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Both Anna and Julia exchanged a glance when they heard a knock at their apartment door. Neither had been expecting anyone. Anna was the first to move. As she looked through the peephole in the door she let out a breath.

"You know you have a phone...." Anna said as she opened the door. Kyle laughed.

"I do. But yous know I don't like to use it." When he walked in she pulled him into a hug. "You alright?"

"Just felt a bit uneasy all day." He nodded as he lightly squeezed her side.

"I've felt the same way." He said quietly. His eyes met Julia's as he carefully pulled away from Anna.

"Nothings going to happen. You both need to relax." Anna rolled her eyes while Kyle nodded at the blondes words. "Any other reasons why you're here?"

"Was going to see if you were ready to learn.... But I could just go. Let yous fend for yourself." Anna hit him in the stomach causing him to laugh.

"You could never." He chuckled as he nodded at the brunettes words.

"Very true." He commented. "You feeling alright?" He asked Julia as he carefully studied her.

"I...." Their eyes met and she knew there was no lying. "I just feel a bit under the weather." Though it had been nearly two weeks since she had taken away Kyle's pain and everyone still had been worried about Julia's wellbeing. When Anna's head snapped towards her Julia rolled her eyes. "I'm fine."

"Don't get bitchy with me." Anna responded before Kyle carefully took a step towards Julia.

"What's going on?" Julia's eyes met Kyle's. "Oh...." The words came out quietly as she silently told him that it was that time of the month. "Alright well then.... You can learn another day. For now.... Yous wanna show me some more movies?" Anna and Kyle exchanged a glance before he saw both women nod. Anna was the first to move back towards the couch. When he noticed Julia's hesitation, he carefully moved closer to her. For the first time his hand gently moved to her chin before their eyes met. "You sure you're alright?"

"I just...." She sighed before he felt her move closer to him. Without any hesitation his arms wrapped around her in a gentle hug.

"Need a hug?" She nodded. "Anything you want to talk about?" She shook her head. "Just don't feel well?" Another nod. "Cold?" When she nodded she could feel his comforting warmth spread across her body. "You could've called."

"Why? Would you really come from Florida just to give me a hug?" He chuckled as he nodded.

"You realize how easy it is for me now?" She shook her head causing him to lightly laugh. "The pain stopped me from controlling it all. Any time I would try and control it it would eat away at me and I'd feel more and more pain.... Now. I don't feel a thing. I.... I was able to see my mum and baby sister for the first time in years because I wasn't afraid to pop over there like I have been for years. All you've got to do is say the word and I will be here Julia. I promise you that." Her arms tightened around him. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I.... I just...." She truly didn't know what she wanted to say. "It's been weird without you."

"I-I've felt the same way." He said quietly. The past two weeks they had barely seen each other and both had felt off. Neither knew why but it was how they felt.

"If you two are going to start making out give me warning so I can leave." Anna commented causing Kyle to laugh.

"Would you bug off you wanker." The words made both Julia and Anna laugh.

"Come on Kyle." He nodded at Julia's words before she gently released him. By the time he sat down on the couch he had both of them curling into him. As Anna's arms loosely wrapped around his bicep, his other arm carefully moved around Julia's midsection. She instantly curled into him her face burying into his shirt. After a few minutes they both could tell she had fallen asleep.

"Has she slept at all?" Kyle asked Anna quietly.

"Not unless it was forced. I.... I don't know why. She's not lying when she says she doesn't feel any pain. She just.... Isn't sleeping." Anna was watching Julia. "It's almost like she doesn't feel safe. I don't know."

"I.... I've had that same feeling. I've been able to sleep but.... I don't know." Her hand gently ran along his arm.

"You think it's because you two have been apart?" He sighed as he relaxed even more into the cushions carefully bringing Julia with him.

"I don't know honestly. I feel like it might have a part in it but I don't know. I can't help but think it's something else. Like there's something coming...." He admitted before he felt the blonde curl into him even more. Her arms wound tightly around his midsection as her face buried into him.

"You know 'Raya would say something if she saw it." He nodded.

"That's if she sees it. I know things have been easier for her since but she still can't dive into the future like others can." Anna looked at him for a moment.

"Have you seen anything that she hasn't?" His eyes were trained to the tv even though it had been paused. "Kyle...?"

"I-I...." Her hand came up and tried to force him to look at her but he fought it.

"Kyle...." Finally she got his head to turn so their eyes could meet and her breath got caught in her throat as she saw what he had. "M-Malakai...?" The words came in a stutter.

"I-I.... My visions they aren't always what's going to happen. I swear sometimes my visions are just what they want me to see not what actually is going to happen but that was the most vivid vision I've had. I-I hope it's not right. I-I'm going to make sure that it doesn't happen but Anna...." She leaned into him as she gently squeezed his bicep.

"We will keep her safe. No matter what." Kyle's arm gently slipped from her grasp before it gently wound around her. As Anna got a light hug from him she couldn't help her sigh.

"Just if it does happen I need you to keep her away from it all. I know that she's going to fight you on it but you and Toni have to get her as far away from them as you can." She looked up at him.

"But what about you Kyle? You can't function without Toni." He chuckled softly as he squeezed her.

"I can now. I'm sure I'll need her after it all but if we're keeping them away and making sure what I saw doesn't happen the last thing I need to do is worry about where she is and what's happening with her. Until she learns how to control it all properly...." Anna's hand gently ran along his thigh as she knew where he was going.

"She's only going to hinder you not help." He let out a slow breath as he nodded.

"She's already helped me more than she'll ever know. For now yous just need to stay safe while we keep them back. Trust me when I say it'll take what they don't have to get past us. Nothing will touch any of yous if I have my way." Anna couldn't help the fact that she leaned up and her lips pressed to his cheek. When they did she could hear his breath catch in his throat.

That's when she saw the same vision he was having. His previous vision had changed to a different outcome. However this one was far worse. As Kyle's entire body tensed, Anna had to all but pry herself away from him. His head snapped towards her.

"A-Anna.... W-we c-can't...." As shaky as her hands were they moved to carefully cup his face. Anna's meant every bit of her next words.

"It's not going to happen Kyle."

Dark Hart (Julia Hart x OC)Where stories live. Discover now