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Anna was the first to wake up. She shifted burying herself even more into Kyle's warm form without even realizing what she was doing. Her nose buried into his shoulder just as she felt his arm wrap around her waist. Her eyes once more became heavy and she drifted back into a peaceful sleep along with the other two.

A few hours later Julia felt Kyle shift. Without thinking her hand came up pressing to his chest firmly. When she heard him chuckle her eyes shot open and she moved to look at him.

"I've gotta use the loo, let me up." Julia turned bright red when she realized she was buried into him. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his bicep. Her leg had been draped across his lap keeping him in place. When she finally moved he quickly and carefully moved from next to her. As he went into the bathroom Julia could see Anna looking at her with a smirk along her lips.

"What?" Julia grumbled never a morning person.

"You two are cute." Anna said with a smirk warning the eye roll she got from her best friend.

"Coming from you." Julia shot back. As Kyle exited the bathroom they both went silent. He looked between the two for a moment.

"You know what I'm not even going to ask." He stated. "Yous need anything, I'm going to run and get some coffee." Both of them nodded. "Anything special?" They told him their orders before he nodded. As he exited the room Anna turned towards Julia.

"I was tired. He was warm. Can you blame me? You though.... You were just about in his lap." Julia rolled her eyes.

"I was not." She grumbled before she curled into the couch falling back asleep. Anna shook her head as she laughed. She took the time to go through her social media as she waited for Kyle to return. When she heard a frantic knock at the door she didn't expect it. Confused she got up before she went to get it.

Anna didn't expect Kyle to look so concerned. Quickly he handed Anna the coffee. She stopped him, her hand along his stomach, when he tried to push past her.

"Kyle what's going on?" He was avoiding her eye contact. Anna sucked in a breath before grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at her. She hated forcing a mind read but it was needed. "Kyle she's fine.... She's...." Kyle carefully moved her hand from his chin before he gently moved past her.

Anna turned and stopped as she saw a blanket of darkness surrounding Julia. She just about threw the drinks on the table next to her before she was stopped by Kyle. His arm held her back. Anna grabbed his wrist and for the first time she heard his whistle. Her breath caught in her throat as the eerie tune got the darkness to disperse. Anna still had ahold of his wrist as he took a step forward. He teetered dropping to his knees in front of Julia. His wrist slipped from Anna's grasp just as his palm firmly pressed to Julia's back.

Both of them could hear the blonde gasp before she shot awake and quickly uncurled herself from the tight ball she had been in. Julia caught Kyle as he teetered her hand steadying him along his shoulder. It was then that they all could hear banging on the door. Toni and Saraya were both in the doorway. Julia looked up and could see Toni grasp at her stomach just as Kyle did.

Julia's hand squeezed his shoulder just as she saw Toni collapse into Anna and Saraya. Kyle let out a groan as his head fell. It took everything in Julia not to touch his skin as she saw blood begin to drip from his nose.

"What in the fuck is going on?" Every ounce of sleep was gone from Julia as she questioned what had happened. Kyle couldn't help the fact that he slumped forwards into her. The blonde carefully caught his other shoulder keeping him upright. This time when her hands squeezed his shoulders she could hear his breath catch in his throat. Very slowly both Toni and Kyle regained their composure.

Anna looked at Saraya for a moment before helping her get Toni to the couch. Once Toni was situated Anna didn't even hesitate. She moved towards Kyle her hand pressing firmly to the back of his neck. Instantly he was sucking in a long breath. Anna and Julia steadied him as he moved to sit on the floor his back against the table.

Everyone was watching Kyle as his hands ran along his face. A long breath was released before his hands dropped and his eyes met Julia's. He showed her what had just transpired.

"You can't fall asleep angry." Kyle got out. His voice was strained and scratchy. Toni went to reach for him but Anna stopped her. Once more the brunettes hand pressed to the back of his neck. He released a long breath as his head fell, composing himself as Anna slowly healed him. His eyes met Julia's for a moment.

"I'm sorry...." He shook his head as her quiet words as Anna's hand slipped from his neck. As she went to sit next to Julia, her eyes met Kyle's.

"How the fuck...?" Toni, Saraya and Julia all looked at him confused at his words. "There's no fucking way." When they all looked at Anna she finally let them in on what he was so confused about.

"I-I heard his whistle." Toni's mouth dropped.

"I.... You...." Toni was stumbling over her words. "Kyle you need to take them to...." She didn't even need to finish as he was already nodding.

"Take us where?" Anna questioned.

"Orlando. There's.... A place.... It's where yous are going to find out more about this...." Kyle was stumbling over his words still shaken at how Anna had heard his whistle. Anna exchanged a glance with Julia who shrugged before saying.

"Looks like we're going on a road trip."

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