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Kyle was the first to move. He instantly pushed past Toni and Saraya before quickly taking off towards where Julia and Anna were. Just as the two women caught up to him, he slammed into the locker room door trying to open it.

As another scream came through the thick door a crowd of wrestlers began to form behind them. Brody pushed to the front of the group before both him and Kyle slammed into the door finally getting it to open. It only took Kyle a second to see what the screaming was about.

There was a group of nearly twenty large men that had been waiting in the shadows of the locker room for the perfect time. Though what they didn't expect was for Kris to be the first one to walk in. So instead of grabbing who they wanted they had the TBS Champion by the neck. Kyle's eyes were locked with the only familiar pair of eyes he knew. The same man that had tried to grab Anna at the library.

Julia had tried to scream to keep them back but it was only doing that. Keeping them back while drawing in more people. It was then that Kyle knew their ultimate goal. It wasn't to just wind up with Julia, they wanted as many of them as they could get. Brody tried to get closer to the two women but was stopped as Kyle slipped in between him and Julia. As his hand pressed to the blondes back his other grabbed Anna's wrist pulling her behind him and back towards Brody. Kyle's words were clear in Anna's mind.

'Get them all back.' Anna looked to Brody relaying the message before the two reluctantly pushed the group of people back even with Toni and Saraya fighting them. As Kyle's hand slipped to Julia's shoulder, she could clearly hear the words only meant for her. 'When I tell you, scream again. But I want you to focus it. Stare right at the big fucker. You get him back they'll all go back. I'll get Kris.' He paused as he felt her suck in a long breath. As her lungs filled completely she could feel his hand slip to her upper back, his hand fully pressing to her skin. That's when she heard. 'Scream Julia.'

Julia's eyes locked with the man's that was holding Kris and that's when she screamed. When she did the large man was pushed back. It was then she noticed Kyle's touch leave her back. There was a moment where he had disappeared only to appear behind Kris. There was a split second between the large man and the others with him collecting themselves and Kyle pushing Kris towards Julia and Brody.

The second Kyle's hand left the TBS Champions back they could all see him get grabbed. Saraya who saw Toni jump forwards immediately grabbed her.

"You think this is smart West?" Kyle's words were said to the man behind him as his eyes locked with Julia's. The blonde was shaking with anger and just about all of them could see it.

"Oh I know it is." The hand that was along the back of Kyle's neck tightened and that's when Toni couldn't help her scream in pain. A chuckle came from the large man. "So she's your light...." Saraya and Brody stepped in front of Toni who was now being held by Juice.

"You touch her and I will end you." Kyle's words were cold but Julia could hear the pain in his words as he spoke through gritted teeth. As Julia's anger boiled over so did Anna's. The brunette pulled away from Brody moving closer to Julia. That's when they all heard the menacing man chuckle again.

"Should've taught them to hold their cards better...." Kyle's expression turned from in pain to absolutely pissed off. "Now we know exactly who we need." The mood in the room shifted almost immediately as more wrestlers stepped forwards backing up the two women who had been between everyone. When Julia's eyes met Kyle's everyone could see something change within his eyes. They almost mirrored Julia's for a split second turning from their normal dark brown to a bright blue.

"Let him go." Julia's words came as an all but demand as she could no longer hold back.

"Not going to happen little girl. Not until you come with us." Her jaw tensed as her fists balled.

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