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Anna hadn't spoken to either Julia or Kyle since she had said her fate if anything happened to Julia. Slowly the blonde made her way out to the patio where Kyle had been sitting for the past hour. As she sat in the chair next to him his head turned.

"Just ask." He cut right to the chase.

"I-I just don't understand. How did you know I was a Siren?" He took a deep breath.

"I...." His eyes met hers for a moment. "Only a Siren can hear a Circes call."

"What?" He knew she didn't understand his words but he didn't know how to explain it any better. "What is a Circe?"

"I-It's what they call me. It's because I draw everyone in. People want to touch me. They're drawn to touch me even if I don't want them to. It.... My call.... It draws the darkness in." He was staring out at the city they overlooked. "You.... Sirens like you. You.... Push the darkness away.... If our calls are together.... It's the perfect storm. But it's dangerous. For the both of us.... You're drawn to the cold. I'm drawn to the warmth. Most Circes become overpowered by the cold. If we do...." Finally he trailed off. Julia slowly took in the information. The sun began to rise over the city when she asked her next question.

"If you gain everyone's skill by touch.... What.... What do I do?" His hand ran along his jaw.

"You...." For the first time he was hesitant to speak. "When you learn your call...."

"Kyle...." He was hesitant to look at her once again. But when he did he couldn't help his words.

"When you learn your call you can control anyone you want." Julia was staring at him. "Y-You.... You can...." The words were caught in Kyle's throat. "There's an old story that the last Siren to touch a Circe.... Took his powers. I.... Don't know whether to believe that or not. The last anyones ever heard of a Siren to be around was hundreds of years ago. Could be because they don't make themselves known, or could just be they're once in a lifetime. I don't know."

"And how many Circes are there?" He looked away from her. "Kyle...."

"They say I'm the only one in the same amount of time." She was silent. "There's.... There's a place I'll have to take you.... If you let me. It's where I found out all about myself. There's.... Not much information on Sirens. At least.... From what I've seen but that doesn't mean anything. What I was reading I tried to show to Toni.... She read something else.... From what I was told, you can only read what was written by your ancestors. A Siren can't read what a Circe writes and a Circe can't read the Sirens journals. But the issue is.... Every Circe has said that Sirens won't write. I don't know if it's true.... Like I said I couldn't read it if it was true but it would be the place for you to learn fully what you are."

"Do you think it will help me control it?" He slowly nodded.

"It helped me in a way. But honestly for me it was all trial and error. They all talked about finding their center. Which was bullshit. There's no finding your center when your center is fucked every day. None of them ever talked about the pain from gaining each skill. I was the first one to find my call before hearing a sirens call. But nobody ever talked about it being a whistle. They all had just controlled the wind. From what I read every Siren has a different song as well. You have your scream.... That.... Is something I wouldn't use often. It not only affects you but it affects her...." He looked over his shoulder and back inside. Anna was still nowhere to be seen. "But your song.... When you figure it out. It's what controls it all."

"H-How...?" He shrugged stopping her words.

"I wish I knew." His eyes were back on the city in front of them. "But you need to figure out what it is. You do.... And they will never touch you. They won't be able to." She was staring at him. "Y-You just need to realize that your power.... Comes with its drawbacks. The more powerful you are.... The harder it's going to be on Anna. I.... I can't tell you how important it is that you and her have a long chat. There's.... I.... I can't tell you exactly what. But there's something you two need to come to an agreement on. T-Toni will tell her about it. Then.... You need to speak with Brody."

"Why do I need to speak with Brody?" Kyle sucked in a long breath. "Ky...."

"Please don't. Don't make me say it. Don't make me look at you." Julia could see him try and fight his temptations but he couldn't. His head turned, his eyes meeting hers before he spoke. "He's got to make you the same promise Saraya made to me."

"What...." She trailed off. His eyes were pleading with her not to ask the question. "Y-You can't say no to me can you?" He shook his head. "You can't lie to me either...." Once again his head shook. "W-Why....?"

"You.... Will always hold that control over me." She broke eye contact and he was finally able to look away from her and back out into the distance. "I-I.... Those that know about us.... They like to call Circes.... The puppets.... You. You're the puppet master. I.... Will never not be able to do what you want me to do.... Except.... I...." He hesitantly looked back over at her. "Will never not protect you."

"I thought that was Anna's...." When he shook his head she stopped.

"She keeps you under control and once you can control yourself more she will be one of the only ones that can properly take your pain away. She will protect you.... But Brody.... And myself...." He trailed off.

"Why?" She knew exactly where his words had been going.

"It's in his nature to protect you.... For me...." Julia's eyes met Kyle's. "It's something more. Every Circe needs a Siren whether we want to believe it or not.... You.... Sirens. You're supposed to guide us from the darkness. At least.... That was you should do. But.... For a lot of Sirens. Our darkness overtakes you. Our lust for power mixes with your lust of control. When Sirens want both.... We have no choice but to give you want you want. So many instead of giving in try and fight to keep their Siren from the darkness. But both ways.... Wind up the same for us."

"It's not just one story of a Siren taking a Circes power...." Kyle shook his head as Julia trailed off.

"I only read about one time where the Siren didn't attempt it. Even then it was a story told to another Circe. He didn't have the same fate as the story told." Kyle looked away from Julia. "I.... Still want to help you Julia. I want you to learn to control it. If my fate is the same as those before then so be it. I just.... You need to promise me that no matter what.... You don't hurt Toni. She will feel anything that I feel. She felt everything I went through when I was with the Craven.... She can't go through that again."

"I.... I wouldn't do that to either one of you." Kyle slowly nodded but he couldn't look at Julia. "I...."

"I will help you. You don't need to ask again."

Dark Hart (Julia Hart x OC)Where stories live. Discover now