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"Let's go for a walk." Kyle said to Julia who simply looked at him confused. It was nearly two in the morning and though neither of them had been to sleep, this was the last thing she had expected. Kyle had also been just about silent since they had gotten to Atlanta.

"Are you actually going to talk with me now?" She had seen him talk with Anna but he had been silent with her.

"Look. It's been a bit difficult for me the past few days." She was studying him. Instead of letting her fully do so he turned before motioning for her to go with him. "The best way for me to describe it to you is I don't like the cold. When I have to heal, I have to give into the cold. It.... Takes me back to my time with them."

"How long were you with them?" He sucked in a breath. "You don't...."

"Ten years." She looked over at him. "I've been nothing but truthful with you. It's going to remain that way." Their eyes met before she nodded. "If there's anything else you want to ask.... Go ahead."

"Why you?" He chuckled.

"I.... I was uncontrollable as a child. No matter what my mum tried, no matter how much Toni tried to keep me in check neither one of them could help. What they didn't understand was every time I came into contact with someone new it felt like a ton of bricks had hit me. One day one of the teachers at my school bumped into me. He saw what happened and at the time knew about the bounty the Craven had out for every new 'find' shall we say. Well he got his bounty and I got taken on the way home from school the next day. I.... It's how I got this...." He said before he pointed to the scar on his face. "They tried to take Toni too because she was protecting me. The only reason she got away was because I was too valuable to be hurt more."

Julia was watching Kyle was they walked. He however refused to move his line of sight off the street in front of them.

"Control is the scariest thing to them. If you can control it they won't want to touch you. But until then you are exactly what they want." Finally he looked over at her. "That's why I want to help you. I'm not here to make you dangerous. I don't want you to lose control. Just realize that." She nodded at his words knowing they were fully true.

"How do I learn to control it when I don't even know what it is?" Kyle chuckled as his hands moved into his pockets.

"That's the fun part. Everyone is different. Everyone learns to control it differently. Toni.... She uses wrestling. You ever been in a match with her, get slammed then the next second you feel like you're walking on air. Wrestling is her release. Anna has told me hers is dance, Saraya's is a bit unconventional, I won't say what it is, but it works for her. Everyones different. It's just about finding what helps you either release your frustrations or focus them." He knew Julia was watching him carefully.

"Yours is whistling." His head just about snapped towards her. "What?"

"You can hear that?" She looked at him confused as she nodded. "Don't fucking play with me Julia...."

"I'm not." His eyebrows pushed together as he stared at her. "Why is it such a big deal?"

"Because nobody has ever heard it before." Julia blinked. "I.... To everyone else just looks like I'm breathing air. Nobody.... Not even my sister can hear it. H-How can you?" The question was more for himself than it was for her.

"Okay.... You're joking now aren't you?" Her looked her right in the eyes. She saw a flash and for a split second she could see the countless times he had done it before. Not one person had ever heard it. "How?"

"I don't know." His words were quiet. When she looked back into his eyes she could just about see his mind racing. Her breath just about caught in her throat at the information that was racing into her mind. When he broke eye contact, she teetered and he carefully caught her. "Don't.... Do that." His words soft for the first time. "I.... When my minds racing I can't control it. Whatever you do. Don't look into my eyes when that happens again." When she nodded he took a careful step away from her. "A-Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Kyle." Her shaky tone wasn't convincing. He went to reach out for her and then stopped himself. Her eyes were on his outstretched fingertips that hesitantly retreated. Slowly her eyes trailed back to his. "I'm alright." He hesitantly nodded. After a few seconds she worked up the courage to ask what she had wanted. "Why did you want to go for a walk?"

"Because I'm still trying to figure you out." His hands tucked back into his pockets. "You aren't like everyone else, not that you didn't know that but.... I can read just about anyone. Figure out what triggers them, what controls them. You.... Only thing I've figured out is that your anger is what controls you."

"Can you teach me how to control it?" Kyle looked over at Julia for a moment. "I.... I need your help." She finally admitted. Slowly he nodded.

"I will try." He said quietly. "Least you finally got the hardest part out of the way." Carefully he caught her arm when she tried to continue down the dark road. "Look. Use your eyes little...." He stopped when her head snapped towards him. "I'm sorry. I'm just used to calling people what they are."

"If you call me it then can I call you a Bravehart?" His jaw tensed slightly before he shook his head. "Why not?"

"Because I'm not a Bravehart." The words pained him to say and she could tell. "I was. Fuck. As a kid I was a Lionhart like Toni, or so they all thought." Kyle sucked in a breath as he looked over Julia. "They call me a Darkhart."

"What the fuck does that mean?" Julia had never heard the term before. Most people hadn't.

"You know how the Craven try to control the darkness?" She nodded before he stopped her from walking. "You ever seen how many of them it takes to control it?" She shook her head. "Takes more than you'd think." He said quietly. "But for me...."

Julia turned her head towards Kyle as his words turned to a whistle. Slowly as he whistled a familiar tune the darkness began to circle them. Just as she started to reach out he stopped and the darkness disappeared.

"You're drawn to it aren't you?" He questioned before she slowly nodded. "I bloody hope you're not what I think you are." Julia was staring at Kyle.

"What do you think I am?" Before he could answer she saw him looking behind her.

"Julia...." His tone had turned serious. "Run."

"I'm not running." She said before she turned around and saw what he saw. There was a cloak of darkness approaching them.

"Then scream." Kyle could tell Julia was hesitating. His hand came up to her back pressing against it before a comforting warmth spread along her body. "Julia. Scream." The moment she did the curtain of darkness was thrown backwards and dispersed.

Julia collapsed into him. Carefully Kyle scooped her smaller form up. Before he could even open the door to the apartment Anna was trying to grab her from him.

"Don't do that...." He tried to warn Anna but he was a second too late. The second she touched Julia her knees folded. Carefully he helped Anna back to her feet before he got Julia to the couch. Kyle set Julia down before quickly grabbing Anna's arm. Once they were in the other room her quickly spoke.

"I know what she is."

Dark Hart (Julia Hart x OC)Where stories live. Discover now