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Julia's hand carefully landed along Kyle's arm when she noticed just how tense he was. When his head snapped towards her, she could just about see the terror in his eyes.

"Kyle...." Her voice was quiet. "Show me." He let out a breath and she could see him try to fight her words but she knew he couldn't. Their eyes met and she was shown the vision him and Anna had seen. "I-Is.... Is that tonight?" He slowly nodded. "Kyle.... That's not going to happen."

"I-I hope so." He said quietly. "I-I need you to do something tonight...." She nodded at his words knowing that he rarely asked her to do anything but when he did he was serious. "When you go out.... Actually sing the song. Don't mouth it." She gave him a questioning look. "Just trust me please." She nodded before she carefully pulled him into a hug. "Promise me you'll stay with Brody and Anna no matter what." The words came as he returned the embrace.

"Kyle...." She could hear him let out a breath.

"Please Julia." Her arms tightened around him as she reluctantly nodded.

"Kris will protect me too." He nodded.

"I know she will." She could hear him take in a breath. "No matter what you're going to be alright." One of her hands threaded in his hair as she hugged him tighter.

"So will you Kyle." He slowly nodded. As much as Julia had wanted to stay in the embrace she could see Brody making his way towards them.

"It's time." Brody's voice was calm as the two carefully separated. His eyes met the younger man's before they exchanged a nod. They both knew what they had to do tonight. "Shall we little one?" Julia looked over at Kyle before reluctantly nodding. For the first time since they had known each other Brody took a step forward his hand landing along the other man's shoulder before he spoke quietly. "I've got her. But I've also found a few others to help you." The two men exchanged a glance and Julia could tell Brody was showing Kyle who he had meant.

"Thank you." The words came quietly from the younger man before the two wrestlers were called into their position. Just as her entrance started Julia looked over towards Kyle who had Toni and Saraya quietly talking to him. Their eyes met for a moment and Julia could feel his calming warmth surround her. She took a deep breath before walking out.

Kyle's breath caught in his throat as he heard her begin to sing the entrance music. Saraya's hand carefully steadied him as she saw him slightly teeter.

"Bloody hell her call." Toni's words came as she saw all of the people backstage get drawn towards the multiple tv's that had been backstage. "I hope this works 'Raya." She said quietly as she saw Kyle completely in a trance. "He can't...."

"It's not going to happen. I promise you Toni." Saraya said carefully. The blonde nodded before Kyle finally snapped out of his trance. "Kyle...?"

"I'm good." Toni's hand landed carefully along his arm confirming his words. "I just...."

"It's gonna work." Anna said quietly as she carefully approached them.

"I hope so." Kyle's words were quiet as they all saw his hands begin to shake. Without any hesitation Anna's hand discreetly slipped into his stopping the shaking momentarily. Her thumb carefully ran along his knuckles as Ruby Soho and Eddie Kingston approached.

"What's up little fucker? Ready to fuck some people up?" The second the words slipped from Ruby's mouth she could see the three women across from her all but glare at her. "Lighten up idiots. We all know nothings happening to anyone except for them figuring out why you don't fuck with this family." Ruby's eyes met Kyle's and he immediately felt a rush of confidence. "Y'all aren't in this alone. We're going to head outside and keep an eye out. I'll let y'all know if we see anything." Toni flashed her a quick smile before nodding. Ruby and Eddie turned on their heels before doing as she had said.

"They're so stupid for trying this shit tonight." For the first time the three women heard the confidence return to Kyle's voice. That was when his head all but snapped towards one of the screens in front of him as he saw Brody carrying what looked to be a lifeless Julia towards the back.

"It's part of the story. She's fine." Anna quietly reassured him.

"Yous wanna let me know next time...?" Toni laughed at his words before hitting his shoulder lightly.

"Lighten up Ky. I never tell you anything about my matches. They're not going to either. But you of all people should know that what happens out there is all part of our character. Back here is where the real shit plays out." He nodded at her words before they could all see Julia happily jump out of Brody's arms. There was a smile along her face as she talked with Tony Kahn and Kris about the match.

For a quick moment Julia's eyes met Kyle's, it was then that they both were instantly calmed. When Anna saw the blondes eyes flick lower catching the fact that she was still holding his hand. She almost immediately let go of his hand seeing the slight hurt in Julia's eyes. As the blonde approached Anna could see blue eyes trained to her.

'He was nervous and shaking. Relax Julia.' Anna got the words into Julia's mind and could see the smaller woman's eyes flick over to Kyle. His hands pushed into his pockets as his eyes met the younger blondes.

"Anything change for anyone?" Julia asked quietly earning a reluctant shake of Kyle's head. Saraya however nodded causing the blondes head to snap towards her.

"I really don't want to say what I saw." The British woman said quietly. When Kyle looked towards her Saraya instantly avoided any eye contact. "Look it's not bad but I don't want to fucking jinx it." He let out a breath before slowly nodding his gaze going back to Julia who was still carefully watching him. "Alright you need to change because trust me when I say that is the last thing you want to be in tonight. Then we need to get this all rolling. If we can get yous out of here before they get here we might just be able to get away with not having to deal with them." The young blonde didn't even hesitate to nod before she quickly dashed off towards the locker room to change. Anna stared down the hallway for a moment before she quickly followed Julia.

That was when they all heard an ear piercing scream.

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