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Kyle's whistle caused Anna's head to snap towards him. She still wasn't used to hearing it all the time.

"You are going to give me a heart attack if you keep doing that." She commented. A chuckle escaped his lips as he moved to sit next to her.

"I'm sorry it's just too fun fucking with you." Anna leaned into him a sigh escaping her lips as his warmth spread to her. "You alright?" She nodded.

"Just tired honestly." Carefully he looked over at her.

"Y-You're not...." When she shook her head he trailed off before releasing a breath. "Good."

"I feel exactly the same Kyle. I promise you that. She does too." He nodded as he carefully adjusted allowing her to lean into him even more. His legs stretched out before his feet moved to rest along the table in front of them.

"I-I just honestly don't understand it." He admitted. "E-Every last one of the journals said that when they touched us we.... We lost everything. I...."

"I think you said it best yourself when you were talking about it all to us before. Not everything in there is fully truthful. I honestly can't tell you why she decided to do it but.... She did and it's done nothing but good." Kyle nodded as he felt Anna's arms gently wrap around his bicep. He could tell she was more tired than she was letting on.

"Why haven't you slept?" He asked quietly.

"Same reason you haven't." He sighed. "Just have this feeling somethings going to happen to her that she's not saying."

"Tell me about it. Feel like I've got the kiss of death but I'm not dead yet." Anna lightly laughed as her head moved to rest along his shoulder. "I.... I just don't know if I could ever forgive myself if something happens to her."

"Nothing will happen. I don't think she would've done it if that was the case." He nodded before gently adjusting. His arm slipped out of her grasp before wrapping gently around her.

"I hope so." He said quietly. "You need to sleep."

"So do you Kyle." She replied tiredly.

"I'll be alright Anna." As his hand ran lightly along her back her eyes closed. "Just rest." The words slipped from his lips just as her arms draped around his midsection. His hand continued to lightly run along her back even after he knew she had fallen asleep.

As the night turned to day Kyle could hear footsteps moving towards them. Before he could turn around he felt Toni's fingers run through his hair. Something she had done to him since he was a child. It never startled him, it gently let him know what she was there.

"Why didn't you sleep?" Toni commented as she moved to carefully sit next to him.

"I...." Their eyes met and she instantly knew his hesitation.

"Nothings going to happen. You'll probably have the best sleep of your life like I just did." Kyle looked away from her staring back at the fire burning in the fireplace.

"Or I just sleep for the rest of my life." Toni flicked his ear.

"Stop. You've always been the optimistic one. It's not the time for you to be pessimistic." She stated. "You've wanted to help her.... Instead she helped you. Now you do the same for her and everything goes back to normal."

"This isn't normal Toni." He commented. "Something is going to happen." The blonde shook her head as she leaned into him careful of Anna who was still asleep against him.

"Kyle. Nothing is going to happen. She wouldn't have done it if something was going to." He wouldn't believe her. Once again he heard footsteps and once again a hand went gently through his hair. "See...." Toni commented as Saraya sat down next to her. Saraya's eyes met Kyle's.

"Sleep. I promise you, you're going to sleep like a baby." He could feel Toni's hand move to his wrist and for the longest time he fought her. That was until he heard another set of soft footsteps walking towards them. "Julia could you please get the idiot to sleep." He sucked in a breath knowing what was to come.

"Kyle stop fighting Toni." The second the words left Julias lips his body slumped into Toni's. As Julia went to sit next to Anna she looked at Kyle before looking at Toni. "Why wouldn't he sleep?"

"Because you scared the living fuck out of him." Saraya said with a laugh. Julia looked at Toni confused.

"Oh you did.... Honestly haven't seen him that terrified since he found out they had backed off of him." Julia's eyes flicked to Kyle and they could both see her watching him. "Thank you Julia. Honestly. He just.... Trusting others is hard for him. He can read your mind a thousand times and still think that you're lying to him. It's how he's been since it all. I.... Think we all were a little freaked by it which definitely doesn't help him.... None of us expected.... That." Toni's eyes moved to meet Julias. "You are still...." The younger woman nodded.

"I feel the exact same as I did yesterday." Julia's eyes went back to watching Kyle.

"The big baby will be fine." Saraya commented. "I.... I have never had a more clear vision than I did earlier. He's going to sleep for twelve hours. She's going to sleep until he wakes up.... And in about two minutes Juice is going to burst into here scaring us all even with me telling yous and they're not even going to flinch." The dark haired woman was confident. "He.... I honestly can't thank you enough. My neck.... Has never felt better. I can only imagine how he feels."

"I feel like I'm walking on bloody air." Toni commented. "For the first time haven't woken up to the feeling of my bloody insides boiling." Julia's eyes met hers. "That's why I'm worried about you."

"I don't feel a thing." Toni read Julia and knew she was telling the truth. Just as Toni went to say something else Juice burst through the door causing all of them to jump.

"Oh you bloody dickhead." Toni said as she grabbed her chest. Juice laughed his famous laugh instantly getting them all to do the same, before he spoke.

"Come on. Lets leave them be and let's go get some food."

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