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Kyle had been silent the entire ride to Julia and Anna's next show. Anna could see Julia's fingers tapping along the armrest. The blonde always hated the silence.

"Kyle...." They could both hear him let out a breath. "Why are you so quiet?"

"Because I've never slept that well in my life and I'm trying to figure out how." His eyes were still looking out the window avoiding looking at Julia. "I.... Thank you.... But I just don't get it." Anna had seen what kept him up at night. The dreams he would have brought back all of the pain he had experienced during his time with the Craven.

"Why..." Anna stopped Julia.

"Don't ask him that question." Kyle's eyes met Anna's in the mirror and he silently thanked her.

"Anna did you...?" The brunette nodded. "Why would you...?"

"It's okay Julia." He could tell the blonde was getting annoyed that Anna had dove into his past. "She.... Needed to know."

"Julia do not ask him to do that. Let him do it on his own." Anna could see Julia gearing up to ask him a question but she stopped it. "He will tell you. You just.... Need to give him time." Julia slowly nodded before Anna could see Kyle relax back into his chair.

"So are either one of you wrestling tonight?" He asked as he once more got comfortable in his chair. "Toni said she was...."

"Honestly I don't know." Anna said with a laugh. "We usually get told the day of if we're being used for something."

"Have you ever wrestled?" Julia asked. He chuckled lightly.

"I did when I was younger. Before all of this. Now.... I wouldn't risk it.... So I just live through Toni." Julia looked back at him and could see him staring staring out the window.

"You miss it?" He shrugged.

"I do and I don't.... It takes me back to when I was a kid.... But...." He paused not wanting to continue his previous statement. "I will bump with Toni and Saraya when they let me. Just wish 'Raya would let me try and help her neck."

"What...?" Julia started but stopped when Anna looked over at her for a moment.

"Ask. It's fine." They both knew he was speaking under his own power.

"What happened to her neck? She's never really said to us." It was Anna that asked the question even though she knew.

"She.... When...." His voice was shaking. Discreetly Julia reached back her hand just barely connecting with Kyles jean covered leg. She could almost instantly feel him press more into her palm. "When I escaped.... They hunted me for the longest time. They knew where I was at just about every turn like they do. I.... I went searching for Toni after their fourth failed attempt to get me back. Figured at that point it should be safe because I thought they would've learned. Everything was quiet for the longest time until Toni started with All Elite. I.... Somehow they saw me at a show and the next one they were there.... Saraya.... She got Toni away but.... She came back for me." He stopped as his eyes closed. They both knew the words pained him to say.

"I.... They saw what Saraya could do. So they tried to take her...." Julia could feel his leg shaking. "W-When I tried to stop them.... I-I couldn't control it. One of them had her by the back of the neck. When I...." He cleared his throat as his voice cracked. "When I got her away from them they had left their mark on her neck. I.... It.... Ever since then she hasn't been the same. I don't know if either of yous knew her before then but.... She wasn't as driven by the darkness. I.... I've heard of one way of removing their mark. I tried it on myself because I have so many. It.... Worked. But it's her neck...." Carefully Julia squeezed his leg getting his words to stop.

"She doesn't blame you for that...." Anna said carefully. Kyle slowly nodded at her words.

"I know. She never would." His eyes were on Julia's hand as her thumb carefully moved along his knee. They were silent for the longest time the only noise coming from the radio. As the sons changed Kyle spoke up. "Mind turning this up. Don't think I've ever heard it...." Both Julia and Anna looked back at him.

"You've never heard this?" Julia asked before he looked at her confused and shook his head.

"I.... Why?" Kyle asked confused.

"This song is from like 2010...." Anna replied before it hit her. "You...."

"Honestly haven't heard much music." He said quietly.

"You haven't really done much have you?" Julia asked before he shook his head.

"What is something you've never done but have always wanted to do?" Anna asked, knowing what Julia's next question would be.

"Top of the list would probably be an amusement park or a concert. Never been to either." Both women exchanged a glance.

"Oh.... We're taking you to both." Anna said before he lightly chuckled.

"Fine by me. You've just gotta deal with Toni...." Anna laughed before nodding.

"Can do." She replied. Kyle could see Julia about to speak and he stopped her.

"Before you ask.... Toni has been that protective of me since I found my way back to her. Not that it's a bad thing. She keeps me in check but it does get suffocating at times. But I would rather have that then be back there." Gently Julia squeezed his leg and he could almost instantly feel a calm energy wash over him.

"Is this the first time you've been without Toni since...?" Kyle nodded at Julia's words.

"Was honestly surprised when she didn't insist on coming with us.... But I think she trusts you enough to know that if I start to lose control you can put me out...." He said while looking at Anna.

"She trusts you too." The brunette responded earning a chuckle from him.

"She does to a point.... It's just. I don't want to hurt her. When I lose control.... It hurts her more than it hurts me." When Julia looked back at Kyle his hand carefully came up before he squeezed her shoulder. The little action told her everything. She had been keeping his pain away.

"Alright back to what we were talking about...." Anna said redirecting the conversation.

"The beach.... Haven't been since I was a kid. Went back to Australia to visit my mum and baby sister but never made it to the beach." Julia looked back at him for a moment. He could tell she was trying to figure something out but she couldn't. "Just ask."

"How old are you?" Kyle chuckled. "Because you can't be as old as I think you are."

"Twenty three."

Dark Hart (Julia Hart x OC)Where stories live. Discover now