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Julia was staring out the window as Anna drove them back to Atlanta from the show. Discreetly Julia looked behind her at Kyle who was asleep in the backseat. When Anna had found out that Julia agreed to let him help her, she got Kyle to come back with the two to Georgia. Julia had tried to protest but Anna was insistent.

What Julia hadn't known was that Saraya had seen something that had shaken Anna to the core. Though she still didn't trust Kyle, Saraya had insisted that he could change what she had seen.

"What aren't you telling me?" Julia said as she saw Anna's fingers tighten along the steering wheel as they drove down the empty highway.

"Saraya saw something and I don't have a good feeling about it." Julia immediately knew Anna was hiding the truth.

"Stop lying to her and just fucking tell her." Though he was tired his words were clear. Julia could see Anna use every ounce of her composure to keep from kicking him out of the car right then and there. "You won't. I will. She deserves to know."

"I swear if you don't shut up I will send you back with Toni." He huffed as his arms crossed over his chest.

"Do that and you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Anna's knuckles were white along the steering wheel.

"The both of us got taken." Julia's eyes were on Anna at her words but the brunette refused to look at anything but the road.

"Then why the fuck are we going home?!" Kyle chuckled.

"Because you both don't realize that 'Raya isn't always right." Anna let out a breath. "I'm not trying to say that you both should have your guards down but she's seen shit about me.... Wasn't in the slightest bit right. Only thing she saw that was remotely correct as of late was that your engagement was going to end." Julia's head snapped back towards him. "You try and tell her I told you that I will make you forget I ever said it. She is only trying to protect you. She didn't want it to come true because she knew the implications of it. She saw that Lee had changed. He put on a good show. Just like every Craven does. He had actually fallen for you. But he let them get into his mind too much and that love turned to him only wanting to figure out what you were."

"If he doesn't know what I am then why would he get me put onto the top of the list?" Kyle's jaw tensed at her question.

"Because that's the scariest thing about you. Nobody can pinpoint exactly what the fuck you are. I can't even do it. They are also salty fucks who if they do not get their way they will make it their mission to make your life hell." Julia was staring at him trying to process all that he had said. "I know you could give two fucks about me...." Kyle said as he looked at Anna. "And you're still figuring out whether killing me is worth it or not." His line of sight was back on Julia. "But I care about not letting anyone go through the hell I had to. If it means I go back there and they get their way then so be it. But they're not going to touch either one of you."

As Kyle became silent once more the two women in the front could feel a calming warmth start to flood the car. Anna looked back at him for a moment. She could see him trying to get comfortable once more but knew it wasn't working.

"Give me your hand." Anna reached back and she could feel Kyle's hand cautiously move into hers. He questioned it for a moment but didn't get the chance to fully do so as the second she squeezed his hand his body slumped back into the seat as he fell into a sound sleep.

"That's smart." Julia said sarcastically.

"You need to stop...." For the first time Anna was defending Kyle. "He.... Might be an ass but he is trying to help and you and I both know what he said was true. Look at him. He hasn't slept the past three days because he's been making sure nothing happens at the hotel. He.... He's not as bad as we both think he is." She admitted for the first time. "Just.... Don't fuck him." Julia laughed at her words.

"That's not happening." The blonde stated before she looked back out the window. She always loved nighttime. It was when she was at most peace.

For the next few hours the ride was silent. When Julia finally looked back at Kyle he was draped across the back seat still soundly asleep. Though his arms were crossed over his chest he for once looked at peace. She however knew exactly why. Anna could instantly numb you enough to make you fall into a blissful sleep. The sleep was so sound you almost never knew you had actually slept you just woke up feeling refreshed.

"You can sleep...." Anna offered her hand to Julia when she saw her staring at Kyle. The blonde shook her head. "We've still got...."

"I'm alright." Julia interrupted her before her eyes went back to looking out the window. "Anna...." She warned when she felt the brunettes hand along her arm. "If anyone needs to sleep it's you."

"I'll be fine Jules." Julia shook her head. "I will be. I'll see if I can get him to knock me out when we're back."

"We should've just left in the morning." Anna shook her head.

"The sooner we get back home the better." Julia simply sighed. She knew Anna cared about her and only wanted to see her thrive but Anna just like the others were always so secretive with her. They all thought they were doing what was best for her and protecting her but it only made her angrier. All she wanted was the full truth. "Julia what's he doing?" That's when Julia noticed how hot the car had become. The comforting warmth was now near boiling. Julia looked over her shoulder and could see Kyle's head moving quickly, he looked angry, more than usual.

"I.... He...." Julia didn't even know what to say.

"Is he dreaming?" Anna asked quickly before Julia nodded. When Anna pulled the car over Julia looked at her confused. "I-If something happens you call T-Toni." Before Julia could even process what Anna had said, the brunette was reaching towards Kyle. The second her hand came into contact with his arm, Julia could see tears begin to fall down Anna's face.

After a few seconds Kyle's eyes shot opened and he quickly pulled his arm out of Anna's grasp. When her body slumped into Julia's, he sat up.

"What the fuck did she do?" He was looking directly at Julia, who was trying to get Anna to become coherent. "Julia." The blondes head snapped towards him.

"She got you to sleep.... A-and then you.... You started dreaming." Kyle sucked in a breath before his eyes closed. Julia could see his hand shaking as he reached for Anna's arm. When he made contact Julia felt Anna go cold before she was instantly warmed. After a few seconds his hand pulled away and Anna finally became coherent.

"Smash me against the back of the seat and wake me up next time." Kyle's voice was strained as he spoke. "You can only help for so long." Anna nodded at his words before she slowly sat up. "Do you want me to...?"

"I'll be fine. Would've found out one way or another." Anna replied quietly as Julia looked between the both of them. Finally Kyle spoke.

"My dreams aren't pretty."

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