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Julia walked into the locker room and could almost instantly feel all eyes on her. She sucked in a long breath before she sat down in the chair to get her hair done. The last thing she wanted was to have to be on the show tonight but she was needed ringside for a House of Black match.

Once her hair and makeup was done Julia couldn't take it anymore. She quickly changed before leaving the locker room getting away from everyone that had been watching her. As she was walked down a long hall she collided with a much larger body.

"Seriously...." Her words stopped when she looked up and her eyes met Kyle's. "I...."

"You alright?" She nodded slowly. "You sure about that?" She was avoiding his eye contact. "Julia...." For the first time he had used her name. Her eyes were instantly on his. "You can't run from this."

"Can we please not do this right now?" He knew exactly what she meant. All she wanted to worry about was the show not other things. Kyle let out a breath as he nodded and very slowly she could feel a warmth surround her.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly. "Just.... Know nothing will happen to you." Her eyes met his and she nodded.

"Why are you doing this?" Kyle looked at her for a moment. "Please don't lie to me."

"I haven't so far." He replied. "I'm doing this because someone like you does not want to wind up with them. You shouldn't be forced into that."

"That still hasn't answered my question." He took a deep breath in before releasing it.

"I've been where you are.... Where you don't understand your capabilities. Where your anger is the only release. You aren't that person. You are much more than what you think you are. You just need to learn your way on controlling it all. I get it.... I do. You don't know me, don't trust me.... But a lot of people don't. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to help you. Just.... Think about it. I will help you if you'd like me to. If not. I'm still going to be here so get used to it. Until you're off that list you're going to have to deal with me." He could see her jaw tense. "Julia I don't want a fight. Please."

"How are you going to help me? Saraya told me you can't even control yourself." He let out a breath. He hated when people questioned his abilities.

"Saraya only said that to keep you from touching me." Julia huffed annoyed.

"What? Is it going to kill you if I touch you?" For the first time in their entire conversation Kyle looked away from her.

"I don't know." Before he could say more he could see Toni and could tell she had been looking for him. "I.... Just think about what I said. If you want help. You'll know where I am." Julia watched him as he walked down the hallway towards Toni. She expected the warmth that had appeared around her to leave when he did but it stayed with her.

"Everything alright?" Julia couldn't help the breath she released as Brody King appeared next to her. His presence always comforted her. "You know...." Brody could also read her like a book whether she liked it or not. Julia nodded as Brody let out a breath. "I've never liked Kyle but I will tell you one thing. Since Toni found him after he had escaped, he has done nothing but protect those two. They keep him in check while he makes sure that they're safe. 'Raya was hunted for awhile. He got them away from her. If he wants to help you. Let him. He does know what he's talking about even though he doesn't seem it."

"If nobody trusts him then why do you all want him to help me? I seriously don't get it Brody." Brody sighed.

"Because as much as we all think we can protect you, he's the only one that can. He its the only person that knows them well enough to get them away from you. He's the only one that can teach you what you need to learn." He knew Julia still wasn't fully understanding. "All of the shit that they did to him. It only made him stronger. The only reason he's not like all of us is because he is. Anyone that touches him, he gains their skill. That's why Saraya doesn't want you to touch him. He's barely able to control the skills he holds now. That's why when he uses them you see him go to Toni. It takes everything in him not to lose his control. Most of the time it eats him away. When someone touches him, it leaves a new mark. The darker the skill the worse the mark is, the more it takes for him to control himself. He can help others because once he learns the control it takes for him he can help them. But with you none of us know what exactly its going to do to him. It took Toni nearly a week to help him back to normal when Saraya touched him. But you.... With you not even knowing the first thing about controlling your skill you might just kill him. But he thinks he can help you without touching you. Let him."

Before Julia could say anything in response they were called to go out for their match. Julia was the first out the tunnel. As the lights in the arena went dark and their music hit she could hear Kyles' whistle. She was the only one that did. Julia let out a long breath before she heard the crowd. As The House of Black stepped around her she got lost in her character loving every moment of it.

By the time Julia got backstage she could feel the warming presence return to her once more. Slowly she changed out of her attire and into street clothes thinking about everything Kyle and Brody had said. Quietly Julia left the locker room avoiding Anna as she did. Julia had made her mind up. Her eyes closed before she took a breath in and her feet carried her to where she wanted to go. When Julia's eyes open they landed upon Kyle's before she spoke.

"Help me."

Dark Hart (Julia Hart x OC)Where stories live. Discover now