door swung open and Julia grabbed Kyle's shirt pulling him into the room. "Explain."

"Not until you calm down." Julia huffed but this time she had no where to run. She was between Anna and Kyle. "Calm. Down." His words were stern as his eyes locked with Julia's. After a few seconds their eye contact broke when she closed her eyes and sucked in a long breath. When her eyes opened the lights in the room returned. "Thank you." His voice had softened slightly. When he noticed Anna staring directly at him he spoke to her. "I'm not here for trouble."

"Then why are you here?" For the first time Julia heard Anna's words turn spiteful.

"I can go.... Let you explain. But we both know you're not going to do that. You want her to blow up?" They could both hear Julia huff.

"I'm right fucking here. Stop pretending like I'm not." Her hands came up to Kyle's chest before he was slammed back into the door. His body almost instantly slumped to the ground as he started to wheeze.

"Julia. Stop." Anna was trying to get Julia's attention off of Kyle. As Julia's fists clenched Anna could see Kyle struggle to breathe even more. There was a dark cloud around his neck pressing him hard into the door. "Julia!"

"Please." Kyle choked out before he was finally released. As he gasped for air Julia pushed past Anna and into the main portion of their room. Just as Anna went for Kyle, she could hear frantic knocking at the door. She pulled him away from the door before answering it. Toni and Saraya's knocking immediately stopped when they saw Kyle in a heap on the ground behind Anna.

"What did he do?" Saraya asked quickly as Toni went to him. Before the blonde could touch him he was lifted off his feet.

"If you don't explain, I will do what you all don't want me to do. Start. Fucking. Talking." Julia had Kyle in front of her. He was pinned to the ground by the dark cloud. He was silently pleading for help from all of them.

"Julia stop being irrational." When Anna spoke they could hear Kyle begin to gasp for air.

"That's not explaining." Julia was done with the games. She wanted the truth.

"You need to let him breathe to let him explain." Saraya was angry. As much as she wanted to fight Julia she knew when the blonde was angry the only person that stood a chance against her was on the ground incapacitated.

"Julia let him explain." Toni was the only calm one in the room. "He will. But you need to let him breathe." He gasped finally getting the chance at a breath.

"You're on a list." He got out through a ragged breath. "You're on the top of the list." He was trying to come up with an explanation but was still struggling to fully breathe. "I can't...." His eyes pleaded with Toni. When Toni tried to take a step forward they could all see Julia do the same.

"You don't touch him until I get answers." Saraya could see Kyle pleading with her to explain it for him. She gave in knowing if she didn't he would be far beyond Toni's help.

"When Lee left you he put you on the top of the list for the Craven. He told them all about you and they want you. They want to use you for your powers." Julia rolled her eyes at Saraya's words.

"She's not lying to you Julia now let him go." Toni just about begged Julia. Finally Kyle was released and Toni quickly went over to him getting him away from Julia.

"Then why the fuck is he here?" The words slipped like fire from her mouth.

"Because I'm the only one that can get you off of it." Kyle got out before he groaned in pain as he felt his ribs pop back into place.

"Then fucking do it." His eyes met hers.

"It's not that fucking easy." He said through gritted teeth. "Toni stop." He said when he noticed the tears in her eyes. He could deal with what pain was left, he didn't need her completely fixing him. "Getting off the list isn't as fucking simple as erasing your name." Saraya offered him her hand, helping him off the ground. He groaned as he stood up, his hand resting along his ribs. "The only way you get yourself off that list is if you learn to control yourself. If not then you wind up like me, injected with countless experiments until they find the one that works with you. If you're lucky it happens on your first go, but if not...." He pulled up his shirt and for the first time Anna and Julia saw the scarring along his abdomen and back.

"Four hundred and thirty-six different injections. That's how long it took for them to figure out I'm not like all their other projects. I was their catalyst. I've been the one they were after for years. That was until last month when they found out about you." Julia's eyes finally met his. "They want you because they know you don't have control over your gift. They want to make you believe that they're trying to help you but they're just going to use you. They want a new catalyst. One that won't run."

Kyle sucked in a breath. He knew that Julia was still confused. His eyes locked with hers and for a split second she saw into his past. She gasped as the information hit her like a brick. His eyes moved away from hers and she took a moment to catch her breath. Toni steadied Kyle when he teetered.

"You good Ky?" She asked him quietly before he nodded. "Julia, Kyle is my younger brother...." Toni began carefully. "He was taken by the Craven when he was eight. We all know about their projects but very few of us knew about the catalysts. That was until he got out. There's a list out there, the list is of people that have the ability to be a next catalyst or in Kyle's case, escaped. There are only a few people on that list. But those people are hunted, especially the ones at the top of it. They backed off of him because he became too dangerous for them. He knows too much about their inner workings because of how long he was there." Julia was staring at Kyle.

"Then why did Saraya say that she brought him?" Toni sucked in a breath before she looked over at Saraya.

"Don't." Kyle warned when he saw Julia glaring at him. The blonde could tell that neither one of them wanted to tell her why he was there. When their eyes met he made his choice. "Because she saw what happened tonight end much different."

"Can you all stop running me around in fucking circles?" Kyle sucked in a breath at Julia's words before he finally replied.

"She saw you get taken."

Dark Hart (Julia Hart x OC)Where stories live. Discover now