Blazing Beginning chapter 1

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:Rachel: the day started like any other day waking up to feeling the sun's warmth getting ready to start the school day it was indeed like any other day. But lately I've been feeling distant with it all living day to day with such a tedious routine the vast blue sky I loved to gaze at slowly turned into a grey dull color. Something in my life was missing but I don't know what...perhaps the seeking of adventure the excitement my life needed for this dull colorless world of mine the only thing that somewhat excites me is when I start writing poems in my kids we were told to do well in school so you can have a good job maybe get married have children of your own but is that all there is to life work, eat, sleep, survive, repeat living such a life would definitely drive anyone insane when there heart yearns for something greater.

:Narrator: a girl seeking something more in her heart living a life of mediocre and mundane routine how does she really feel Rachel doesn't really have friends she felt emotionally distant when it comes to others she could easily read the emotions of others but find it difficult to read her own it was tiring all while living such a life without any meaning or purpose. While the school day progressed she would usually go to the rooftop and eat there alone she spends her time basking in the sun's warmth until she dozed off waking up shortly after she realized she was sleeping for too long she stood up and grabbed her bag but before leaving she took a moment to gaze in the sun's light and warmth one final time until she looked up seeing something shiny. A bright blue looking star that was seeming to be falling and it traveled right in her direction like it was gliding across the sky Rachel was captivated by the sudden sight and finally remembered.

:Rachel: what...what is that it's glowing I remember that in this morning news there would be sighting of some kind of comet that only appears once every century articles, myths, rumors, and legends talk about that comet I can say it is interesting but I never really believed in it now that im seeing it with my own eyes it's...beautiful a bright blue colored star moving across the sky like that and for some reason it seems like it's headed right towards me.

:Narrator: Rachel was stunned by what she was seeing and even more stunned that this blazing star was headed right for her. The closer it got the warmer her body started to feel in fact it felt like the whole area around her was heating up she looked up into the sky as this blue star slowly descended down. she wasn't afraid of it she felt it's warmth rather comforting so on instinct she reached her hands out it was right in reach to simply grab it but not before this blue star suddenly spoke to her.

:Blazing star: you...lost child I've seen within your heart your utter soul the feeling of loss...the feeling of dread the feeling of unwantedness within this world your heart burns of wasted passion your soul is fickle like a flame in the blizzard cold I have chosen you let me ignite the flame In your soul and melt away the this icy pain will you accept me and if so say it out loud.

:Rachel: i-its talking to me this can't be real it must be some kind of dream but this warmth it's words...feel all too familiar.

:Narrator: without a second thought Rachel accepted this proposal she was too captivated in what she had just seen and heard all of a sudden she felt the heat in her body increase as the blue star shined brightly and engulfed her in blue flames swirling wildly around her body it sparkled at this point she started to panic and yell

:Rachel: w-what is this?! What's going on what's happening to me!! My chest feels really hot

:narrator: confused and continued to yell she looked at her hands as they seemingly started to break down within the flame but it was strange she felt no pain none whatsoever the swirling blue flame twisted around her body until she along with the flame has vanished only leaving behind her bag and a scorching ring were she once stood.

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